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postheadericon So now you’ve purchased some tropical fish

So now you’ve purchased some tropical fish. You’ve made sure you have selected healthy fish and you have done your homework to make sure the fish that you have will go together.

Your fish should have been packed in a plastic bag with oxygen and then put into a dark bag or polystyrene box to keep the heat in.

You should try and buy fish no longer than a couple of hours away. Fish can last over 24 hours if packed right but the longer you keep them in transit the more stress they go through. You should try and keep stress to a minimum to make sure the fish remain healthy.

Once you get them home you should float the bags in the water and then open the bags up. This will help equalize the temperature between the water in the tank and the water in the bag. You should also keep adding little bits of tank water to the bag. Add just a little and then leave for five minutes before adding more. This will help acclimatize the fish to the water chemistry of the tank and even the ph and water hardness out.

After doing this for about 20 to 30 minutes you should then gently release the fish to the tank and let them swim out of the bag on there own. Then you should leave them with the aquarium light on overnight. This will reduce stress because the fish can see where they are swimming and there surroundings and they will also see that there are no predators around.

You should not feed them for around 24 hours to let them settle in and then over the next few days only feed sparingly. It will take them a couple of days to get used to the tank and feeding.

It is a good technique to add the smallest and weakest fish to the tank first. This will prevent bullying in the aquarium between the fish. Please follow these keeps to keep the stress of your new tropical fish to a minimum. This will help the fish settle in faster and in the end cause you less stress.

postheadericon We all know that cats are loving and truly wonderful creatures

We all know that cats are loving and truly wonderful creatures.  These days, it isn’t out of the ordinary to see a cat in virtually every other home, sleeping in the window or cuddling up on the laps of their owners.  Although cats have been popular pets for as long as most can remember, they weren’t domesticated less than 5,000 years or so ago.  Domestication took place in the valley of the Nile, which is what research tells us today.

In the beginning, people were very grateful to cats and encouraged them to stay with them by feeding them various scraps of food.  Once they were fed and perceived humans to be no threat, the cats would move in permanently with their human owners.  As time went by, even the wildest of cat would allows humans to approach him, often times even hold and touch as well.

In those days, cats were very loyal and endearing pets.  They proved to be great hunters, as they done their sleeping in short periods and were much easier to wake up than dogs.  Cats also have better night vision than dogs, and much better hearing as well.  If someone moved through the house or if they heard suspicious noises, they would wake while dogs would sleep right through it.  Humans loved having cats around, and they seemed to get along good with dogs as well.

These days, cats are used for both companionship and show.  They aren’t used much at all for hunting mice and rodent anymore at all.  There are a lot of breeds available, from the traditional alley cat to the well known Siamese.  All breeds are unique in their own way, and will provide you with years of companionship if you take care of them.

Before you get a kitten or older cat, you’ll first want to examine the source.  If you are getting the kitten from a breeder, you’ll want to make sure that the breeder has a reputable reputation.  You’ll also want to ensure that the cattery is clean and in good shape.  The kittens that are still there shouldn’t be overcrowded, and their surroundings should be clean.  The litter boxes there should be kept up and both the food and water dish should be clean and full.  The kittens shouldn’t be caged, instead free to run around.  All cats that are there should appear healthy, with shiny coats and none of their ribs showing.

When you get your kitten, it should be used to being touched and handled.  The kitten should be sweet, not afraid in the least.  Kittens that have been handled young normally have a better temperament.  The better breeders won’t allow their kittens to leave the nest until they are around 12 weeks old, with some waiting until the kittens are 16 weeks.  By doing this, breeders ensure that the kitten is in good health and his immune system has properly developed.

There’s no mistaken the fact that cats are great to own.  You can get a kitten from a reputable breeder, through a local newspaper, or an adoption agency.  Cats can also be obtained from a local pound, although people normally don’t like to choose this option.  No matter which way you decide to pursue, you should always make sure that your cat is healthy.  If you get a healthy cat, you won’t have a lot of problems later on down the road.  Healthy cats were taken care of – and normally have everything up to date – including their vaccinations.

postheadericon Has this ever happened to you

Has this ever happened to you?  You find your cat in his litter box, straining to urinate, crying out in pain.  He can’t seem to pass any urine.  You take him to the vet, who tells you that your cat’s urinary problem is due to cat bladder stones.

Bladder Stones In Cats

A bladder stone, or urolith, is made up from minerals present in your cat’s urine.  These minerals sometimes form crystals that stick together to form a stone in your cat’s bladder.  These stones can be as small as grains of sand, or they can grow to the size of a piece of pea gravel. 

Your feline friend may have only one stone, or he could have several dozen. 

Why do the minerals form crystals?  There are several theories.  Your cat’s urine may be high in minerals due to his diet, or it may be because he has an infection in his bladder.

Bladder stones usually take several months to form, but they can grow in just a couple of weeks.

Symptoms Of Cat Urinary Problems

If your cat suddenly starts urinating in places other than his litter box, this can indicate that he’s having a urinary problem.  You may notice him licking his bottom more than usual, too. 

Blood in the urine is another symptom to watch for.  It can sometimes be hard to see this in cats as they usually go in the litter box.  But if he’s urinating outside his box, you may see it.

If your cat is straining to urinate, or can’t pass any urine, this indicates a blockage.  A urinary blockage is a veterinary emergency, and you need to get your cat to the vet as soon as possible.

Treatment For Cat Bladder Stones

Your vet will probably take some x-rays or do an ultrasound to verify the presence of bladder stones.  Once they are diagnosed, you vet will probably outline two treatment options.

The first is surgery to remove the stones.  This is the fastest solution to the problem. 

