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postheadericon Solve the bark problem

Solve the Bark Problem!

Don’t let excessive or chronic barking disturb the peace in your home. There are many ways to help control undesirable or excessive barking.

Dogs bark for many reasons. It is a natural behavior and primary method of communication. They bark to warn others or defend a territory, to seek attention or play, to identify themselves to another dog, or as a response to boredom, excitement, being startled, loneliness, anxiety, or teasing. Four proven methods to help you stop unwanted barking behaviors include:

1.     First, avoid the temptation to reinforce your dog’s bark. Do not give verbal reassurance, a treat, or physical attention to a barking dog.

2.     Minimize your dog’s barking with proper and consistent training. In addition, try using a calming pheromone spray in your pet’s environment.

3.     Train your pet to respond to a one-word command, such as “Enough.” During training, divert his attention from the barking and sternly say “Enough.” If he stops barking, reward him with a great treat. Only give the treat if your dog stops barking.

4.     Along with these other behavior modification techniques, you may try a bark collar, a training tool designed specifically to address habitual chronic barking. It gives your pet a warning tingle or mild static correction when he barks, which quickly trains your pet to avoid the behavior that initiates the correction.

Bark control is important in developing a dog that is obedient and able to relax. Your success in this area will create a more harmonious home. Solve your bark problem!

postheadericon Question – is there really such a thing as urinary tract health cat food, one that will make a difference to my cat’s health

Question – Is there really such a thing as urinary tract health cat food, one that will make a difference to my cat’s health?
Answer –  It depends on how advanced the disease is, what treatment has taken place up til now, how healthy your cat was before, how old you cat is and so forth. But if you don’t try, you’ll never know.

Q – So what is the best urinary tract health cat food?
A – You can never go past raw food as the best all round, healthy cat food, for any disease.

Q – My vet tells me that raw meat has worms and parasites which will exacerbate an already ailing cat.
A – Cats have evolved on raw food over millennia. Their digestive system can deal very effectively with any worms or parasites, when they are healthy. When they are not healthy, caution needs to be taken during the change over, to ensure it doesn’t become a problem.

Q – I have heard that the best urinary tract health cat food should be a low protein diet. Surely a raw diet is high in protein?
A – Cats have evolved on a high protein diet. I don’t believe you should reduce their protein intake. What I believe is at the heart of the problem here is the modern farming methods. The artificial fertilisers that are commonly used today upset the delicate mineral balance in farm animals. Address that and the high protein then isn’t a problem.

Q – Why is it so common for cats to develop renal failure?
A – The kidneys are cats weakest link. So getting into the habit of giving your cat the best and healthiest cat food from the start will ensure optimum health and life expectancy.

Q – Is it difficult to work out what the best urinary tract health cat food should be?
A – I’ve already done it for you, so all you have to do is follow in my footsteps.

Q – Is a good urinary tract health cat food expensive?
A – When I worked out the cost of the best cat food versus the highest priced dried or processed cat food, I found they came out at about the same. And look at the additional bonuses of a healthy cat, so fewer trips to the vet!

Q – Is it time consuming to this prepare diet? I work, so have limited time.
A – Once you’ve got your head around the concept, it’s really easy. Just make the change over slowly, so you and your cat get used to it gradually. I find that’s the best way of learning something new and guarantees you’ll find it easy to stick to.

Q – What about high ash? I’ve heard that’s not a good thing in cats with ailing kidneys. Shouldn’t a good urinary tract health cat food be low in ash?
A – High ash means high mineral levels. Again, I feel that comes down to bad farming methods putting the delicate mineral balance out of whack. Cats need minerals to be healthy, but they need them in a natural, balanced form. Quality, raw food is the best source.

Q – I’m a vegetarian. It would be difficult for me to prepare raw meat.
A – I totally understand your predicament, I am too. But cats need meat, they’re true carnivores. So if you want to give your cat the best chance in life, you’re going to have to get used to handling raw meat. Or get your partner to…

postheadericon Keeping healthy chickens is so much easier than you might have thought

Keeping healthy chickens is so much easier than you might have thought. There is such a wealth of information available that is so easy to access at the touch of a button and with the recent renewed worldwide interest, chicken keeping really is something to be experienced and the pleasure of eating fantastic tasting free range eggs laid by your own hens is not to be underestimated.

For a long time keeping chickens was not so much a hobby as a necessity, people lived on small holdings or farms, or were too remote from a store that they could not simply pop out to buy eggs. With eggs being so versatile and playing such an important role in our diet, keeping chickens was just something that you did and nobody paid much attention to it.

In these fast furious times we have moved away from taking simple pleasures in life but are gradually coming back around to realising that we have been missing out.

With intense chicken farming and the mass production of eggs needed to supply our constant demand, the industry really does not go anyway to cater for more the most basic needs of laying poultry’s welfare and this has been reflected in the quality and taste of eggs.

There is absolutely nothing to compare with the taste of organic, free range eggs laid by your own poultry. It has been shown that they contain one third less cholesterol and at least one quarter less saturated fat than caged produced hens eggs for a start.

If you are serious about keeping chickens, you will need to be able to address their specific needs but, they are very simple creatures and it only takes minimal effort on your part to keep them healthy, happy and producing tasty eggs.

