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postheadericon A lot of people who have dogs, suffer dogs’ behavior problems

A lot of people who have dogs, suffer dogs’ behavior problems. Some people hire super trainers with hope that afterwards they will see a great change in their beloved pet. Very often after good spent money and lost time dog is not really further. The point is that 99% of trainers’ methods are ineffective. Besides, your dear dog’s nervous system gets damaged. There are enough opportunities nowadays to find a common language with your dog and to start understanding each other.

The main key to solve by yourself the problem with your pet is to let him understanding Your language. Because dogs speak DOG’s language. They are born like that. You have to teach them Yours language. The method SitStayFetch , which is one of the most popular nowadays, gives best results in this direction. It takes time, it needs a great patience, but it solves your problem.
Remember, the real obedience of your dog is in each day exercises.

You take a high responsibility when you take a decision to have a dog and it is logical that each dog needs a good training.

A lot of people start complain that their dog jumps on everyone, shows the aggression towards other dogs, doesn’t walk calm on the street, it is impossible to take him anywhere, he barks at home no end and a lot of other things. Do you ever asked yourself why it is like that, and what YOU did wrong? Because it is exactly your mistake. You didn’t find a common language.

When you know the reason, why your dog behaves like this and that, you will find the best key to your friend. Always try to understand the reason, what stands really behind disobedience of your dog. It is very important.

I know a couple, which has an old cat, but they decided to have also a dog. And, of course, some problems appeared very quick. They tried SitStayFetch program, and their pets now are able to eat calm together, and they are best friends. I talk once again about this course, because it really provides great results.

I have a dog, who was scared of his own shadow, and it was quite difficult to go for a walk with him. He had a very unexpected behavior. Besides, he is so big (his father is an English dog), that each time he pulled the lead I was close to fall down. I took me certain time to train him by SitStayFetch methods, and he improved much in his behavior (he is 10 years old) and improves each day, because we keep on going each day. It is very visible that he likes it by himself. A LOT OF headaches are gone.

A lot of people don’t believe that it is possible to teach something an old dog. They think that if you didn’t train him from puppy’s age, the chance is gone and it is too difficult now. And I must tell you. that it is not true. You can teach and train your dog at any age. I checked it on my own experience. Your friend will be only thankful. You will start feeling that you get a real soul mate, because you speak the same language.

It is possible to teach your dog at any age to stop barking, to stop pulling on the lead, to stop jumping up and a lot of other things.

If you are looking for that, have a look here:


I wish you to improve your relationship with your dog.

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Before we picked up our new Goldendoodle puppy, I had not gotten ready at all. The only thing I had accomplished was buying a crate that was too large, set the pickup time with the breeder, and driven out. On my trip home the Goldendoodle pup had pottied in his crate, gotten it on his fur , and I could tell he had roundworms.

Fortunately, I got the dog in to get seen by the local vet by calling in a favor, because I had not even set up an appointment. After having the Goldendoodle pup washed up, dewormed, and gotten him a few basic vaccinations, I took him back home to our kids. They were ecstatic!

After bringing him home, I thought about some problems. We did not have a place for the Goldendoodle pup to sleep, he was beginning to gnaw on all sorts of things, and he did not even have a name yet. Even worse, he tried to escape every time he could.

After a couple of weeks, life with the Goldendoodle was not going very well. The puppy had chewed up all types of things in the home, was swallowing underwear left on the floor, the housebreaking was going badly, and the obedience training that I was conducting was not enough, because I was away at work all day. If the children had been older, either my spouse or I could have been able to get the training accomplished, but we did not have the ability. With a heavy heart, even though we were sure training him ourselves was the better way to go, we sent the Goldendoodle to a two week training regimen.

We missed him when he was gonen for two weeks. The kids kept asking when he was coming home, and my youngest even cried because she missed him so much. Bringing home the Goldendoodle had obviously been the right choice.

