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postheadericon Bringing your pet in to thailand the following requirements apply if you plan to bring your cat or dog into thailand for 6 months or more by air as part of your accompanied baggage

Bringing your pet in to Thailand

The following requirements apply if you plan to bring your cat or dog into Thailand for 6 months or more by air as part of your accompanied baggage.

1)      Obtain an authorization to import your pet by air. This can be done at Don Muang International Airport in Bangkok.

2)      At the airport you would need to :

–         Obtain an authorization form allowing to transit animals via Thailand.

–         Fill out an application form for special importation.

Please be advised that you may be required to pay fees for the above applications as well as import duties on your pet. Import duties are waived if your pet will be in Thailand for less than 6 months, but you will need to fill out a guarantee form and pay a deposit at the airport.

Other requirements

1)      Entry certificate signed in the country of origin by registered veterinarian , describing the age, breed, sex, color etc… of your pet.

2)      Rabies vaccination certificate – your pet must be vaccinated at least 15 days prior to arrival.

3)      Leptospirosis vaccination certificate – your pet must be vaccinated at least 21 days prior to arrival

4)      The animal must be healthy and free from any sign of infectious or contagious disease.

Keeping pets in Phuket

There are several pet shops in Phuket which supply pet food, kennels and accessories. A few also provide baths, grooming, spa and salon services for your pets. There are few dog kennels breeding quality dogs and puppies for sale and also an International dog school with multilingual training.

Dog & Cat care

If you have long – haired dogs and cats you need to keep them in air-conditioning a lot of time. They can become unhealthy and lethargic if kept in the heat. Tyhey will also most likely develop heat rashes. Ticks and fleas can also be a bit of a problem in Thailand, so you should visit a vet to get your pet treated.

Maids can be a great help in taking care of your pets. However, when hiring you should make sure that the maid likes animals and is comfortable taking care of them.

For further information contact: Pet Control office, Bangkok International Airport , Arrival Lounge (counter 7 and 8).

Please cheque aboven before bringing your best friend to Thailand ,

Sponsord by : www.allphuketrealestate.com

postheadericon After you have successfully kept a discus aquarium for a while, you may find yourself turning your attention to the idea of breeding discus fish

After you have successfully kept a discus aquarium for a while, you may find yourself turning your attention to the idea of breeding discus fish. For some people, the discus fish has a reputation as being hard to breed, but it can actually be quite easy once you have figured out how to keep the water quality at optimal levels in the aquarium. Failure do pay attention to this need is the cause of most breeding failures.

The first essential to breeding discus fish is to obtain a suitable pair. Since discus are hard to sex, putting at least six specimens together when they are young is the best way to ensure at least one couple pairs off. Also, try to mix discus fish from  different sources so that some variety is kept in the genetic pool.

Once a pair of discus have decided to mate, they will become territorial and aggressive toward other fish. When you notice this, it’s time to either remove all the other fish or move the discus to a separate breeding aquarium. A small 20-30 gallon tank with a vertical spawning surface and a couple hiding spots will suffice when breeding discus fish.

As mentioned earlier, water conditions are especially important when during the breeding period. The nitrogen waste levels must be kept as close to zero as possible. You should do a partial water change every day in the breeding aquarium. Make sure you test the water every time and keep an eye on the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels. The recommended water temperature is 86 degrees F.

Balanced nutrition, and making sure your fish are actually eating is also critical to the success of breeding discus fish. Feeding is also directly related to water quality, as poor water quality can cause poor appetites. If you choose to feed live food, make sure that you are not introducing disease and that your fish are receiving all the necessary vitamins.

So, as you can see, water and to a lesser extent food are the two essential elements for breeding discus fish successfully. Specific advise from an experienced breeder is also recommended if you’ve never breed discus fish before, because you will be able to learn from their practical experience. Have fun and good luck with your breeding!

postheadericon If you’re curious to know whether your dog is pregnant or not, you have to do certain steps to find out for sure

If you’re curious to know whether your dog is pregnant or not, you have to do certain steps to find out for sure. Pregnancy has its symptoms. And if you have noticed all of them on your pet, then high are the chances that they would deliver puppies real soon. Have you noticed the dog heat symptoms in your pet? Does your pet recently have the need to mate with male dogs? Dogs aged 6 to 12 months would go through what is called the heat cycle. This is when they reach sexual maturity. When they mated during the heat season, which normally lasts for 21 days, the dogs are surely going to be pregnant. Even so, vets and pet experts always say it is best for a dog to be pregnant when it is a year and a half to two years old to be safe.

The dog heat stage would have its own signs and symptoms. The most apparent would be blood discharges and redness of the dog’s vulva or rear. These symptoms indicate that your dog is in heat. Sooner or later, the female dog would want to mate. If you don’t want this to happen, you have to do the necessary precautions. The dog heat cycle normally comes twice every year. So if you see it on your pet today, it may take five to seven months before you see it again.

Generally, to know if your dog is pregnant for sure, it is best that you take it to the vet. You can also try to feel your dog’s abdomen. It should be firmer. Firm bellies indicate that there are puppies forming inside. The ultrasound is the best device to determine dog pregnancy. An x-ray, on the other hand, is powerful enough to determine how many puppies your dog is carrying in its abdomen. The dog’s pregnancy cycle lasts for an average of 63 days. Some dog breeds would deliver puppies in 54 days, though. Others, however, may take as much as 74 days before giving birth.

