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postheadericon Hip dysplasia in dogs is a very common disease, especially in young dogs, and happens as a result to an abnormal development of the hip joints

Hip dysplasia in dogs is a very common disease, especially in young dogs, and happens as a result to an abnormal development of the hip joints. The most affected breeds are the large and the medium ones, but it can also affect the small breeds. The most cases of hip dysplasia can be found in breeds like German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, Rottweilers, Great Danes, Golden Retrievers, and Saint Bernards. Hip dysplasia is usually caused by your dog genetic heritage. Studies have shown that if your dog has hip dysplasia then your future puppies may be developing hip dysplasia. If you want to buy a puppy you have to select the one whose parents and grandparents haven’t been treated for hip dysplasia. Hip dysplasia can also be found on humans, cats.


Finding out that the dog you love so much suffers from hip dysplasia has the potential of confusing or upsetting you. If you know at least a few things about this disease that affects dogs, you can give your dog a much better care. The first thing you should know is that hip dysplasia is a type of joint disease that is degenerative and affects the hip joints of the dog. The purpose of the hip joint is to connect the body of the dog with the hind leg, with the help of the socket and ball joint. The head part of the femur bone is the one that forms the ball part. The connective tissue and the ligaments are those that keep the bones together, with a cartilage that is tough but smooth acting as a cushion. If your dog is healthy, the pelvic and femur bones will fit together perfectly, which means that the joint will work as it should.

But, if the dog suffers from hip dysplasia, the joints from the hip will not fit, since they don’t develop normally. Dysplasia actually means that the growth process is abnormal or impaired. In some cases, the hip dysplasia will cause the joint’s ball not to fit the socket of the pelvic bone as it should. In most cases, this happens when the pelvic bone is shallow. In such a case, the femur will sometimes slip out of the socket, since the joint is loose, which cases the hip to dislocate. In other situations, the connective tissue and the ligaments are to blame for the abnormal development. In this case, the joint may become instable, because the support is insufficient. When this happens, the pelvic bones and the femur can become separated. Hip dysplasia is caused in most cases by one of these problems. The end result is that the hips of the dogs become deteriorated, weak and arthritic.

Hip dysplasia doesn’t always appear in both hips. Sometimes only one hip will be affected. The effects will vary from the most severe to the mildly crippling. In most cases, hip dysplasia will start to influence dogs at a younger age, but its effects might not show up until later in the dog’s life. Doctors can’t identify the age even at puppies that are four months old, but the symptoms might only show up when he becomes an adult.

postheadericon Many people would not consider a fish to be a “real” pet, but keeping tropical fish is a pleasurable hobby for families around the world

Many people would not consider a fish to be a “real” pet, but keeping tropical fish is a pleasurable hobby for families around the world. It’s also great for the person who is allergic to fur but stills wants some kind of company at home. If you are a complete beginner then beginning with a goldfish would be your best start, but if you want a little more of a challenge then tropical fish are the way to go.

Most people choose salt water fish because there are more choices and typically more brightly coloured fish then among freshwater fish, and it’s much simpler than having a reef aquarium. There is also an aesthetic appeal of keeping a tropical fish tank in your home because you get to design and decorate your tank. Tropical fish don’t tie you down to a lot of expenses after you set up the aquarium and buy the fish; it should cost you around $25 a year to feed a fish. But what most people appreciate most is that you don’t have to walk them, wash them, groom them, play catch with them or take them in for check-ups.

But that doesn’t mean that you can just put your fish in a tank and walk away. Tropical fish do require more care than a plant; you must know how to change the water, clean the tank, and what to feed them. A little research will help you keep your aquarium free from algae blooms and snail infestations. An absolute necessity for tropical fish is a tank heater, and you may also find a tank thermometer to be very helpful. The most commonly used heater for aquariums is a submersible heater, which you should position where it will circulate the most water, so it can spread out the heat. The thermometer should also be a submersed one because they are usually more accurate and if you are keeping tropical fish the temperature of the tank water is of the utmost importance.

As with any new hobby or endeavour, it is important to learn about the needs of the different species of tropical fish before you invite them to share your home. But with a little advance planning and preparation, you will soon come to see that keeping fish as pets can be pleasing and quite fun to do!

postheadericon Using reward-based training, the whole family can be involved as the methods are fun and easy

Using reward-based training, the whole family can be involved as the methods are fun and easy. Follow these simple principles of reward-based training. These are the golden rules for teaching your dog.

Start now The best age to start training is now. However young your puppy is, however old your dog is, it is never too early or too late.

Learn from your dog Training should be a two-way communication. You must be willing to learn from your dog. The more you learn about him, the easier training will become.