The most important consideration is housing, not just the size of the coop but also where you decide to position it too. Chickens are susceptible to extremes of heat and cold so, to be able to supply adequate ventilation or heat depending on the weather is helpful. Obviously they need to be dry and protected from other elements such as wind or possibly snow. Above all, they need to feel safe from predators.

Your chickens will rely on you to provide them with the sustenance they need to produce good eggs and to enable them to maintain a healthy lifestyle. So, by giving them a balanced diet with the correct amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals this is easy to achieve.

Chicken keeping can be extremely rewarding, you have the benefits of a constant supply of fresh organic eggs that not only taste better than eggs bought from your local store with extra added health benefits, also you can be proud because you are keeping healthy chickens that are able to endlessly provide eggs for you.

Building a hen house can be simple and is great fun when you are given the correct information. They are practical, easy to assemble and will save you a fortune.

There are dozens of poultry related websites that claim to offer visitors great hen housing plans, but few sadly seem to offer little more than a single basic design. However one of the best chicken house design websites online that has been endorsed by hundreds of chicken breeders and owners worldwide so far contains a wealth of chicken data and related information that is well worth reviewing. (http://www.chickenhousekit.com)

postheadericon Dog obedience training

Dog Obedience Training

There are few things that are more frustrating than having an ill mannered,a ggressive dog around the house. Proper, early training will insure that you will not face what may become serious problems as the dog begins to mature. There is nothing funny about having a dog, big or small, trashing your home. Dog obedience training will help you to have a dog that behaves as it should, the way that you want it to behave. And, more importantly, because most dog problems are caused by owners that haven’t clue, it will train you to be a better doggy parent.

Step One

The first ingredient for effective dog obedience training to be effective is to build a solid and trusting relationship between dog and owner. And, before this can occur, a common language needs to be created. This can only be achieved when the dog obedience training that you are employing opens the way to learning, and provides you with the ability understand your pet and its needs.

Through dog obedience training you make sure that the animal always responds in a positive ways to your commands. The idea is to work with the dog in such a way as to ensure that the animal remains calm and will not develop anti-social behaviors. Exercises will help your pet create the best responses to stimuli and therefore, dog obedience training works for the benefit of both animal and adoptive family. Specific centers meet the requirements of dog owners who seek professional help in training their dogs. Though this is not commonly necessary if the owner understands the needs of the dog, and how to best address them.

Dog Training Methods

There are several types of dog obedience training; let’s have a look at the very basic ones. The most common and easy to put into practice are the reward-based and the leash training types. The latter is considered to belong to the traditional dog obedience training used at first in military facilities. For such practical purposes, the leash dog obedience training has more advantages than the food reward, since it finds better adaptation to the task or mission the animal has to face. The collars bring mild or even hard correction, yet, make sure that you don’t use it ineffectively.

The leash dog obedience training teaches the animal to obey to collar control. You will need to remember that the leash is just the first step into developing the skills to get the dog obey under no matter what circumstances and relying on other tools as well. This type of dog obedience training establishes the hierarchy or the leadership in the dog’s life and the relation you develop with the dog very much depends on this aspect. Now, let’s see how the reward dog obedience training system works. Commands given to the animal and properly executed are rewarded.
Thus, the pet associates a specific positive behavior with certain rewards, caresses, a toy or usually food. Behavior patterns develop along these lines as dog obedience training pursues a mutual understanding between pet and owner. Ridding a dog of wanted behaviors is best accomplished by never letting them happen in the first place if possible, but in the even that isn’t possible, say in the case of an adopted dog, more intense study is required. Some may decide to hire a professional in dog obedience training, but even here you have to be an active part in the process since you are the one to spend most time with the pet. Many find that learning how to do this on their own is much more rewarding.

postheadericon Many people most of the time travel

Many people most of the time travel. It’s not a great think but when you are traveling with your pet that time you need to concentrate more on your pet which may disturb you to enjoy your vacation.

If your pet is very young or old, or is ill, pregnant, injured recovering form surgery then avoid to take them with you as is such time they need more concentration and if you really wish to carry your pet in your vacation then consult with pet sitter rather than take a chance on injuring your pet by taking it with you. If you are in doubt, ask your veterinarian. If your pet has not traveled before, try a short overnight or weekend trip first.

Before you leave inform your veterinarian where you will be traveling to, for how long, as well as whether your pet will be traveling by air or car. Ask about any flea, heartworm, or tick risks for areas you will be traveling to. If your pet becomes carsick or restless when traveling, ask veterinarian about appropriate medications or treatments.

Many times while traveling it happen we get separated from our pet and they get panic so try to avoid such type of situation for traveling safely with your pet. Your pet should wear a safety collar all the time with a tag showing proof of rabies vaccination and your name address, phone number in case your pet becomes separated from you.

To take care of your pet when away from home try to keep fresh water available and don think of changing their die all of a sudden. Make sure your pet is accustomed to the crate before you begin your trip.

Anna Josephs is a freelance journalist having experience of many years writing articles and news releases on various topics such as pet health, automobile and social issues. She also has great interest in poetry and paintings, hence she likes to write on these subjects as well. Currently writing for this website Pet health care information. For more details please contact at annajosephs@gmail.com