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postheadericon A lot of people who have dogs, suffer dogs’ behavior problems

A lot of people who have dogs, suffer dogs’ behavior problems. Some people hire super trainers with hope that afterwards they will see a great change in their beloved pet. Very often after good spent money and lost time dog is not really further. The point is that 99% of trainers’ methods are ineffective. Besides, your dear dog’s nervous system gets damaged. There are enough opportunities nowadays to find a common language with your dog and to start understanding each other.

The main key to solve by yourself the problem with your pet is to let him understanding Your language. Because dogs speak DOG’s language. They are born like that. You have to teach them Yours language. The method SitStayFetch , which is one of the most popular nowadays, gives best results in this direction. It takes time, it needs a great patience, but it solves your problem.
Remember, the real obedience of your dog is in each day exercises.

You take a high responsibility when you take a decision to have a dog and it is logical that each dog needs a good training.

A lot of people start complain that their dog jumps on everyone, shows the aggression towards other dogs, doesn’t walk calm on the street, it is impossible to take him anywhere, he barks at home no end and a lot of other things. Do you ever asked yourself why it is like that, and what YOU did wrong? Because it is exactly your mistake. You didn’t find a common language.

When you know the reason, why your dog behaves like this and that, you will find the best key to your friend. Always try to understand the reason, what stands really behind disobedience of your dog. It is very important.

I know a couple, which has an old cat, but they decided to have also a dog. And, of course, some problems appeared very quick. They tried SitStayFetch program, and their pets now are able to eat calm together, and they are best friends. I talk once again about this course, because it really provides great results.

I have a dog, who was scared of his own shadow, and it was quite difficult to go for a walk with him. He had a very unexpected behavior. Besides, he is so big (his father is an English dog), that each time he pulled the lead I was close to fall down. I took me certain time to train him by SitStayFetch methods, and he improved much in his behavior (he is 10 years old) and improves each day, because we keep on going each day. It is very visible that he likes it by himself. A LOT OF headaches are gone.

A lot of people don’t believe that it is possible to teach something an old dog. They think that if you didn’t train him from puppy’s age, the chance is gone and it is too difficult now. And I must tell you. that it is not true. You can teach and train your dog at any age. I checked it on my own experience. Your friend will be only thankful. You will start feeling that you get a real soul mate, because you speak the same language.

It is possible to teach your dog at any age to stop barking, to stop pulling on the lead, to stop jumping up and a lot of other things.

If you are looking for that, have a look here:


I wish you to improve your relationship with your dog.

postheadericon Training pet parrots has a lot of benefits like

Training pet parrots has a lot of benefits like. Teaching some simple commands to handle your parrot easier and strengthening the bond  with your parrot. It is not only the entertainment when a parrot   can talk and do tricks.  Of course the success of training parrots process means lots of praise and attention together with favorite treats.

Keep it Positive
It is very important for the success. There are three principles for parrot training:

  1. If your parrot does something well–> give him a reward
  2. If he  does something unwell–> ignore it
  3. Never punish your parrot

In training parrots process your goal is simple- if your parrot behaves the proper way, give him a reward   like a favorite food treat or a play session and ignore for bad things.   Also even a simple praise or a treasured toy are good motivation for some birds. Do not forget to ignore the bird if the parrot is doing something undesirable. A negative reaction is also attention so if your parrot desires your attention he will accept it as  a reward  . He may think that negative attention is better than no attention. Ignoring is much better decision and  the undesirable behavior will   stop soon. This bellow is what your approach training has to be in order to keep the process positive:

  • Train  your bird only when you feel relaxed because the  training takes patience!
  • Choose a time when your bird is attentive and not distracted by preening, eating, or household activities.
  • Short, frequent training sessions like a few minutes at a time divided into several times a day are more effective.
  • Pick a particularly  favorite reward
  • When your bird does something well, don’t give a treat every time otherwise your bird will do it if   you have a treat handy.
  • End every session on a positive way like giving a treat for a good try or  a successful attempt, and move on to something else.
  • Training sessions should be funny for your bird.

Very Basic Training Parrots: Step Up and Step Down
Choose one or  two things to teach your parrot.  They could be training your parrot to step up onto your wrist or finger or even a perch which you are holding in your hand on command, and then he has to step back off again. These are   easy but  important skills to teach. Stepping up on command is generally easy  to train as it is  a natural movement for a bird   (stepping down is a bit more difficult  to teach). If you teach your bird to step up and step down on command it will make handling much easier and   you will be able to set some boundaries for your bird. Then  you can   return  the bird back to its playgym or cageor  remove  him easily   from areas of  home that are not bird-proofed .Even if you have a baby bird to start early with the step up and step down commands is still a good idea .  It allows you to give lots of positive reinforcement and it is a good foundation for training your parrots into more skills to in the future.

postheadericon Canister filters are renowned to be the most efficient fish tank filters around today

Canister filters are renowned to be the most efficient fish tank filters around today.  It is true that they will cost a lot initially but if you can afford to install one, they will save you a whole lot in terms of time spent maintaining them and of course money.  But for people who have already installed a canister filter in their aquarium, what now comes to mind is whether they should then install two filters and what are the benefits of this extra filtration to the aquatic life?

Actually, this is a matter of preference that most fish breeders cannot agree on whether it is a good idea or not to have two canister filters in one tank.  That question has been argued about since canister filters were invented.

Rather than taking a side, I will instead talk about what happens when you have two canister filters in one aquarium and it will be up to you to decide which you choose.

The Benefits Of Having Two Canister Filters.