Have short sessions Do not expect your dog to concentrate for long. Like us, the more difficult something is, the shorter the time he can concentrate. At first, aim for sessions of between half a minute and two minutes. As you and your dog begin to understand each other better, the time can be extended so long as you are both enjoying it. Lots of short sessions throughout each day will help your dog learn much more quickly than one long session where you both become tired, confused and bored.

Have fun Dogs are like us in that they learn best when something is enjoyable. Make sessions fun and rewarding, and you and your dog will want to learn together. If you start, then realise that you or your dog is simply not in ‘the mood’, expect less and end the session early.

A stressed dog will not learn If your dog is feeling anxious, he will not be able to learn. especially if you are expecting too much of him. If he is in an environment that worries him, such as close to a bouncy dog, heavy traffic or too many people, he may find it difficult to cope with.

Begin and end on a good note As your training sessions become a little longer, always start with something familiar to your dog, to help him settle. Similarly, do something easy or enjoyable before finishing a session.

All the family should be involved In the days of old, only one person was advised to train a dog to avoid confusion. However, we need a pet dog to respond to all members of the family. Therefore, everyone should be involved to whatever extent is appropriate, under close supervision when necessary. If someone in the family is not involved with training the dog, do not be surprised if the dog does not respond to them.

Be consistent Dogs cannot learn what we want if we do not teach them. If we vary the words we use, and different people have different expectations, our dog will simply become confused and disinclined to play this training game with us. He will begin to make his own decisions or try to guess what we want. We owe it to him to make it as easy as possible for him to understand.

Teach – do not expect him to know Dogs do not understand English, therefore they cannot know what we mean unless we have taught them. If you feel that you have taught something and your dog is still not responding as he should, instead of blaming him for being naughty, ask yourself how you can teach him more effectively He obviously has not learned what you wanted, so start again to help him.

postheadericon Approximately 10% of the united states population suffers from pet allergies

Approximately 10% of the United States population suffers from pet allergies. As much as 25% of U. S. residents suffer from asthma brought on by allergies. Allergic reactions can include itchy, watery eyes, sneezing or congestion.  People with asthma can have  difficulty breathing and may even  suffer a severe asthma attack.  If you and your family are dog lovers, but have a member of the household with pet allergies, there is a good chance you can find a dog that everyone can live with. 

It is important to understand exactly what causes an allergic reaction in some people. You may think it is just the dog’s fur, but allergens are produced by a  protein found in a dog’s  dander, which is skin cells, saliva, and even urine. The allergens can end up on everything in your house. Naturally , if you have a dog with a long coat, or that sheds frequently, these allergens will be almost impossible to eliminate. There are many dog breeds or cross breeds that do not shed, or shed less often. This does not mean they don’t produce allergens. There is no dog that is truly allergen free.

Keep in mind that everyone will have a different reaction to certain allergens. This means that, while you don’t have an allergic reaction to your poodle, you may be terribly allergic to your friend’s Mexican Hairless. Here is a list of some of the dog breeds or cross breeds that have been determined to be suitable for people with pet allergies:

Affenpinscher – doesn’t shed

Bedlington terrier – doesn’t shed

Bichon Frise’ – does not shed, but hair will come out when brushed.

Boston Terrier – short hair and  minimum dander.

Chinese Crested – very little hair, does not shed much but still produces saliva and dander.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier – doesn’t shed

Greyhound and Italian Greyhound – short, single coat

Malteses – doesn’t shed

Poodles – doesn’t shed, low dander

Portugese Water Dog – (the Obama’s dog) – doesn’t shed

Yorkshire Terrier – doesn’t shed, low dander

This is only a partial list of dogs considered to be hypoallergenic. There are some other, less common breeds, like the Puli and Samoyed. If you want a cross or mixed breed, you have to make sure the pup inherited the no shed coat or low dander characteristic. A Goldendoodle, a Golden retriever, Poodle mix can be hypoallergenic if he inherits the coat from the Poodle. If the pup inherits his coat from the Golden retriever, he will be a problem for allergy sufferers. It’s best to be able to visit a breeder and spend time around the dogs to see how you or your family member will react. This will prevent you from getting attached to a dog you can’t live with.

Another thing to consider when looking for a new addition to your family is, the size of the dog. A smaller dog will produce less, hair, saliva, dander and urine than a big dog. No matter what type of dog you choose, some common sense things to do to keep allergens to a minimum include, regular bathing or grooming of your pooch, keeping the dog off the furniture and beds, and vacuuming every day with a cleaner with a hepa filter. With a little research and armed with some knowledge of how pet allergies work, you should be able to find the perfect pup for your family.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joseph_M_Sabol

postheadericon There are at least 20 symptoms and signs that you should be aware of that your goldendoodle needs to see a vet if you are a new dog owner