He returned like a new dog! No more chewing on stuff he was not supposed to, and no running away. He did still swallow a few more sets of underwear, though. We still had to work on the potty training, but with some effective odor removers we were able to get that completed also.The training was certainly required. If I had had a little more time, or could not afford the boarding school, I would certainly have purchased a quality obedience training program and gotten it done myself.

Check out the Goldendoodle pictures on our site about Goldendoodle Dogs.

postheadericon There are nearly as many dog and puppy training methods as there are dog trainers; but, there are some basic elements that all successful dog and puppy training methods have in common

There are nearly as many dog and puppy training methods as there are dog trainers; but, there are some basic elements that all successful dog and puppy training methods have in common. Follow these tips when training your canine companion and you’ll be well on the road to having a well trained dog, who is a source of great enjoyment and pride. But remember, dog training isn’t instantaneous – it is ongoing. Even when your pooch has acquired a desirable behavior it is still important to reinforce the behavior on a regular basis. Here are 10 of the most important tips to keep in mind when dog and puppy training:

1. All successful dog training programs require: patience, persistence, and consistence. This really is number one – most important – first and foremost.
2. Dogs are pack animals – use this to your advantage in your dog training
endeavor. Be sure your dog knows you are the Alpha Dog. Encourage your
dog to ‘give kisses’ (lick the back of your hand) – this is his acknowledging
you as the leader. Also rub your dog’s belly. Exposing his belly to you is a
sign of submission. It is extremely important that your dog always
remembers that you are his ‘pack leader’; and teaching him this as soon as
possible will make your dog and puppy training sessions progress much more
3. Remember that dogs (like humans) do make mistakes. The important thing is to correct the mistakes WHILE they are occurring – later is too late.
4. Lavishly praise and reward the behaviors you want to establish as you see them occurring during your puppy training sessions – and continue to reward whenever you see the behavior occur. This will lead to a snowballing effect: the more you reward appropriate behaviors the more they will occur – the more opportunity you will have to reward good behavior…
5. Don’t stretch dog or puppy training sessions out too long for you or your dog. Ten or fifteen minute sessions are plenty for most pups. And be aware that several short sessions are much more effective than one long marathon session. In fact, long marathon sessions are more likely to discourage you both and make you both want to give up.
6. Make your dog and puppy training time fun and positive. This should be a positive bonding experience for you and your pup.
7. Short dog training sessions are best – but sessions should occur frequently. Twice a day would be good – but once a day, every day, should be the absolute minimum for training your puppy.
8. Always end dog training sessions on a positive successful note. If either you or your dog are not in the mood for a training session, make the session short and easy that day. Only practice things you know your dog enjoys and will gladly do successfully at those times. Don’t make any session a struggle. Save the more difficult tasks for times when both you and your pup are in the proper frame of mind.
9. Reward works better than punishment. Use this knowledge to positively ‘shape’ your dog’s behavior. To do this, begin by rewarding your pup’s behaviors that come closer and closer to the precise behavior you’re trying to establish.
10. Correct inappropriate behavior from the beginning. Things that might seem cute for a puppy to do are totally unacceptable behavior for a full grown dog. Correct these behaviors from the start with your puppy – before habits form. The longer the behavior occurs the stronger the habit forms – the more difficult it will be to eliminate the behavior. Nip it in the bud!

Practice the above tips without fail during your dog and puppy training sessions. Always keep in mind that patience, persistence, and consistence are key. Throw in lavish praise and reward – and both you and your canine companion be well on your way to success. And visit http://www.e-dog-training.com for more up to date tips, advice, and information on all your dog and puppy training problems.

postheadericon Dog training will transform the dog’s mannerisms, from a dog that will not do as he is told by you to a dog that will pay attention to your orders, from a dog that is annoying the neighbors into a calm one, from a dog that is at all times scampering from you into a dog that will remain at a halt at your order

Dog training will transform the dog’s mannerisms, from a dog that will not do as he is told by you to a dog that will pay attention to your orders, from a dog that is annoying the neighbors into a calm one, from a dog that is at all times scampering from you into a dog that will remain at a halt at your order. Just like in any other training scheme, there are some methods to be followed.

