An easy method to clean your dog’s teeth – ( here is a step-by-step, super easy plan – only $7 ) cleaning dogs teeth – is it very hard, and why is is important
An Easy Method To Clean Your Dog’s Teeth – ( Here is a step-by-step, super easy plan – only $7 )
Cleaning dogs teeth – is it very hard, and why is is important? I’ll answer those questions in this article. First, let’s examine why it is so important to be regularly cleaning your dogs teeth. Did you know that dental problems, including halitosis (bad breath) are the number one disease condition in dogs? Did you also know that it is sadly the most under-treated problem in dogs today?
The sad fact it, most dog owners simply don’t’ want to keep their dog’s teeth clean. They think it is going to be too much trouble, and it would be a big hassle. Well, I don’t think that is thinking like a responsible dog owner. You need regular dental care, why shouldn’t your dog? In fact, dogs need it more! Plaque builds up on a dog’s teeth within only 72 hours of ingesting food. So to be effective, you have to brush at least that often.
The other reason why cleaning dogs teeth is so important: long-term health and longevity. As I stated before, this is the number one health condition – and it can be very detrimental or even fatal to your dog. As plaque forms in your dog’s mouth, it turns to tartar – stubborn deposits of bacteria and residue. You can see it clearly on the incisor teeth of most older dogs. Drooling, gingivitis, halitosis and infection set in. Also, the bacteria begin to attack the gum and bone tissue that holds the teeth in place, and once this periodontal disease becomes prevalent, your dog’s teeth begin to loosen and fall out.
Your dog will live longer, be happier and more pleasant to be around if you simply make the commitment to clean the dogs teeth regularly. It’s not really that hard, if you take the right approach. The cleaning cost at a vet under anesthetic can be hundreds of dollars – doesn’t it make sense to invest in a little preventative care? I promise your dog will love to have his teeth brushed after you have introduced him to it properly.
Here is how to do it – (Click here for a easy to follow plan – only $7 )
You will need a step-by-step plan to introduce the dog to the process over time. Cleaning dogs teeth is not hard or expensive – you need dog-specific toothpaste (don’t use human toothpaste- it’s dangerous to your dog!) and a soft-bristle toothbrush. There are long-handled dog brushes, but a soft regular brush will do as well.
Take a slow, steady approach and introduce the dog to the process over several weeks. If you have a puppy, it’s a no-brainer; puppies will love it. Be careful though, puppy teeth are temporary – your aim is to just get him used to the process of cleaning the young dogs teeth. If your dog is an adult, it is going to take a bit of time, but soon your dog will begin to look forward to the brushing sessions.
Cleaning dogs teeth is easy – once you and your dog get the hang of it. And it is so important for the long-term health of your dog. Be a responsible pet owner and take care of your dog’s dental health, starting today.
A devoted dog owner does everything humanly possible to ensure their dogs hygiene
A devoted dog owner does everything humanly possible to ensure their dogs hygiene. However, one area that bewilders dog owners is how to brush my dogs teeth?
Why Brush A Dog’s Teeth?
Dogs suffer from a variety of tooth problems, just like their owners:
1. Loose teeth
2. Abscess teeth
3. Cavities
4. Periodontal disease
The common symptom of periodontal disease is bad breath. In fact, 98% of all dogs with bad breath suffer from periodontal disease. If there is a delay in treatment, the bacterial infection can develop and spread to the dog’s kidney, liver, heart and brain.
Thus, it becomes important to brush the dogs teeth.
Steps In Brushing A Dog’s Teeth:
Many dog owners take their dogs to the vet for a regular teeth cleaning. Many vets offer medical plans for pets that include this important routine. Usually they will put the dog to sleep or medicate the dog to avoid bites. This is safer for the dog and the vet. However, if you cannot afford to do this and/or choose to do it yourself, below are the steps to take in cleaning your dog’s teeth.