The obvious reason for most supporters of two filters is backup.  That is to say that you will have a spare filter running in case one of them needs repair, thus ensuring that the water in your fish tank remains filtered.  This reason becomes even more critical for those who live a distance from the nearest aquarium store and cannot get hold of spare parts fast enough.

Another reason is the size of the fish tank itself.  People who like more than one filter say that if the aquarium is too big, one filter will not be enough to cleanse the entire tank as there will be blind spots where the water will not be drawn  into the filter.  Having two canister filters with their inlet positioned at opposite ends of the tank will ensure that there are no blind spots.

What’s The Downside Of Using Two Canister Filters

The main issue about having multiple canister filters is water movement.  The movement of water in the aquarium affects the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.  The faster the rate at which water moves, the faster the exchange will be thus reducing the amount of CO2 in the tank.  But isn’t less CO2 better?  Well, not if you also have aquatic plant life.  Plants take in CO2 and expell O2.  By doing so, plants actually help maintain a healthy balance of CO2/O2 levels in the water.  Having insufficent carbon dioxide levels will stunt the plants growth and cause them to lose their lustre.

Also, excessive filtering will not only filter out the waste materials but also the nutrients that plants are very dependant on.  it is actually true that in a tank with plants, it is the plants that provide a netter and more efficient biological filtration than the beneficial bacteria.

And lastly, and this is especially important for fish that naturally come from a slow moving environment, too much water movements will actually be bad for the health of your fish.  Too much movement places unnecessary stress on them as well as actually stunt their ability to breed.  So these are the pros and cons of having more than one canister filter in a single aquarium.

If you do plan to install an additional filter, just remember to reduce their suction rates to counter balance the disadvantages.

postheadericon There are many things to learn when learning how to take care of a ferret , but they are all very simple

There are many things to learn when learning how to take care of a ferret, but they are all very simple.  However, you need to ensure you understand the responsibility on you as mother, father and family of your new pet ferret.  When actually deciding how and where to house your ferret, consider these 3 essentials ingredients properly and you and your new fuzzy will have many happy years together.


Safety of your ferret should be top of your list when looking at where and in what you are going to keep your pet ferret.  You do not want him escaping, injuring himself or being hurt by other animals or pets.

Get a proper ferret cage.  This is important as other cages are totally unsuitable.  You need the spaces between the bars to be right, so that fuzzy can not get that nosey head of his between them.  Also this ensures that other animals or pets can’t either.

When looking at where to put the cage, you should be avoiding radiators or other heaters.  You want a good steady temperature for your pet ferret to be healthy.


I am talking about inside and out when considering the space required to take care of a ferret.

Inside, means a good sized cage, with 2 levels if possible.  Your new ferret needs plenty of room to be able to sleep comfortably and play, to keep him stimulated when not out of it and exercising with you.

That cage I going to have to have a litter tray in it ideally, so take that into account when you choose.  Buy the best that money can buy.  Do not go cheap, as there is usually a reason for that.  You don’t want to find the bars rusting in 3 months time, do you?

Outside make sure you have a good space to play, which is free of dangerous temptations, such as electric flex and wire, children’s toys and human food.  None of these lead to a long life for ferrets


Let’ face it animals poop and ferrets are no different.  It’s not the most pleasant thing in life, but we all have to do it!  But your ferret can’t clean his own up, that’s down to you my friend. But there are ways to make this easier.  First of all buy a cage with plenty of space for a litter box or tray and train your ferret to use it.  This is actually easier than it sounds.  This way everything is in one place and cleaning is a simple process.

You have to keep that cage clean and change the bedding regularly.  If you don’t you are storing up problems which could come out in diseases and illness for your little prince.

Make sure you have other litter boxes and trays outside the cage as well which you can train your ferret to use.

postheadericon It is always difficult to deal with the loss of a pet, but it can be even more devastating to a child

It is always difficult to deal with the loss of a pet, but it can be even more devastating to a child. Children often find it hard to understand what happened to their pet, and older children who do understand are often distraught. When you have to help your child deal with this loss, it can be a bit more difficult for you. Not only do you need to help your child with this loss, but you also have to cope with it yourself. It is natural for your child to grieve. To help you give your child the help that they need, here are some ideas that you can use to help your child get through this time of grief.

Encourage Discussion About the Pet

The first thing you can do to help your child get through the grieving process for your pet is to encourage discussion about the pet. Allow them to talk about their pet. You should be open about your pet as well. Encourage them to talk to others about their pet too. Discussing the pet can make them feel closer to their pet, even though the pet is gone. Grieving is all about openness and talking about the pet can be very helpful to children who are grieving.

Share Your Own Feelings

Another important thing you can do to help your child deal with pet loss is to share your own feelings. You need to let your child know that you are upset as well and that you feel the pain of loss and sadness. Sometimes the best thing you can do to help your child is to shed some tears together. They will feel like you are there with them, feeling the same pain, which will help them get through this.

Try to Answer Questions Honestly

You also need to try to answer questions honestly with your children if they ask you about the loss of a pet. Sometimes for smaller children, this can be a bit more difficult. Consider the age of your children and do your best to give honest answers that are age appropriate. It may not be easy, but honesty can help them get through this time, even though it is difficult.

Take Time for a Memorial to Your Pet

Taking time out to have a memorial to your pet is a wonderful idea if you have kids that are grieving over the loss of their pet. Whether you simply have a time of silence in the back yard, you bury your pet, or have them put in a pet urn, a special memorial can help your child have a sense of closure. When you formally grieve the pet, it can help your child get through this process, feeling that they have taken the time out to grieve their pet.

These are just a few ideas that you can use to help your child as they go through pet loss with you. Use these tips to help them deal with the loss and make sure that you take time to grieve your pet as well.