Posts Tagged ‘direct’
Well, you have an aquarium and you purchased a couple of cichlids for your fish tank
Well, you have an aquarium and you purchased a couple of cichlids for your fish tank. Now, you are wondering what the next step is. If this is your first fish tank, you will need to learn how to care for the type of fish you have chosen as each type has different things they need. The things you need to watch include water temperature, location of aquarium, pH levels, type of filtration system, what type of lighting you need, and of course what type of food your fish will eat. Your cichlids are pretty easy to care for but you still have responsibilities if you want your fish to stay happy and healthy.
Water Temperature
The cichlid does wonderful when water temperatures are between 74 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit, but can tolerate temperatures as low as 68 degrees. Now, if you have babies known as fry you will need to keep the temperature at an 80 to 82 degree Fahrenheit range. The warmer temperature helps to raise the baby’s metabolism, which makes them eat more and grow faster. If you happen to have an aggressive cichlid on your hand, which is often the case, you can lower the water temperature and this will help with their aggressive nature but do not go below 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
Location of Aquarium
Never place any aquarium with any kind of fish close to a window or sunny area or even beside a computer, refrigerator, or other appliance that generates heat. This will cause the water temperature to fluctuate. The same goes with placing the tank in a drafty area, which will have the same result.
pH Levels
As with all fish tanks, the pH levels in the water need to be checked and kept at an optimal level. For cichlids, the pH levels should stay between 6 and 8. When changing water or cleaning the tank, be sure that the aquarium water does not change levels quickly. It would be best to have clean water ready that is at the proper pH level before cleaning the tank.
Filtration System
The best filtration system will be one that was designed for the size of your aquarium. In most cases, the smaller aquariums are great for the cichlids and sponge filters are perfect. Of course, you will want to read all the direction and ensure you purchase the proper system.
The best lighting for an aquarium is fluorescent lighting as it creates an atmosphere more like the natural habitat of the cichlids, but use dim lights and never bright lights. Bright lights will agitate your fish.
Fish Food
Cichlids will eat any type of fish food without any problem. Just remember that you should only feed them what they can eat in about five to ten minutes and the rest of the food should be taken out of the tank.
A lot of people who have dogs, suffer dogs’ behavior problems
A lot of people who have dogs, suffer dogs’ behavior problems. Some people hire super trainers with hope that afterwards they will see a great change in their beloved pet. Very often after good spent money and lost time dog is not really further. The point is that 99% of trainers’ methods are ineffective. Besides, your dear dog’s nervous system gets damaged. There are enough opportunities nowadays to find a common language with your dog and to start understanding each other.
The main key to solve by yourself the problem with your pet is to let him understanding Your language. Because dogs speak DOG’s language. They are born like that. You have to teach them Yours language. The method SitStayFetch , which is one of the most popular nowadays, gives best results in this direction. It takes time, it needs a great patience, but it solves your problem.
Remember, the real obedience of your dog is in each day exercises.
You take a high responsibility when you take a decision to have a dog and it is logical that each dog needs a good training.
A lot of people start complain that their dog jumps on everyone, shows the aggression towards other dogs, doesn’t walk calm on the street, it is impossible to take him anywhere, he barks at home no end and a lot of other things. Do you ever asked yourself why it is like that, and what YOU did wrong? Because it is exactly your mistake. You didn’t find a common language.
When you know the reason, why your dog behaves like this and that, you will find the best key to your friend. Always try to understand the reason, what stands really behind disobedience of your dog. It is very important.
I know a couple, which has an old cat, but they decided to have also a dog. And, of course, some problems appeared very quick. They tried SitStayFetch program, and their pets now are able to eat calm together, and they are best friends. I talk once again about this course, because it really provides great results.
I have a dog, who was scared of his own shadow, and it was quite difficult to go for a walk with him. He had a very unexpected behavior. Besides, he is so big (his father is an English dog), that each time he pulled the lead I was close to fall down. I took me certain time to train him by SitStayFetch methods, and he improved much in his behavior (he is 10 years old) and improves each day, because we keep on going each day. It is very visible that he likes it by himself. A LOT OF headaches are gone.