1. Allow a vet to check the dog’s teeth before brushing. Otherwise, brushing may be painful, and it will associate brushing with pain.
2. The dog needs to be used to the owner checking its mouth regularly. Reward the dog for cooperation.
3. Get a pet dental kit from a pet store. It needs to have a pet toothbrush, pet toothpaste and a finger toothbrush that the owner can wear on a finger and brush the dog’s teeth.
4. Human toothpaste is not edible and dogs are likely to swallow toothpaste. Therefore, try to buy beefy flavored toothpaste that the dog can enjoy. In addition, avoid toothpastes with detergents, salt or baking soda. Instead, try to buy toothpastes containing fluoride and enzymes, as they are good for dogs’ teeth.
5. Ease in the brushing process. On day one, merely wipe the dog’s teeth with gauze. Later, adapt the pet to warm water brushing. Finally, add toothpaste.
6. To brush the dog’s teeth, place the brush bristles at a 45-degree angle to the teeth, at the border where the teeth meet the gums. Gently, move the brush in an oval motion, to complete ten back-and-forth motions. Then, move the brush to cover at least 3-4 teeth at a time.
7. Remember to brush the dogs teeth all the way to the back, which is where most problems develop.
Other Important Tips:
A dog’s dental hygiene will not be flawless, if you only brush the dog’s teeth. Try some of these tips to ensure a good dental health for the dog:
1. To avoid the onset of periodontal disease, take the dog to a vet for regular checks.
2. Vets can also clean the teeth occasionally to remove tartar deposits.
3. Feed hard foods to the dog or give bones or hard toys to chew on.
These are certain systematic ways of avoiding dental problems, but do not forget to brush your dog’s teeth regularly.
A lot of people who have dogs, suffer dogs’ behavior problems
A lot of people who have dogs, suffer dogs’ behavior problems. Some people hire super trainers with hope that afterwards they will see a great change in their beloved pet. Very often after good spent money and lost time dog is not really further. The point is that 99% of trainers’ methods are ineffective. Besides, your dear dog’s nervous system gets damaged. There are enough opportunities nowadays to find a common language with your dog and to start understanding each other.
The main key to solve by yourself the problem with your pet is to let him understanding Your language. Because dogs speak DOG’s language. They are born like that. You have to teach them Yours language. The method SitStayFetch , which is one of the most popular nowadays, gives best results in this direction. It takes time, it needs a great patience, but it solves your problem.
Remember, the real obedience of your dog is in each day exercises.
You take a high responsibility when you take a decision to have a dog and it is logical that each dog needs a good training.
A lot of people start complain that their dog jumps on everyone, shows the aggression towards other dogs, doesn’t walk calm on the street, it is impossible to take him anywhere, he barks at home no end and a lot of other things. Do you ever asked yourself why it is like that, and what YOU did wrong? Because it is exactly your mistake. You didn’t find a common language.
When you know the reason, why your dog behaves like this and that, you will find the best key to your friend. Always try to understand the reason, what stands really behind disobedience of your dog. It is very important.
I know a couple, which has an old cat, but they decided to have also a dog. And, of course, some problems appeared very quick. They tried SitStayFetch program, and their pets now are able to eat calm together, and they are best friends. I talk once again about this course, because it really provides great results.
I have a dog, who was scared of his own shadow, and it was quite difficult to go for a walk with him. He had a very unexpected behavior. Besides, he is so big (his father is an English dog), that each time he pulled the lead I was close to fall down. I took me certain time to train him by SitStayFetch methods, and he improved much in his behavior (he is 10 years old) and improves each day, because we keep on going each day. It is very visible that he likes it by himself. A LOT OF headaches are gone.
A lot of people don’t believe that it is possible to teach something an old dog. They think that if you didn’t train him from puppy’s age, the chance is gone and it is too difficult now. And I must tell you. that it is not true. You can teach and train your dog at any age. I checked it on my own experience. Your friend will be only thankful. You will start feeling that you get a real soul mate, because you speak the same language.
