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postheadericon African grey parrots’ food must not be only seed, however

African Grey parrots’ food must not be only seed, however. Such an incomplete, imbalanced diet is likely to cause illness. Seeds are high in fat and carbohydrates, and your African Grey will probably pick out its favorite seeds, making the diet even less balanced.

Most parrot experts agree that an African Grey parrots’ food needs can only be met with a formula diet supplemented with a variety of other foods.

Organic Pellets

What is a formula diet for an African Grey? Organic pellets. I say “organic” pellets because many of the conventional pellets have unhealthy ingredients. Some have even been noted as containing potentially toxic ingredients.

African Grey parrots’ food should never contain menadione. If the pellets you are considering for your African Grey list menadione as an ingredient, read on. The FDA requires a warning on every bag of food that contains it. That warning must read, “Person who handles needs to wear protective outfit, gloves, mask, and glasses.”

Menadione may be added to give your African Grey additional vitamin K. A better option is to provide full spectrum light for your parrot. An African Grey will get vitamin K from the light, just as it would if living outdoors.

Organic pellets also let your African Grey avoid the high quantities of sugar in colored pellets. Most African Grey parrot owners care enough about the bird in which they’ve invested so much money, that they don’t want to give it a diet that is high in sugar.

African Grey parrots’ food that is based on organic pellets will be free of contaminants that might be found in other pellets. In the U.S., government regulations force companies making organic parrot food not to use pesticides or other contaminants.

In addition to a basic, formulated pellet food, African Greys need many of the same food you eat.

1. Fresh vegetables: Offer your African Grey a wide variety of vegetables, raw or cooked. Think bright, deep colors for the most nutrition. Most vegetables that offer high nutrition to you and your family will be good for your parrot as well. Cooked legumes such as beans and lentils are good. Sprouted seeds are also good. Your African Grey will love them. To avoid contaminants such as pesticides, you may want to use organic vegetables for African Grey parrots’ food.

2. Fresh fruits: In the wild, African Greys eat fruit freely. The trick is to keep your parrot from filling up on its favorite food and neglecting pellets and vegetables. As with vegetables, choose bright, rich colors in fruit for the most nutrition. Also, purchase organic if possible.

3. Other supplemental foods: African Grey parrots enjoy cooked eggs and small amounts of yogurt now and then. African Greys are more prone than some parrots to calcium deficiency, so you may leave the egg shell on the hard boiled egg, if you wish. You should not need to give your parrot calcium supplements if you are using a good organic pellet food. You may give a few seeds as a treat, but go easy on them.

No, Thank You

African Grey parrots’ food dishes should never contain avocado, chocolate, or rhubarb. They should not contain any human junk foods or processed meats either. It should go without saying, but your African Grey should never be given anything containing caffeine or alcohol.

Water, Please

Remember, when thinking of your African Grey’s dietary needs, that it should have fresh, clean water in its cage at all times.

Helpful Tip

For healthy African Greys, be sure you clean the food and water dishes every day. If your parrot decides on an impromptu bath, wait until it is done, wash the water dish, and give it a fresh supply of water.

By: Anna Hart

postheadericon Household pets are susceptible to a multitude of dangers lying around the house and even some in their own bird cage

Household pets are susceptible to a multitude of dangers lying around the house and even some in their own bird cage. Like all other pets, pet birds are also subject to a number of risks. This is mainly due to their small size, sensitive respiratory system, fast metabolism and in the case of parrots, their curiosity to explore everything around them with their beaks. Owners are responsible for their pets safety and should take the necessary precautions to prevent any accidents. Here is a list of the top dangers faced by household pet birds. Starting with the most obvious, birds have a special dietary need and cannot digest most food processed by other pets and humans. High sugar or salt concentrations are inappropriate. Fatty foods are also discouraged. Chocolate is to be avoided at all costs as it is toxic not only to birds but also to other pets in general. Water is the preferred beverage choice. Caffeinated and alcoholic drinks are very dangerous!

