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postheadericon Training a dog requires many hours of dedication and patience

Training a dog requires many hours of dedication and patience. But you will need double the patience and dedication to train a rescued dog. However, the rewards will be worth the effort.

Unplanned litters continue to be common even though the practice of spaying and neutering has been around for decades. Because of this it is hard to find loving homes for all of these newborn pups.. If you add to this the number of runaways and lost dogs, the shelters and missions are filled to the brim. For many of these dogs being euthanized will be the sad reality.

A second chance awaits a lucky few. Some will be adopted into the care of a loving family or rescued from the street. The new owners, however, are often not quite sure how best to deal with the rescued dog.

Dogs that are brought to shelters are generally not in the best condition. It is not uncommon for them to be victims of neglect, abuse of even terrible living conditions. And in some circumstances dogs are released into the wild to take care of themselves.

A dog’s nature is to be a pack animal. Because of this dogs that are in the wild usually do not do well in isolation. A domesticated dog that has been released into the wild and no longer has human or animal interaction do poorly. Wild dogs such as these are usually fearful and distrustful of humans, but with proper training they can learn to overcome these traits.

As the first step in rescuing a dog you should take it to your veterinarian for a full exam. If the animal is sick or in pain your training efforts will be wasted. It is very important to give the dog enough time to regain weight and energy.

It may be a tall order, but whenever possible try to get the dog’s history. Knowledge of past abuse, general temperament, or medical history will help you as your train the dog.

Take your time when trying to gain the dog’s trust. It is important not to force yourself on the dog. They will need to learn that they can trust you before they seek you out. Many dogs are food driven so using treats to build trust can help. Place a treat on the floor and back away a few steps. Do not stare directly at the dog. It is important to praise them once they take the treat.

A few dogs that are rescued look for physical interaction from the beginning. Others may take a few days or weeks. Once established you can try to roll them onto their back and place your hand on the chest. You can expect that the dog will either resist if they tend to be aggressive or a fearful dog will accept. Neither aggression nor fear is good. Forcing an aggressive dog into a submissive position is done under normal training. This will not work with a rescued dog. Remember to take your time when establishing trust. Make sure that a fearful dog understands that being on its back is not a punishment by given it a belly rub and talking in a calm voice.

You may find that the training is slower and more difficult with a rescued dog. They are often older dogs, mixed, and with difficult temperaments which makes training more challenging. Don’t give up. You will be rewarded in the end.

Feeling sorry for the dog can actually do more harm than good. Training can be hindered by doing this. Be patient, loving and understanding but don’t let the dog have the run of the house. You must establish your position as a leader and let the rescued dog understand that you are the alpha of the pack.

It’s a lot of sweet and hard work but you will have a companion for life.

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