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postheadericon Many people most of the time travel

Many people most of the time travel. It’s not a great think but when you are traveling with your pet that time you need to concentrate more on your pet which may disturb you to enjoy your vacation.

If your pet is very young or old, or is ill, pregnant, injured recovering form surgery then avoid to take them with you as is such time they need more concentration and if you really wish to carry your pet in your vacation then consult with pet sitter rather than take a chance on injuring your pet by taking it with you. If you are in doubt, ask your veterinarian. If your pet has not traveled before, try a short overnight or weekend trip first.

Before you leave inform your veterinarian where you will be traveling to, for how long, as well as whether your pet will be traveling by air or car. Ask about any flea, heartworm, or tick risks for areas you will be traveling to. If your pet becomes carsick or restless when traveling, ask veterinarian about appropriate medications or treatments.

Many times while traveling it happen we get separated from our pet and they get panic so try to avoid such type of situation for traveling safely with your pet. Your pet should wear a safety collar all the time with a tag showing proof of rabies vaccination and your name address, phone number in case your pet becomes separated from you.

To take care of your pet when away from home try to keep fresh water available and don think of changing their die all of a sudden. Make sure your pet is accustomed to the crate before you begin your trip.

Anna Josephs is a freelance journalist having experience of many years writing articles and news releases on various topics such as pet health, automobile and social issues. She also has great interest in poetry and paintings, hence she likes to write on these subjects as well. Currently writing for this website Pet health care information. For more details please contact at annajosephs@gmail.com

postheadericon Dog training will transform the dog’s mannerisms, from a dog that will not do as he is told by you to a dog that will pay attention to your orders, from a dog that is annoying the neighbors into a calm one, from a dog that is at all times scampering from you into a dog that will remain at a halt at your order

Dog training will transform the dog’s mannerisms, from a dog that will not do as he is told by you to a dog that will pay attention to your orders, from a dog that is annoying the neighbors into a calm one, from a dog that is at all times scampering from you into a dog that will remain at a halt at your order. Just like in any other training scheme, there are some methods to be followed.

The dog has got to be familiar with his name, so he can act in response to the master’s instructions. When he is familiar with his own name, you can begin teaching with the check lead and instruct “here” or “come”. You can begin all this in the house, but initially, he has to be able to make out his own name. If you would like the puppy to pay attention just to you, then do not permit him to play with other people. If you will allow him to play too much, he will begin to snarl and bark every time you take his playthings away.

One more essential feature of dog training is that you have to teach your pet, so no one will get harmed when you are out with him and people are all about him. By making use of the dog training instructions correctly, you do not have to be anxious that he will bite off someone or he will scamper off. Even if you have trained your dog to be compliant and pay heed you, you should admire him as well since after all, you selected him, he could not select you, and if you will not take care of him properly, he will in all probability run away, or he will be miserable. The fundamental dog training instructions that a dog should act in response to are: fetch, stay close, here, sit and come.

– Begin teaching the dog whilst he is still a puppy – this makes sure of much better achievement rates even for starting out dog trainers.

– Put up some information on dog training and only then acquire a new puppy.

– Free dog obedience training programs ought to be modified to the precise necessities of your dog breed. Please see our collection of precise dog breed training techniques in order to get more understanding on this subject.

– Make certain that the puppy is in high spirits and has an adequate amount of energy to try out training.

– Be inventive, by no means let the puppy get fed up and coach the dog where the limits are set.

postheadericon As you begin to read through this informative article, give each point a chance to sink in before you move on to the next

As you begin to read through this informative article, give each point a chance to sink in before you move on to the next. Cats are born with claws, the same way that humans are born with fingernails and toe nails.

Cats need claws in order to mark or scratch a specific place or territory that they have been in. Humans need finger nails to, scratch themselves or others, or for opening a letter envelope. Cats basically stretch their agile bodies in order to prepare their muscles when they dig their claws deeply into wood perhaps or a tree, and then they pull back from their hold. Scratching is a basic physiological need of cats. To claw or declaw, that is the question!