A lot of people don’t believe that it is possible to teach something an old dog. They think that if you didn’t train him from puppy’s age, the chance is gone and it is too difficult now. And I must tell you. that it is not true. You can teach and train your dog at any age. I checked it on my own experience. Your friend will be only thankful. You will start feeling that you get a real soul mate, because you speak the same language.
It is possible to teach your dog at any age to stop barking, to stop pulling on the lead, to stop jumping up and a lot of other things.
If you are looking for that, have a look here:
I wish you to improve your relationship with your dog.
While parents cannot control every event, there are measures and precautions you can take to help your child avoid a dog bite
While parents cannot control every event, there are measures and precautions you can take to help your child avoid a dog bite. Teaching your child prevention techniques may save him/her from a traumatic attack. For example, children often become excited and rambunctious around dogs, running around and hugging the animal. This can make dogs nervous and cause them to lash out in a violent manner. Teach your child to behave in a more subdued and calm manner around dogs, as this will help calm the animal?s nerves and instinctual responses.
Also, make sure your child always asks the dog?s guardian for permission before petting the animal. Teach your child to then approach the dog slowly and let the animal sniff him/her before petting it. In addition, teach your child how to properly pet a dog. Most dogs prefer to be petted gently on their backs and sides and can become anxious or angry when a child is petting wildly.
It is important to know the behavioral instincts of dogs to help prevent attacks. Dogs are naturally protective of property and their owners. Therefore, teach your child not to pet a dog that is playing with a toy, as the dog may think the child is trying to take it. Likewise, your child should know not to pet a dog behind a fence because the dog may become protective of its property and lash out. Dogs can also become protective of their space when riding in vehicles, so children should also be careful about petting them in a car.
While children most often interact with family?s and neighbors? pet dogs, they may encounter stray dogs. As such, it is important to teach them a few basic techniques to avoid an attack. First, they should know to never make direct eye contact with the animal. Teach your child to come to a standstill if a strange dog approaches. Never run away from a dog! Rather, teach your child to back away slowly from the animal and avoid sudden movements.
Of course, not all dog bites and attacks can be avoided. Even if you and your children take every precaution around dogs, some animals will still attack. In the event of an animal attack, seek medical attention immediately, especially if the dog is a stray. Even wounds that seem minor can easily become infected if not properly treated.
Training a dog requires many hours of dedication and patience
Training a dog requires many hours of dedication and patience. But you will need double the patience and dedication to train a rescued dog. However, the rewards will be worth the effort.
Unplanned litters continue to be common even though the practice of spaying and neutering has been around for decades. Because of this it is hard to find loving homes for all of these newborn pups.. If you add to this the number of runaways and lost dogs, the shelters and missions are filled to the brim. For many of these dogs being euthanized will be the sad reality.
A second chance awaits a lucky few. Some will be adopted into the care of a loving family or rescued from the street. The new owners, however, are often not quite sure how best to deal with the rescued dog.
Dogs that are brought to shelters are generally not in the best condition. It is not uncommon for them to be victims of neglect, abuse of even terrible living conditions. And in some circumstances dogs are released into the wild to take care of themselves.
A dog’s nature is to be a pack animal. Because of this dogs that are in the wild usually do not do well in isolation. A domesticated dog that has been released into the wild and no longer has human or animal interaction do poorly. Wild dogs such as these are usually fearful and distrustful of humans, but with proper training they can learn to overcome these traits.
As the first step in rescuing a dog you should take it to your veterinarian for a full exam. If the animal is sick or in pain your training efforts will be wasted. It is very important to give the dog enough time to regain weight and energy.
It may be a tall order, but whenever possible try to get the dog’s history. Knowledge of past abuse, general temperament, or medical history will help you as your train the dog.
Take your time when trying to gain the dog’s trust. It is important not to force yourself on the dog. They will need to learn that they can trust you before they seek you out. Many dogs are food driven so using treats to build trust can help. Place a treat on the floor and back away a few steps. Do not stare directly at the dog. It is important to praise them once they take the treat.