The second is to try to dissolve the stones with a special diet.  This is a good option for many cats.  However, it may not work well for all felines.  The major reason is that it’s a slower treatment.  It can take several weeks or months for the stones to dissolve.  During this time your cat will still be passing bloody urine, and may still be straining to urinate.

Diet therapy doesn’t work with all stones.  It’s helpful if the cat passes a stone so that you vet can analyze it to see what it’s made of.  Some types of stones can’t be dissolved.

Some cats won’t eat the special diet food.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t work unless it’s the only thing your cat is eating.

Are Herbal Pet Remedies The Answer To Cat Bladder Stones?

Many cat owners are turning to herbal pet remedies to help solve cat urinary problems.  These herbal and homeopathic remedies have been used by people across the world for centuries.  These remedies work to solve the underlying problem, instead of just treating the symptoms. 

It’s very important to buy these herbal pet remedies only from reputable companies that specialize in producing them.  Do your homework and be sure that the company stands behind its products.  You want to be sure that you find remedies especially formulated for pets.

These natural remedies are inexpensive and readily available.  They have stood the test of time, and there are no side effects to worry about. 

Now that you have this information, you can take action to prevent cat urinary problems.

postheadericon You love your ferret, and you can do anything for him/her to have all the worldly comforts and enjoyment

You love your ferret, and you can do anything for him/her to have all the worldly comforts and enjoyment. You love playing with ferret; you give him/her nourished food; you give exciting toys to play; but amongst all the things, do you have any idea about how to train your ferret!

Ferret needs training, and this is very essential to meet normal chores efficiently. However, you need to train your ferret in an organized manner, so that your ferret can remain clean and tidy, and smart. Here are some of the effective ways that would help you to in training the ferret:

  • Be patient when you give the ferret litter training. As compare to the cats, ferrets are not fast learners, and you need to spend quality time before he/she gets accustomed to using litter box. While choosing a liter box, make sure that you choose the box which is safe for the ferret. Simply reject the litter boxes made from cedar, pine etc., as these may cause problems in the respiratory tract.
  • Bring the droppings of your ferret and show to him/her in order to give a fair idea on where to eliminate, defecate or urinate next time. Irrespective of the fact whether ferret is baby or full adult, you are likely to face the problems when you provide him/her bathroom training. You tend to get irritated while training him. But, no matter in whatever way the ferret behaves, you have to be patient.
  • As the part of training, you should be punctual in washing your ferret’s cage. This is very necessary because when you wash the cage with water you are ensuring to minimize the odor coming from their droppings and urine.  Further, cleaning the cage gives a refreshing and healthy atmosphere for ferret’s stay.
  • Place litter trays in specific areas inside, and around your home, in order to efficiently potty train the puppy. Whenever the puppy eliminates in the tray, reward or retreat him/her accordingly. Giving your ferret all the recognition if he/she does it correctly will encourage him/her to the job in the same manner and correctly.
  • If litter box training is not serving in the rightful means for the ferret, then, try out paper training procedures. Place the newspapers in a segregated way around the house in those places, where the ferret can eliminate the waste easily. Paper training is also advantageous to your means as you’d be able to throw the newspaper easily by folding it. However, be cautious that you use old newspapers.

Even after training the ferrets, some of the problems still exist, and these problems arise out of personality differences. Follow these tips:

  • Ferret should be brought out of the cage when he/she is eliminating
  • Adamant and stubborn ferrets should be thrown in the company of trained and matured ferrets to impart potty training effectively. Old ferrets will not stand the nuances of young ferrets.
  • Big and small litter box should be adjusted inside the ferret’s cage with the help of wires and clips. Keep the small litter box inside the big litter box.
  • Keep the food in the areas where the ferret litters. This is to ensure that ferret doesn’t eliminate anywhere in the home.

Be determined and committed, should you decide to train your loveable and adorable ferret.


postheadericon Is your cat refusing to use the litter tray or box, no matter what you try to do

Is your cat refusing to use the litter tray or box, no matter what you try to do?

Then you’re not alone, because you, me, and millions of other cat owners are either facing this problem right now, or have done so in the past.

I’ve had many cats in the past, and one of them recently posed a huge problem. He is a lovely cat, but he is not litter trained and just pees just everywhere. Even though he had a litter box that he used once only, he still used to pee and poop on everything.

Luckily I already have several proven tricks up my sleeve, and in this quick article I’d like to share a couple of mistakes I’ve learned the hard way, which will help speed up the time it takes to train your cat to use the litter tray.

So, here are two common cat litter training mistakes…

Mistake #1Not realizing that your cat is choosy!

Did you know that cats may have personal preferences when it comes to their litter box? It’s true, and sadly, your cat’s preferences may not coincide with the owner’s preferences in most cases.

Choosing the right cat litter and cat litter boxes for your cat (and not for you) is important. The rest of this article explains some key things to remember when picking the right cat litter and cat tray or box…

Mistake #2 Not providing enough “drop zones”

Many owners do not provide enough litter boxes, particularly in households with numerous cats. The number of boxes in the home should equal the number of cats, plus one. For example, a two cat household needs three litter boxes.

It’s a good idea to distribute your cat litter boxes evenly around the home. In homes with several floors, there should be at least one litter box on each floor of the house.

Finally, don’t forget that each litter box must be kept very clean. Boxes should be scooped daily and completely emptied, washed and disinfected thoroughly every 1-2 weeks.

Isn’t it time you discovered why most cat training aids don’t work, and how to get inside your cat’s mind and quickly teach them perfect behaviour from any age?

Well, right now, you can discover these secrets for free, with my 9 part guide to perfect cat behaviour at

There, you’ll discover many easy ways to end cat litter box problems for good, plus so much more…