So do cats need to be declawed? If cat owners truly care for the welfare of their cats, they would have to think twice on declawing their cats.

Declawing, what is it?

Declawing is done by taking away all the front claws of a cat. In a way this procedure is equal to the amputation of all the finger tips of a human being. For cats this surgery is painful and, for someone who is walking on all fours, terribly unnecessary.

Though the recovery of declawed cats may only take a few weeks or so, its physical and psychological effects could last a cat’s lifetime.

The following are the possible results once a cat has been declawed.

Ouch, ouch and ouch:

Immediately after surgery, declawed cats suffer severe pain, though it is quite impossible to gauge how much pain they are experiencing. Declawed cats could be considered as amputees. Cats usually try to go on with their cat lives even with pain unless the pain eventually becomes unbearable. Although they may look and act normal does not mean they are free from aches.

Complications after the surgery:

After the surgery, declawed cats usually experience one of the following post-surgery effects: presence of abscess, feelings of lameness, claw re-growth. Based on studies performed on declawed cats, it has been found that twenty five percent of them develop various complications. The same result has been found on cats who went under tenectomy. This is also a form of surgery that is currently being offered as an alternative to declawing. It is called this because only the tendons extended on the toes are the ones amputated.

Stiffness of the joints:

Cats that are declawed experience stiffness of the joints since the tendons that manipulate the toes retract because of the surgery. As time goes by, these same joints freeze and ultimately they will no longer be able to extend their toes.

It has been thought though that cats really do not miss their claws since they also “scratch” continually even if they no longer have anything to scratch with. However, this act is really the cats’ way to stretch those frozen joints.


Believe it or not, research shows that declawed cats immediately shift the weight of their bodies to the back and onto the larger pad in the front of their feet, away from their toes. The result is still evident despite giving these cats strong anti-pain relievers. If such an effect continues after declawing, the cat will ultimately stress its own joints in the leg, its spine and eventually suffer from arthritis.

Cats who cannot claw, bite:

Since the natural instinct of cats is to claw especially when threatened or scared, in the absence of claws cats are forced to resort to another form of defense – their teeth. Declawed cats that are aggressive naturally are more prone to biting.

Declawed cats have no “nine lives”.

There is a serious risk of death for cats that are declawed. Death could be brought on by the anesthesia they received, or any complications in surgery or hemorrhage.

Declawed cats that resort to biting run the risk of being abandoned by their owners. These cats could then be put in a shelter, and since they turn to biting, the probability of being adopted becomes slim. Usually un-adoptable cats are put to sleep or they are used to train dogs to fight usually as bait.

In summary, cats are extremely and highly trainable to be taught to use a post for scratching instead of common household furniture, rugs or curtains. Though declawing cats is one of the options a cat owner can take, it is basically an unkind and a very animal-unfriendly thing to do.

It all depends on the cat owner whether Kitty is more (or less than) valuable than that expensive Italian rug – the choice is theirs. Understanding this article is a good way to fully appreciate the complexity of this subject.

postheadericon Household pets are susceptible to a multitude of dangers lying around the house and even some in their own bird cage

Household pets are susceptible to a multitude of dangers lying around the house and even some in their own bird cage. Like all other pets, pet birds are also subject to a number of risks. This is mainly due to their small size, sensitive respiratory system, fast metabolism and in the case of parrots, their curiosity to explore everything around them with their beaks. Owners are responsible for their pets safety and should take the necessary precautions to prevent any accidents. Here is a list of the top dangers faced by household pet birds. Starting with the most obvious, birds have a special dietary need and cannot digest most food processed by other pets and humans. High sugar or salt concentrations are inappropriate. Fatty foods are also discouraged. Chocolate is to be avoided at all costs as it is toxic not only to birds but also to other pets in general. Water is the preferred beverage choice. Caffeinated and alcoholic drinks are very dangerous!