It is possible to teach your dog at any age to stop barking, to stop pulling on the lead, to stop jumping up and a lot of other things.
If you are looking for that, have a look here:
I wish you to improve your relationship with your dog.
So now you’ve purchased some tropical fish
So now you’ve purchased some tropical fish. You’ve made sure you have selected healthy fish and you have done your homework to make sure the fish that you have will go together.
Your fish should have been packed in a plastic bag with oxygen and then put into a dark bag or polystyrene box to keep the heat in.
You should try and buy fish no longer than a couple of hours away. Fish can last over 24 hours if packed right but the longer you keep them in transit the more stress they go through. You should try and keep stress to a minimum to make sure the fish remain healthy.
Once you get them home you should float the bags in the water and then open the bags up. This will help equalize the temperature between the water in the tank and the water in the bag. You should also keep adding little bits of tank water to the bag. Add just a little and then leave for five minutes before adding more. This will help acclimatize the fish to the water chemistry of the tank and even the ph and water hardness out.
After doing this for about 20 to 30 minutes you should then gently release the fish to the tank and let them swim out of the bag on there own. Then you should leave them with the aquarium light on overnight. This will reduce stress because the fish can see where they are swimming and there surroundings and they will also see that there are no predators around.
You should not feed them for around 24 hours to let them settle in and then over the next few days only feed sparingly. It will take them a couple of days to get used to the tank and feeding.
It is a good technique to add the smallest and weakest fish to the tank first. This will prevent bullying in the aquarium between the fish. Please follow these keeps to keep the stress of your new tropical fish to a minimum. This will help the fish settle in faster and in the end cause you less stress.
If your dog is about fifteen weeks old or more than that, then he should not be having this habit of biting or nipping
If your dog is about fifteen weeks old or more than that, then he should not be having this habit of biting or nipping. A lot of dog owners are still striving to curtail this issue of biting of their dogs which are more than fifteen weeks old, such that most of them have gone to the extent of putting a muzzle over their dogs mouth in order to deal with the biting. Before your dog reaches fifteen weeks, you should give appropriate training and basic common commands so that it stops this irritating habit of mouthing. However, if this habit persists or you have taken in a dog that is over 15 weeks old or the dog is new to its home, you can try out the following to make it stop biting the hand and fingers.
a) The very first thing to do to curb this habit is to stop immediately all the dog games involving rough play. Whenever a new puppy or dog is in the home, we generally play games like wrestling and tug-of-war which are sadly not good for the dogs. As, if the dog still bites, it is imperative to stop the above game activities. These games send a wrong signal to the dog that it is okay to indulge in rough play with anyone whenever it wishes. You need to be extremely cautious not to let your dog become hostile to young kids and strangers.
b) It may be okay to allow gentle and soft biting from the puppies which are still very young. But for dog over 15 weeks, biting of all forms should stop at all cost, even if it is a simple harmless nibble on your hand or finger tips. You need to stop the dog by commanding it to stop biting firmly and at once take away your arm.
c) You can try out a method that will shock your pet dog to refrain from biting. This method is quite harmless and involves a spray bottle by which you can spray water quickly on the head or body of the dog while it is biting or nibbling. This shall startle the dog to stop this habit. This ploy is very effective and is many times the only thing needed to stop this mouthing issue.
d) A method of putting across your message is through disciplinary and firm commands. It can be applied to puppies or dogs of all ages and for all purposes too. Hence, whenever you feel the dog is going to bite your hand, it is okay to quickly say firmly and loudly No Bite! command to your dog while staring at the dog. You need to remember two things while using this method. Firstly, you should not say the command loudly such that the dog gets scared and misses the point. Secondly, you should stare at the dog for sometime only as you are trying to make the dog focus on you. If you stare for long, the dog will think that you are confronting it.