There are at least 20 symptoms and signs that you should be aware of that your Goldendoodle needs to see a vet if you are a new dog owner.  Unfortunately too many people wait until it is too late to get their pet to the vet,  then wonder why it passed away.  While it is a decision delimma for many,  it is very important that you take your Goldendoodle to the vet if the follow occurs:

1. Decreased appetite 

2. Lethargy  (especially in a young puppy or senior dog)

3. Vomiting

4. Diarrhea

5. Straining to potty….either thru urine or the other

6. Not gaining any weight or fails to grow

7. Appearing too thin

8. Constant scratching or chewing on the feet or tail

9. Shaking its head and scratching at the ears

10.  Loss of hair (more than normal)

11. Coughing

12. Sneezing

13. Limping  (for unexplained reasons)

14. Not able to housebreak  (could be urinary tract infection)

15. Excessive drinking  (should check for diabetes….especially if your pet is over weight.)

16. Can’t tolerate exercising

17. Has collapsed

18. Excessive urination

19. Urinates or loses bowls suddenly and without warning

20. Has blood in the stool

Healthy living  with your Goldendoodle starts with maintaining a healthy diet and keeping up with appropriate vaccinations.  Many pet owners fail to keep their puppy’s vaccinations current and this causes the puppy to be at risk for catching parvo, distemper or other deadly canine diseases.  Your Goldendoodle puppy’s first visit is usually called a “wellness check up”.  During this type of check up,  your veterinarian will look at your doodle’s eyes, ears, teeth  and listen to his or her heart.  They will look for puppy cataracts and possible heart murmurs.  They will look at your doodle’s coat and weigh him or her.  Some vets will let you walk in while others require a scheduled appointment.

Viral infections with puppies can occur suddenly and without warning.  Early recognition can help your puppy survive if he or she has become ill.  Puppies can become dehydrated quickly which is why it is very important to not wait if you suspect there is something wrong.  Better to be safe than sorry.

Keep your doodle’s vet records up to date.  It is important for your vet to know what you are feeding your doodle, how much and when.  Your vet may recommend changes if your doodle is gaining weight too rapidly or not enough weight at appropriate stages…especially in the first year.   Know your doodle’s birthdate.  Depending upon where your Goldendoodle resides,  it is important to pay attention to fleas and ticks.  Goldendoodles should NOT be on any type of topical flea preventatives.  These type of treatments can cause early organ failure and sudden seizures.  “Comfortis” is recommended for Goldendoodles which is a once a month flea preventative.    When your Goldendoodle turns 2 years of age,  you may want to have your veterinarian x-ray the hips so that they can be evaluated.  Just because your doodle’s parents had an OFA rating of good, fair or excellent does not mean that your doodle is free and clear of possible hip problems.   Testing is only valid for the dog that is evaluated,  not for offspring.

?It is understandable that many Goldendoodle owners are stressed when taking their new puppy in to see their vet.  Your doodle can only communicate through his or her body lanquage.  Unfortunately,  they can’t tell us where they hurt or how they feel.  Owners who are stressed out can transfer their anxiety to their doodle.  If you are tense, worried, scared, upset or feeling anxious,  you will transfer those feelings to your Goldendoodle.  They are very sensitive dogs.   They will then associate those feelings each and every time he or she goes to the vet.  Try not to be anxious when its time to take your Goldendoodle to the vet.

 The foundation of a healthy Goldendoodle is very important.  A healthy Goldendoodle is central to his or her well being.   Try to make an effort at being calm, relaxed and positive when it is time to take your doodle to the vet.   If you are purchasing a young puppy,  make sure to “puppy proof” your home.  Children always have small toys that can easily fit inside of your doodle’s mouth.  Small toys can be swallowed which can cause choking and possible death.  A good rule of thumb is that if an object is small enough to fit into your doodle’s mouth,  he or she can swallow it.

We like to think that our dogs have common sense.  They don’t.  If you can’t supervise your doodle,  make sure that he or she is either crated or somewhere that is enclosed to help keep your doodle from getting hurt.  Goldendoodles are very intelligent dogs.  They can easily escape from your yard or slip out of their collar or leash.  Don’t let your doodle run loose as they will then be at risk for being hit by a vehicle.   Don’t leave pills lying around.  I, myself, am a diabetic who takes glipizide.  This lowers blood sugar.  This medication can be deadly to any pet who eats it.   I have to always be careful to NOT drop a pill and if I do drop a pill,  I have to immediately find it and pick it up.  Never leave medications on a counter or table where a puppy or adult dog can easily get to it.

Lastly,  there are tons of great books and videos on the market to help you learn how to be a good mommy or daddy to your Goldendoodle.  Being prepared is the best took for surviving an emergency. 

*About the author:  Dee Gerrish has been writing about the Goldendoodle dog since 1999.  More about Goldendoodles can be found on her website at http://www.goldendoodleworld.com