Because of their sensitive respiratory system, birds are extremely sensitive to poisons and toxins. Some dangerous contaminants from cleaners, industrial fumes, and pesticides are fatal for birds. Strong and aromatic odours can also kill birds. Aerosol body sprays, Nail polish, cigarette smoke, and paint fumes are to be avoided. If, as typical, one dedicates a special spot for his bird cages inside his car garage, he should take care not to start his car inside the garage as carbon monoxide can lead to respiratory diseases. One should make special mentioning of non-stick coatings, which emit particular fumes that are toxic to birds when overheated. These coats are usually found on non-stick cookware, irons, space heaters, blow dryers and more. As many birds chew on many things small enough for their beaks, one must place safer bird toys, which are made from sanitised and toxin-free plastics or woods like eucalyptus and manzanita in order to avoid poisoning from ingesting or biting the toys.

Birds, which are left, to roam around the house are also at a risk of falling into sources of open water such as in toilets, sinks, buckets and water bowls. Even worse, they can fall into hot pots of water sitting on stoves in the kitchen, so it is generally preferred not to let birds out of their bird cages in kitchens. Ceiling fans pose a major threat to flying birds and have been the cause of several serious injuries and fatalities. Birds tend to get very agitated and nervous with moving things above them and may become stressed out of a ceiling fan running close to their bird cage. Other electrical appliances, which might not pose a direct threat to a bird, might have an exposed electrical cord. As most birds explore with their beaks, electrical cords can pose a danger if bitten. Cords should be concealed as much as possible using corrugated plastic tubing for example.

Even bird toysspecifically designed for parrots and other birds may not be totally safe. Apart from being made out of toxic materials, toys can be broken down by bigger parrots and parts swallowed. Remember that even if a particular toy looks pretty durable at the time of purchase,bird toys don’t last forever and should be checked from time to time. Rope toys can also cause birds to get tangled up in them and get strangled as a result. Finally, birds are rarely known for social interaction with many other pets and birds, especially cats. They can attract the predatory instinct of other animals and if attacked, any bites or scratches can become fatal to a bird. Therefore, cats or dogs around the house can be a risk to pet birds even if they are in their bird cage.

Shop and buy small, medium, or a large bird cage for you pet parrot and pet birds. All types and sizes of parrot cages and bird toys for your pet birds – http://www.birdcagesrepublic.com/

postheadericon Let’s face it, dogs and cats are so cute and adoring

Let’s face it, dogs and cats are so cute and adoring! It is just so difficult to not want to cuddle them. Funny how all of this changes when you get that first smell of urine, coming form somewhere, in your house, on your carpet…bang! All those cuddly feelings you had for your pet disintegrate the moment you realize you need to purchase a new rug.

Ok, so that feeling lasts for about a minute or two, and then, once you get that “what’s up with you” look from you dog, with those cute, innocent eyes, you can’t help melting into that “I just want to cuddle you” feeling all over again. Talk about pet charm!

Either way, the reality is what it is. Pets mess, and you have to make sure that you are able to take care of that mess in time. If not, you are in for a very expensive surprise.

In order to prevent the urine from your cat or dog costing you more than you bargained for, it is best to try to catch the stain as early as possible.

One way to do this is by constantly keeping and eye on your furry loved one. Would this be effective? Yes. Do I consider it practical? I think not.

Ok, so we need a more practical way that can both work out well for you and your pet. After all, you don’t want your pet to start feeling it has big brother keeping an eye on it all the time right?

Prevention is far better than the cure

We are not talking about diseases here. However, the principles work the same in this situation. Preventing your pet from urinating on your carpet is the best viable option.

A great approach to this method is by house training or potty training your little fluffy buddies. The most effective time to use this approach is when your pet is still young. This does not mean that it is too late to house train your older pets. They might just take a little longer.

Ok, so you have never trained a pet before. That is by no means a problem. You can find many books on this subject just by doing a search on your favorite search engine. The trick is to make sure that you are taking the advice from a well respected author on the subject. A good way to do this is my asking around in the many pet dedicated forums where you are sure to find sincere, independent reviews.

What ever the end result is, whether it is expensive or just plain annoying, your little furry loved ones don’t know better. Accept them for who they are. After all, they are part of the family.