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postheadericon Alongside a fully functional cage, dog beds are perhaps one of the most vital pieces of dog-owning kit, providing your pooch with a comfortable and safe place to rest

Alongside a fully functional cage, dog beds are perhaps one of the most vital pieces of dog-owning kit, providing your pooch with a comfortable and safe place to rest. No matter what size, shape, age or breed, every dog needs a place to call their own, a place to retreat to when he/she needs to get away from it all.

Nevertheless, every dog has its own individual requirements when it comes to sleeping arrangements, so take the time to consider your dog’s personality and favourite activities before you commit to buying a new bed. If your dog is the ‘outdoorsy’ type, enjoying frolicking in the mud or working as a gundog, then a waterproof and wipe clean plastic bed could be the most practical option. Whilst this type of bed may seem a little uncomfortable, remember that you can add a washable mattress or thick towel into the bed that can easily be removed and provide that extra bit of comfort for your peace of mind.

From fleece, to suede and cord, soft dog beds come in a variety of materials and are ideal for those that like to pamper their dog. Coming in a range of sizes and colours, soft dog beds can be tailored to fit in with your home furnishings, providing a doggy extension to the home. Smaller donut styles are ideal for smaller dogs, whilst snuggle beds with sides, are perfect for medium to larger sized canine friends.

Innovations in mattress technology have also provided pet stores with the ability to produce memory foam beds for dogs – ideal for older canines with arthritic changes. Fitting perfectly to your dogs shape, these beds can provide a high level of support for dogs suffering with ailments such as sore backs or respiratory issues.

Well we couldn’t end the article without talking about boutique, designer dog beds. If your companion enjoys the luxury in life, then a four poster or princess castle dog bed could be just the ticket. Whilst this type of bed is normally reserved for toy breeds, when purchased sensibly they can provide a fun and stylish place to sleep for a spoilt dog.

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