Pregnant dogs tend to be more affectionate. A good number of them are very clingy too. There are dogs that act very possessively during their pregnancy stage. However, some dogs do the other extreme. If other dogs enjoy the company of their masters, other gets very irritated, aggressive, and anti-social. This is one of the reasons why dog owners should be very wary of the fact that their dog is pregnant so they can adapt measure to protect their pet, family, and strangers around the house.

Pregnant dogs tend to lose their appetite too. For a week or so, the dogs would refuse to touch its food, only to eat like a glutton after three weeks. The increase in its appetite would continue a month and a week into pregnancy. And when the female dog is ready to deliver the pups, it would consume twice as much food as it used to. You have to prepare for the puppies’ coming at this point. Prepare beddings to keep them warm and comfortable after delivery.

postheadericon Description: the weimaraner is a fairly large, athletic hunting dog

Description: The Weimaraner is a fairly large, athletic hunting dog. The dog will be found to be 24 to 27 inches at the shoulder and the bitch 22 to 25 inches. The Weimaraner weighs between 50 and 70 pounds, depending on sex. The tail of the Weimaraner is generally docked (as is the practice with many hunting dogs). The coat of the Weimaraner is very distinctive and elegant, being various shades of grey from mouse-grey, charcoal-grey, or silver-grey. The eyes of this dog are widely set and amber in color. There is also a long haired Weimaraner, but it is not recognized in America. The Weimaraner generally lives for 10 to 12 years. It is also called the Grey Ghost or the Weimar Pointer.

History: The Weimaraner is actually a descendent of the Bloodhound. This breed was really developed in the 17th century, but dogs with similar attributes were known in 11th century in France at the court of King Louis IX. The dog eventually made its way to Germany where the breed type was refined and perfected at the Court of Weimar by local noblemen. It developed into a hunter of birds and small game after its original quarry, boar, wolves, and elk became scarce.

Temperament: The Weimaraner is a fearless, protective dog that has been developed not only for its hunting abilities, but for its affection for its human family. The Weimaraner gets along very well with children. For the Weimaraner to be a really valued member of the household, it should be well trained and provided with plenty of exercise. It can be socialized with cats and other dogs in the household, but should probably never be trusted with pet rabbits or hamsters, its prey drive is just too strong.

Health Issues: The Weimaraner, unfortunately, can be subject to bloat. This twisting of the stomach is a life-threatening condition that must be dealt with immediately. Smaller meals and a quiet time after eating can help. This dog can also suffer from hip dysplasia. Von Willebrand’s Disease, a form of hemophilia, is sometimes present in this dog. These last two disorders can be largely eliminated by intelligent breeding. This dog is also subject to tumors.

Grooming: The short coat of the Weimaraner is easy to keep in top form, all that is needed is a twice weekly brushing, and perhaps a ‘polishing’ with a chamois cloth. It is probably best to use a dry shampoo on this dog, to help preserve the natural oils. If the Weimaraner has been hunting in the field, be sure to check for ticks, and for plant seeds between the toes.

Living Conditions: Although the Weimaraner is a keen hunting dog that needs a lot of exercise, it is also a devoted companion dog that needs to be with its human family. This dog will suffer from separation anxiety if left alone. In part, because of its strong bonding to humans, the Weimaraner can live in an apartment, but it must be given sufficient exercise. This dog needs a long walk every day and the chance to experience a free run now and again.

postheadericon It can be one of the most stressful situations that you can go through, whenever your pet is lost

It can be one of the most stressful situations that you can go through, whenever your pet is lost. All of us love our pets and want to provide the best environment for them. Many of them, however, like to get out and run and they do this on any occasion that presents itself. If we find ourselves in the position where we have lost our pet, it is important that we act as quickly as possible. There are several things that can be done in order to help. Here are some tips to help find your lost pet and to get them back home as quickly as possible.

The sooner you begin your search, the less likely it is your pet will have wandered far. Be sure to search your property thoroughly before moving on to neighboring homes. Ask neighbors if they’ve seen your pet, and if so, in what direction he or she was moving.

Next, you should prepare some flyers to be posted around the area. Somebody should be out actively looking for the pet while the signs are posted. Include a picture of the pet, his or her name, a detailed description (age, sex, color, breed), your phone number and any reward that you are offering for its safe return. Post these at the entrance to every neighborhood and all on as many signs and telephone poles that are available. The more exposure your sign gets, the more likely it will be that your pet will be found.

You should also make sure that you get in touch with any local pounds or animal shelters that are in the area immediately. Alert them to the fact that you have lost a pet so that they will be on the lookout for it and not simply put it in with the general population. Unfortunately, many of these animal shelters will not be very diligent in making sure that a pet is lost and not simply abandoned. Call back on a regular basis and check in person from time to time to see if your dog is there.

Check your local newspaper’s lost and found section. Most newspapers will run a “Found” ad for free, so many people will take the time to place an ad.

Another way to help find a lost pet is to hire some neighborhood children to actively look for the pet. Make sure that they are allowed to be wandering around and then give them each some money in order to look. Let them know that there will be additional money available for the person that finds your pet. Children can be very creative when it comes to taking care of tasks like this.

Be aware of pet-recovery scams. When describing your pet in flyers or in the newspaper, always leave one important identifying mark out of the description. This way, if someone does call with information about your pet, you can verify whether the person really has your pet or not.

When you do get your pet back, consider purchasing a GPS collar so that it does not get lost again in the future.