Because of their sensitive respiratory system, birds are extremely sensitive to poisons and toxins. Some dangerous contaminants from cleaners, industrial fumes, and pesticides are fatal for birds. Strong and aromatic odours can also kill birds. Aerosol body sprays, Nail polish, cigarette smoke, and paint fumes are to be avoided. If, as typical, one dedicates a special spot for his bird cages inside his car garage, he should take care not to start his car inside the garage as carbon monoxide can lead to respiratory diseases. One should make special mentioning of non-stick coatings, which emit particular fumes that are toxic to birds when overheated. These coats are usually found on non-stick cookware, irons, space heaters, blow dryers and more. As many birds chew on many things small enough for their beaks, one must place safer bird toys, which are made from sanitised and toxin-free plastics or woods like eucalyptus and manzanita in order to avoid poisoning from ingesting or biting the toys.

Birds, which are left, to roam around the house are also at a risk of falling into sources of open water such as in toilets, sinks, buckets and water bowls. Even worse, they can fall into hot pots of water sitting on stoves in the kitchen, so it is generally preferred not to let birds out of their bird cages in kitchens. Ceiling fans pose a major threat to flying birds and have been the cause of several serious injuries and fatalities. Birds tend to get very agitated and nervous with moving things above them and may become stressed out of a ceiling fan running close to their bird cage. Other electrical appliances, which might not pose a direct threat to a bird, might have an exposed electrical cord. As most birds explore with their beaks, electrical cords can pose a danger if bitten. Cords should be concealed as much as possible using corrugated plastic tubing for example.

Even bird toysspecifically designed for parrots and other birds may not be totally safe. Apart from being made out of toxic materials, toys can be broken down by bigger parrots and parts swallowed. Remember that even if a particular toy looks pretty durable at the time of purchase,bird toys don’t last forever and should be checked from time to time. Rope toys can also cause birds to get tangled up in them and get strangled as a result. Finally, birds are rarely known for social interaction with many other pets and birds, especially cats. They can attract the predatory instinct of other animals and if attacked, any bites or scratches can become fatal to a bird. Therefore, cats or dogs around the house can be a risk to pet birds even if they are in their bird cage.

Shop and buy small, medium, or a large bird cage for you pet parrot and pet birds. All types and sizes of parrot cages and bird toys for your pet birds –

postheadericon First detected in the united states in 1984 the tracheal mite has caused the loss of tens of thousands of colonies and millions of dollars

First detected in the United States in 1984 the Tracheal mite has caused the loss of tens of thousands of colonies and millions of dollars. The tracheal mite will infest the tracheal system of the adult honey bee, they prefer adult bees less than four days old. Levels seem to be at the highest during the winter and spring. Once they are on the bee, the mites are attracted to the carbon dioxide exhaled and enter the spiracles located on the thorax, which lead to the tracheal system. They will puncture the wall of the trachea and suck the blood of the bee.  Once in the tracheal system the mites live, breed and la eggs. The adult and the eggs plug the tubes of the trachea, which impairs oxygen intact of the bee. Since they puncture the trachea in order to feed, they will spread secondary diseases and pathogens. The bee dies from the disruption to respiration damage to the trachea, and from the loss of blood. Once over 30 percent of the population are infected with tracheal mites, honey production may be reduced. The likelihood of winter survival decreases with increasing infestation of the mite. Mites are transmitted from bee to bee within a colony by robbing or drifting bees.

Infested bees will be seen leaving the colony and crawling on the grass just outside the hive. They will crawl up the blades of grass or the hive, fall back down and try again. The wings will be disjointed and the bees will be unable to fly. If you are unsure about a tracheal mite infestation, send sample bees in alcohol to your local county extension agent for verification.

One method of preventing tracheal mites is an oil extender patty. It consists of two parts sugar to one part vegetable shortening. Make a small patty about four inches in diameter. Sandwich it between was paper. Cut the wax paper around the edges so the bees have access to the patty. Place the patty on top of the frames in the center within the hive body. The bees will be attracted to the sugar and get oil on their body. The oil makes it difficult for the mites to identify suitable bee hosts. The oil patties will not contaminate the honey supply so they can be used for prolonged periods.

