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postheadericon Training your dog to “sit” is probably the first thing you will train your puppy to do

Training your dog to “sit” is probably the first thing you will train your puppy to do. I write puppy because you can start the training as soon as the puppy has settled in his new home. You might think this isn’t that important, a dog knows how to sit. Well, I think it is very important. Read on and you will found out why and how to train your dog to sit.

1. This first one is easy. You just start by saying “sit” every time the puppy sits itself. He learns to associate the word sit with the action. This is a tip you can use in all training.

2. Take out his favorite treat and keep it in your hand. Sausage usually works well but remember to cut it in small pieces so the puppy can swallow it fast.

3. Sit down on the floor so you get to the same level as the dog. You are less threatening when you sit. More important is that you are close to the dog so you can reward him faster. More about this soon.

4. Slowly move the treat over your puppy’s head. The intention is to get the puppy to smell the treat (he will) and follow it with his nose. He has two options. Either back still standing or sit down. It’s easier to sit down.

5 Immediately as he sits you say “sit” and give him the piece of sausage. This is the key factor to all training. The reward has to be exact in the same moment as the dog does the right thing.

6. Praise the dog. Show your joy with your voice as well as with your body language.

7. Repeat these steps 3-5 times. Not more than that though, as it has to be fun! On the other hand you can repeat the steps several times during the day.

8. In the next step you should try these steps while standing up. You can try to see if the dog reacts only to the word “sit” without your hand and the treat. If he sits down you obviously should praise him and if he doesn’t don’t care. You should never show your disappointment to your dog when you are training.

This is pretty easy for the puppy. In a day or two you will get him to sit with your “sit” command. Now you can try to make him sit down beside you. This is actually a preparation for the heel training. There you want him to sit as soon as you stop walking. If you have thoughts about obedience competitions with your dog you should consider the exact position where he sits and also how fast he sits. That is however off topic in this article.

The next level is to strengthen the word so you get the dog to sit in every situation no matter what’s going on around him. This is an ongoing process and you should never stop training. Use every new situation to train him. Make him sit with new people, new dogs and new surroundings.

It’s quite easy to train your dog to sit. If you consider not training your dog my advice is, think again. When you start training with your new puppy you get much more than the sitting part The puppy loves to do things with you. He learns to listen to his name. He gets used to training and doing things with you and on your initiative. This all together strengthen your position as the leader, and the puppy feels secure. When the puppy falls asleep in the evening his last thoughts should be: “This is really a great pack!”

postheadericon There are nearly as many dog and puppy training methods as there are dog trainers; but, there are some basic elements that all successful dog and puppy training methods have in common

There are nearly as many dog and puppy training methods as there are dog trainers; but, there are some basic elements that all successful dog and puppy training methods have in common. Follow these tips when training your canine companion and you’ll be well on the road to having a well trained dog, who is a source of great enjoyment and pride. But remember, dog training isn’t instantaneous – it is ongoing. Even when your pooch has acquired a desirable behavior it is still important to reinforce the behavior on a regular basis. Here are 10 of the most important tips to keep in mind when dog and puppy training:

