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postheadericon If you want to know how to train your alano espanol puppy, this article can help you get in the right mindset

If you want to know how to train your alano espanol puppy, this article can help you get in the right mindset. This breed can be very dominant and serious but also very controllable and often acts submissive towards its master.

Before you can even begin to train your dog you need to first gain their respect and their trust. It is especially true when training a dog. Since dogs are known pack animals they have an instinct to follow one strong leader. You must put yourself in the position of “pack leader” in order to successful train your dog.

If your alano espanol does not have respect or a trust of you there is no way possible that you will be able to train it. Trust and respect are earned by dogs just as it is earned with people. Once the dog learns to trust its owner the training sessions will work much quicker.

One mistake that happens with many new dog owners is they are trying to give love and affection and wanting the dog to feel respect and trust. Show the love but you also must show you are in charge and confident in that. If your dog steps out of line and does something wrong, such as chewing furniture or shoes don’t let even little things go unpunished. Once a dog feels like they have the lead role in the family they will take over and do as they please, listening and obeying no one. Setting the rules of the house and being firm in these rules and firm in your telling the dog no.

You may believe that dogs don’t know how to listen but this is far from the truth. Dogs are smart and they like to have boundaries and rules as it is a natural instinct. As a part of the pack a dog will look to the leader and follow their actions or commands. So, even though it may seem cruel it really isn’t because a dog actually functions better when able to follow a leader otherwise they simply get confused or try and rule your roost. Use a firm hand but also give lots of love. Praise the dog when he does good things and you will have a best friend for life.

Good luck training your new alano espanol puppy!

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