The dog has got to be familiar with his name, so he can act in response to the master’s instructions. When he is familiar with his own name, you can begin teaching with the check lead and instruct “here” or “come”. You can begin all this in the house, but initially, he has to be able to make out his own name. If you would like the puppy to pay attention just to you, then do not permit him to play with other people. If you will allow him to play too much, he will begin to snarl and bark every time you take his playthings away.

One more essential feature of dog training is that you have to teach your pet, so no one will get harmed when you are out with him and people are all about him. By making use of the dog training instructions correctly, you do not have to be anxious that he will bite off someone or he will scamper off. Even if you have trained your dog to be compliant and pay heed you, you should admire him as well since after all, you selected him, he could not select you, and if you will not take care of him properly, he will in all probability run away, or he will be miserable. The fundamental dog training instructions that a dog should act in response to are: fetch, stay close, here, sit and come.

– Begin teaching the dog whilst he is still a puppy – this makes sure of much better achievement rates even for starting out dog trainers.

– Put up some information on dog training and only then acquire a new puppy.

– Free dog obedience training programs ought to be modified to the precise necessities of your dog breed. Please see our collection of precise dog breed training techniques in order to get more understanding on this subject.

– Make certain that the puppy is in high spirits and has an adequate amount of energy to try out training.

– Be inventive, by no means let the puppy get fed up and coach the dog where the limits are set.

postheadericon Cats are greatly popular, and among the top favorites to have as pets

Cats are greatly popular, and among the top favorites to have as pets. They are cute, fun, and greatly independent, making them easy to have around. However, if you don’t know how to train them, your cute kitty, can turn into a great pain.

People assume because cats are independent and have a stubborn streak that they are hard to train, but if you know the proper way to train them it’s rather easy. It will take a little time, because like we mentioned before they are stubborn, however you can use that stubborn streak to your advantage.

These are a few cat training tips to ensure a successful training program:

1. Don’t give up

Two seconds into starting to train your cat, you might realize that’s not a piece of cake, but it’s not rocket science either. If you have trained another animal before, you have probably noticed that it’s not easy, but it’s not difficult once you look back on it. With training a cat, you have to stay focused and willing. Though it might take a little more effort, you can train your cat.

2. Know your cat

In order to train your cat, you have to know what his/her personality is like. No two cats are the same, so if you know how your cat acts, it will make training much easier for you. You need to learn what your cat likes and doesn’t like and go from there.

3. Know when to train your cat

You need to know when it’s OK to train your cat. First, don’t wake them from a catnap to train them. They’re just like a sleeping baby. If you wake them up when they aren’t ready to be woken up and are still tired, you’re going to have a cranky kitty on your hands.

You’re going to get frustrated because your cat is frustrated. It won’t want to listen to you, when all they want to do is nap. Plus, you need to keep training sessions short. You don’t want your cat to get overwhelmed or worse bored. This will be counter productive, and leave you again frustrated.

4. Use Positive Reinforcement

This is the most crucial part of your cat’s training program. When your cat does the desired behavior you reward them with praise or a treat. Don’t reward them out of the blue, because they will associate rewards with doing absolutely nothing. Also, remember not to punish them. If they do something wrong, don’t react at all! This is important, you don’t want them to associate what they did wrong with any attention what so ever.

5. Small steps

Though this might cause the training process to take a little longer, you have to take things slowly. You’re teaching a new cat, new tricks, so it will take time. If you want your cat to learn something, you can’t expect him/her to know how to do it that first day.

For example, if you want to train your cat to use the toilet (yes, people do it these days), then it is best for you to gradually move the cat’s litter box closer and closer to the bathroom that you want him/her to use. Don’t immediately push the cat into the bathroom and expect that it will learn to use the toilet. Small steps will get you and your cat where you want to be.