1. All successful dog training programs require: patience, persistence, and consistence. This really is number one – most important – first and foremost.
2. Dogs are pack animals – use this to your advantage in your dog training
endeavor. Be sure your dog knows you are the Alpha Dog. Encourage your
dog to ‘give kisses’ (lick the back of your hand) – this is his acknowledging
you as the leader. Also rub your dog’s belly. Exposing his belly to you is a
sign of submission. It is extremely important that your dog always
remembers that you are his ‘pack leader’; and teaching him this as soon as
possible will make your dog and puppy training sessions progress much more
3. Remember that dogs (like humans) do make mistakes. The important thing is to correct the mistakes WHILE they are occurring – later is too late.
4. Lavishly praise and reward the behaviors you want to establish as you see them occurring during your puppy training sessions – and continue to reward whenever you see the behavior occur. This will lead to a snowballing effect: the more you reward appropriate behaviors the more they will occur – the more opportunity you will have to reward good behavior…
5. Don’t stretch dog or puppy training sessions out too long for you or your dog. Ten or fifteen minute sessions are plenty for most pups. And be aware that several short sessions are much more effective than one long marathon session. In fact, long marathon sessions are more likely to discourage you both and make you both want to give up.
6. Make your dog and puppy training time fun and positive. This should be a positive bonding experience for you and your pup.
7. Short dog training sessions are best – but sessions should occur frequently. Twice a day would be good – but once a day, every day, should be the absolute minimum for training your puppy.
8. Always end dog training sessions on a positive successful note. If either you or your dog are not in the mood for a training session, make the session short and easy that day. Only practice things you know your dog enjoys and will gladly do successfully at those times. Don’t make any session a struggle. Save the more difficult tasks for times when both you and your pup are in the proper frame of mind.
9. Reward works better than punishment. Use this knowledge to positively ‘shape’ your dog’s behavior. To do this, begin by rewarding your pup’s behaviors that come closer and closer to the precise behavior you’re trying to establish.
10. Correct inappropriate behavior from the beginning. Things that might seem cute for a puppy to do are totally unacceptable behavior for a full grown dog. Correct these behaviors from the start with your puppy – before habits form. The longer the behavior occurs the stronger the habit forms – the more difficult it will be to eliminate the behavior. Nip it in the bud!

Practice the above tips without fail during your dog and puppy training sessions. Always keep in mind that patience, persistence, and consistence are key. Throw in lavish praise and reward – and both you and your canine companion be well on your way to success. And visit http://www.e-dog-training.com for more up to date tips, advice, and information on all your dog and puppy training problems.

postheadericon If you want to know how to train your alano espanol puppy, this article can help you get in the right mindset

If you want to know how to train your alano espanol puppy, this article can help you get in the right mindset. This breed can be very dominant and serious but also very controllable and often acts submissive towards its master.

Before you can even begin to train your dog you need to first gain their respect and their trust. It is especially true when training a dog. Since dogs are known pack animals they have an instinct to follow one strong leader. You must put yourself in the position of “pack leader” in order to successful train your dog.

If your alano espanol does not have respect or a trust of you there is no way possible that you will be able to train it. Trust and respect are earned by dogs just as it is earned with people. Once the dog learns to trust its owner the training sessions will work much quicker.

One mistake that happens with many new dog owners is they are trying to give love and affection and wanting the dog to feel respect and trust. Show the love but you also must show you are in charge and confident in that. If your dog steps out of line and does something wrong, such as chewing furniture or shoes don’t let even little things go unpunished. Once a dog feels like they have the lead role in the family they will take over and do as they please, listening and obeying no one. Setting the rules of the house and being firm in these rules and firm in your telling the dog no.

You may believe that dogs don’t know how to listen but this is far from the truth. Dogs are smart and they like to have boundaries and rules as it is a natural instinct. As a part of the pack a dog will look to the leader and follow their actions or commands. So, even though it may seem cruel it really isn’t because a dog actually functions better when able to follow a leader otherwise they simply get confused or try and rule your roost. Use a firm hand but also give lots of love. Praise the dog when he does good things and you will have a best friend for life.

Good luck training your new alano espanol puppy!

postheadericon Dog obedience training

Dog Obedience Training

There are few things that are more frustrating than having an ill mannered,a ggressive dog around the house. Proper, early training will insure that you will not face what may become serious problems as the dog begins to mature. There is nothing funny about having a dog, big or small, trashing your home. Dog obedience training will help you to have a dog that behaves as it should, the way that you want it to behave. And, more importantly, because most dog problems are caused by owners that haven’t clue, it will train you to be a better doggy parent.

Step One

The first ingredient for effective dog obedience training to be effective is to build a solid and trusting relationship between dog and owner. And, before this can occur, a common language needs to be created. This can only be achieved when the dog obedience training that you are employing opens the way to learning, and provides you with the ability understand your pet and its needs.

