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postheadericon Has this ever happened to you

Has this ever happened to you?  You find your cat in his litter box, straining to urinate, crying out in pain.  He can’t seem to pass any urine.  You take him to the vet, who tells you that your cat’s urinary problem is due to cat bladder stones.

Bladder Stones In Cats

A bladder stone, or urolith, is made up from minerals present in your cat’s urine.  These minerals sometimes form crystals that stick together to form a stone in your cat’s bladder.  These stones can be as small as grains of sand, or they can grow to the size of a piece of pea gravel. 

Your feline friend may have only one stone, or he could have several dozen. 

Why do the minerals form crystals?  There are several theories.  Your cat’s urine may be high in minerals due to his diet, or it may be because he has an infection in his bladder.

Bladder stones usually take several months to form, but they can grow in just a couple of weeks.

Symptoms Of Cat Urinary Problems

If your cat suddenly starts urinating in places other than his litter box, this can indicate that he’s having a urinary problem.  You may notice him licking his bottom more than usual, too. 

Blood in the urine is another symptom to watch for.  It can sometimes be hard to see this in cats as they usually go in the litter box.  But if he’s urinating outside his box, you may see it.

If your cat is straining to urinate, or can’t pass any urine, this indicates a blockage.  A urinary blockage is a veterinary emergency, and you need to get your cat to the vet as soon as possible.

Treatment For Cat Bladder Stones

Your vet will probably take some x-rays or do an ultrasound to verify the presence of bladder stones.  Once they are diagnosed, you vet will probably outline two treatment options.

The first is surgery to remove the stones.  This is the fastest solution to the problem. 

The second is to try to dissolve the stones with a special diet.  This is a good option for many cats.  However, it may not work well for all felines.  The major reason is that it’s a slower treatment.  It can take several weeks or months for the stones to dissolve.  During this time your cat will still be passing bloody urine, and may still be straining to urinate.

Diet therapy doesn’t work with all stones.  It’s helpful if the cat passes a stone so that you vet can analyze it to see what it’s made of.  Some types of stones can’t be dissolved.

Some cats won’t eat the special diet food.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t work unless it’s the only thing your cat is eating.

Are Herbal Pet Remedies The Answer To Cat Bladder Stones?

Many cat owners are turning to herbal pet remedies to help solve cat urinary problems.  These herbal and homeopathic remedies have been used by people across the world for centuries.  These remedies work to solve the underlying problem, instead of just treating the symptoms. 

It’s very important to buy these herbal pet remedies only from reputable companies that specialize in producing them.  Do your homework and be sure that the company stands behind its products.  You want to be sure that you find remedies especially formulated for pets.

These natural remedies are inexpensive and readily available.  They have stood the test of time, and there are no side effects to worry about. 

Now that you have this information, you can take action to prevent cat urinary problems.

postheadericon We want our dogs to live as long as possible, but the truth is, certain dog breeds live longer than others

We want our dogs to live as long as possible, but the truth is, certain dog breeds live longer than others. If you are in the market for a new pet, following is some information that could help in this decision making process.

From breed to breed, the age of a dog varies, but the average life span of the North American or European dog is about 12 years of age.8 years. For the last 100 years there has been an increase in life span of dogs thanks to better foods and medical care.

Larger dogs like the Saint Bernard live shorter lives than smaller dogs because physically, the bodies of larger dogs are more stressed than the bodies of smaller dogs. Medium sized dogs can live to be between 11 to 14, while very large breeds live only 8 to 12 years. some small dogs can live up to 22 years of age, but the average is from 14 to 22.

The life expectancy of any particular dog is also determined by the stresses in its everyday life – just like humans. of course, this includes physical and psychological stresses, what the dog eats and how well you take care of your dog.

While a Labrador Retriever may live an average of 12.6 years, some people report their Labs having lived much longer. Smaller breeds such as a Lhasa Apso or a Miniature Poodle, have a life expectancy of around 14.8 years of age. Yet there are some poodles that live to be more than 18 years old.

Have you ever tried to add up how old your dog is in “human’ years? In reality, the seven years to one human year is a myth, or a dog that is 20 would be 140 years old. Even basing the lifespan on 100 years, a small dog’s age would roughly be five years to every human year, so five times 20 would be 100 years. No one formula for a dog to human age conversion has ever been scientifically analyzed.

Typically, a one year old puppy that has reached full growth is usually sexually mature, although it might still need to fill out, just like human teenagers. A two year old dog is equal to about another 3 to 8 years in terms of mental and physical maturity, while each year thereafter is equal to around four or five years in human terms.

As a dog gets on in years, it is critical to take good care of the animal, and make it comfortable as it approaches its last days. You will know when your dog stops eating, its breathing becomes difficult, and other pets begin to snap at it or ignore the animal. The time may have come to plan a pet memorial service and think about taking it to the vet to be put down and out of its pain.

When your dog dies, you can help it live forever in the hearts of your family by conducting a pet memorial. Purchasing a dog urn, to put cremains in is one way to remember your friend. Pet urns are each as unique as your pet, and can fit nicely into a home, or be used in an ash spreading ceremony.

Dn’t forget, your pet will live long in the memories of those who truely loved it.

postheadericon There are several troubles that cats will have to manage with

There are several troubles that cats will have to manage with. One such trouble are cataracts. This is when the lens of the cat’s eye is keeping light to be directed to and refocused by the retina behind the eye. Instead the lens will appear opaque.  

There are contrasting things that may induce this condition. In certain cats it is hereditary or might be linked to another condition that they are hurting from. The bulk of them are caused when there is a redness inside of the eye – which have the ability to be stimulated by trauma or other critical eye problems. Unlike in dogs the cataracts that cats have are not frequent and normally do not come about due to old age.

Warning Signs

In order to know whether or not your cat has this trouble you must be able to distinguish the warning signs of it. The most ordinary of these include a bluish to white color that is within the eye. They will often begin to run into objects or furniture or might be fearful to try to jump on or off furniture. Redness and inflammation might be within or round the eye and you might find them squinting a great deal.


If you observe any of these warning troubles in your cat than you have to take them to the vet immediately. They will be able to analyze and diagnose the problem. They will also help you to discover the best course of treatment – which will usually aid to fix the underlying trouble that is causing it.

If the cat eye cataracts are being caused by inflammation in the eye than they will utilize anti-inflammatory medicines to treat it along with antibiotics. Regrettably there is nothing they can do to reverse the results of them or to shrink them. The only method to take away them is with surgery.