A few dogs that are rescued look for physical interaction from the beginning. Others may take a few days or weeks. Once established you can try to roll them onto their back and place your hand on the chest. You can expect that the dog will either resist if they tend to be aggressive or a fearful dog will accept. Neither aggression nor fear is good. Forcing an aggressive dog into a submissive position is done under normal training. This will not work with a rescued dog. Remember to take your time when establishing trust. Make sure that a fearful dog understands that being on its back is not a punishment by given it a belly rub and talking in a calm voice.
You may find that the training is slower and more difficult with a rescued dog. They are often older dogs, mixed, and with difficult temperaments which makes training more challenging. Don’t give up. You will be rewarded in the end.
Feeling sorry for the dog can actually do more harm than good. Training can be hindered by doing this. Be patient, loving and understanding but don’t let the dog have the run of the house. You must establish your position as a leader and let the rescued dog understand that you are the alpha of the pack.
It’s a lot of sweet and hard work but you will have a companion for life.
Part of many cat’s personalities is independence
Part of many cat’s personalities is independence. Since most cats can fend for themselves, are very good hunters, and cautious by nature they may not be very social. Or in pet terms, they just don’t care if you want them to do something; they do what ever they want.
This really irritates some people to no end. They want to have a pet that responds to their directions. For the most part, my advice for those people is to get a dog. But cats can be social or friendly with a little training. I’m not absolutely sure they may really mean it but they will at least act like it.
Two things all animals respond to are food and affection or positive reinforcement. Many animals will not respond to punishment or physical discipline, especially cats. So the best method I’ve found is to bribe them. Many cats who are prone to hissing or even threatening to strangers do so because at one time or another they were mistreated. Cats aren’t very trustworthy to begin with and any memory of a bad situation just confirms their belief that all strangers may pose a threat.
I’ve spent a lot of time rescuing abandoned or feral cats and in order to catch them and find them a home you need to gain their trust. Food and patients are your only means of trying to restore that trust. Some who were recently abandoned are pretty easy; cats who were born feral are a lot tougher. Sometimes it takes up to 6 months of constant work to bring them around. A few never adapt depending on their age and natural disposition.
But if you have a cat that is aggressive or hides when company comes, you have a cat with a social problem. Some may not even have had a bad experience; they are just suspicious of anyone. You may never completely eliminate the problem but you can make some serious progress. It does take a little work and effort.
One of my best tricks is to get the stranger to offer the cat some food that they especially like. Obviously you need someone to help in this type of training. And you may have to take it in very small steps. The food is offered to the cat, if they still don’t calm down or if they still run away, set the food down in a neutral area. Not to close but not to far away. Over time the cat will come out or stop the aggressive behavior, inch by inch.
The room needs to be quiet, no sudden movements by anyone, and once you put down the food you need to pay no attention to it or the cat. The food has to be irresistible and I try not and feed the cat for a few hours before the training exercise. Most of my experience shows that on the first few times you may have to put the food down and back away at least 20-25 feet, giving the cat a clear escape route. Slowly but surely you move the food closer to the person.
Once the cat starts taking the food right in front of the person, they need to slowly try and pet the cat. No fast or sudden motions, and just one or two strokes to start with when petting. Once the cat starts recognizing that they will get food and attention from a stranger, they will start being friendlier.
Aggressive cats require very quick reactions just in case. Never put yourself at risk, I’ve seen a cat shred someone’s hand or ankle in nothing flat. And on the scardy cat problems, you need to start eliminating the far away hiding spots. Give them somewhere to hide but keep it close so they can smell the food and get used to new people being in the same room.
Like I mentioned, this may take months of working with the cat. Repetition will get results but you need to be patient with the cat. You are trying to overcome a basic insecurity (that may be justified) and these behavior modifications are slow to stick. And some may never totally overcome their problems but most do improve. I had one especially aggressive feral cat that started out as one mean son of a gun. Within a few months he would come up and rub against people. Now you still had to keep any eye on him, but he wouldn’t beat up other cats (he also used to beat up dogs too) or take a swipe at people who went to pet him anymore.
One of the key factors on finding a rescue cat a home is that they learn how to behave around new people and quickly adapt to their new family. And a cat that will attack people is definitely not a good thing for visitors, human or animal. Positive reinforcement and a little effort can make a huge improvement on cat social skills.