Through dog obedience training you make sure that the animal always responds in a positive ways to your commands. The idea is to work with the dog in such a way as to ensure that the animal remains calm and will not develop anti-social behaviors. Exercises will help your pet create the best responses to stimuli and therefore, dog obedience training works for the benefit of both animal and adoptive family. Specific centers meet the requirements of dog owners who seek professional help in training their dogs. Though this is not commonly necessary if the owner understands the needs of the dog, and how to best address them.

Dog Training Methods

There are several types of dog obedience training; let’s have a look at the very basic ones. The most common and easy to put into practice are the reward-based and the leash training types. The latter is considered to belong to the traditional dog obedience training used at first in military facilities. For such practical purposes, the leash dog obedience training has more advantages than the food reward, since it finds better adaptation to the task or mission the animal has to face. The collars bring mild or even hard correction, yet, make sure that you don’t use it ineffectively.

The leash dog obedience training teaches the animal to obey to collar control. You will need to remember that the leash is just the first step into developing the skills to get the dog obey under no matter what circumstances and relying on other tools as well. This type of dog obedience training establishes the hierarchy or the leadership in the dog’s life and the relation you develop with the dog very much depends on this aspect. Now, let’s see how the reward dog obedience training system works. Commands given to the animal and properly executed are rewarded.
Thus, the pet associates a specific positive behavior with certain rewards, caresses, a toy or usually food. Behavior patterns develop along these lines as dog obedience training pursues a mutual understanding between pet and owner. Ridding a dog of wanted behaviors is best accomplished by never letting them happen in the first place if possible, but in the even that isn’t possible, say in the case of an adopted dog, more intense study is required. Some may decide to hire a professional in dog obedience training, but even here you have to be an active part in the process since you are the one to spend most time with the pet. Many find that learning how to do this on their own is much more rewarding.

postheadericon The yorkie is among the most popular small dog breed in the us

The Yorkie is among the most popular small dog breed in the US. Find out why…

There are many small dog breeds in the US. So many, I would not even attempt to count them. However, among them all, the Yorkie is right on the top of the list as the most desired small dog breed of all time.

The Yorkie might be small in size, weighing in around 7 pounds but do not let their size fool you. They pack a powerful love and bond for their human counterpart. With proper attention and a loving owner a Yorkie can be a great pet. Be careful bringing this dog breed into your home if you have young children that might not treat the little one in a gentle caring fashion.

A Yorkie can become aggressive if it feels threatened. This dog breed tends to remember when they have been mistreated and will show aggressive behavior if the same circumstances arise. For example, if a child visit’s a few times and each time hurts the Yorkie it is likely this dog breed will show aggression towards the child in an attempt to keep itself safe.

This particular dog breed is trainable, however they prefer to think they are the pack leader. You will need to be consistent with your training of a Yorkie because they also tend to be a little on the stubborn side of the scale. Food rewards work great with this dog breed, however do not always reward with a treat and keep the treat a healthy one.

A common complaint associated with a Yorkie is potty training. It is very important that you stay on top of teaching a Yorkie that it is only acceptable to go outside. By allowing this dog breed to take advantage of you, you are merely teaching him or her that they, indeed are the pack leader and you are beneath them. This can also bring about bouts of aggression from a Yorkie.

Once a Yorkie truly understands his or her role in the family, they can be very kind and loving little bundles of fur. This dog breed enjoys affection and exercise. It is important that you consider the size of a Yorkie when you are out walking. They have little legs and it takes a great deal for them to keep up. These dogs are best suited for a slow paced walker on short walks. But if you notice your Yorkie has a lot of energy left over after a walk, he or she might need to go on walks more frequently and for a little longer.

Yorkies have the ability to be a great dog. They require regular grooming, but less frequent baths. There are several health concerns that are typical in this dog breed. Among some of the most popular Yorkie health issues are tooth decay, spinal injuries, problems delivering pups and fragile bones. If your house is fairly rough because of larger dogs and children, it might be best if you do not bring a Yorkie into your home.