There is one other method for controlling tracheal mite infestations. Menthol can be used and is available in most bee supply stores. The temperature must be above 60?F in order for the menthol to work. The bees breathe the vapor, which dehydrates the mites. Menthol must be removed during a nectar flow so that the honey is not contaminated.

postheadericon If you will be raising any pet, say for instance a cockatiel, the pet’s health is a very important consideration since it largely affects the creature’s well-being

If you will be raising any pet, say for instance a cockatiel, the pet’s health is a very important consideration since it largely affects the creature’s well-being. This makes cockatiel health a big thought for cockatiel owners. The characteristics of a cockatiel indicate how it can be handled and cared for. Well, if you plan to raise one, it is essential to care for them extensively to make them communally and physically dynamic as well as for these pets to live longer.

To maintain good cockatiel health, the key is to provide them with the required essentials to achieve optimum health like a proper diet, a good sleep, and owners who are always aware of their wellness. It is also essential that they should follow a normal daylight schedule so make sure that your pet sleeps in a clean place, away from any interruption. This is because sleep greatly affects their health, and sleep particularly defines significantly their state of well being. As to their diet, supplements can be added to their food even if you ask an expert and or an avian vet. Proper cockatiel health food includes edible weeds, veggies, pellets, fruits, flowers, and even nutritious human foods. On the other hand, do not offer them specific foods like chocolate, garlic, onions, avocado, caffeine, lactose and alcohol-based beverages. Lactose-containing foods are risky to cockatiels.

Do you know that cockatiels can hide their illness? They can do this to appear string against possible predators. To prevent that, be very conscious of cockatiel health for you to determine if they are healthy or if they require medication and more attention. To keep them in good physical shape, observe their activities and their usual behavior.

Should you observe something wring or weird in their behavior or movement, instantly consult an avian veterinarian in order to seek assistance and avert further complication. Cockatiel owners must know that cockatiel health could readily deteriorate, thus it has to be considered right away. Their illness can indicate diverse signs or symptoms. Be watchful of any physical abnormality, sleeping pattern, feather appearance, growth, breathing or their droppings. Changes in their daily activities as well as interactions with humans and other birds should be watched out for. Because coming in contact with a sick or contaminated one will affect their health. Further indications of a poor cockatiel health can include bleeding, existence of bodily discharge, swelling of any part of their body, loss of appetite or vomiting.

postheadericon So, you have wanted a horse all your life, but you can’t seem to get your parents to agree to get you one

So, you have wanted a horse all your life, but you can’t seem to get your parents to agree to get you one. Well, what you need is a plan, a parent friendly plan that shows your parents just how a horse will affect your life.

Start off by getting a job. I know, everyone says that, but it is really important. By getting a job you will show your parents that you are responsible enough to manage money. You will need at least $500-600 a month to care for a horse, so show your parents that you can earn that much money. Start a savings with your income and set aside enough money to pay for at least two months of board.

Next, find a barn that is local where you could keep your horse. Find out what the costs of keeping a horse there are. Be sure to include vet and farrier costs in your cost estimate. Get all these numbers on paper so that you can show your parents the actual costs.

Now consider what you could be doing if you did not have a horse. Are you currently spending a lot of time out partying or hanging out with friends? Be prepared to lose much of that time to your horse. Show your parents that these things are less important to you than your horse would be. Explain to them that you would be more concerned about paying your horse’s upkeep and working with your horse than going out late to parties or getting into things your parents would prefer you avoid (after all, who can afford drugs or alcohol if all the money is going to the horse).

With this information in hand, sit down with your parents and have a long talk. Discuss doing a trial run of horse ownership. You can either take on a part board situation or a lease of a horse. This way you avoid the initial cost of buying a horse, but still get the chance to show your parents how you will handle horse ownership.

If your parents agree to the trial, be sure to keep up your side of the bargain. Pay your horse’s expenses. Your parents should not have to foot the bill unless there is an unforeseen emergency. Go out to the barn as often as you can, and avoid going out and partying late. If you can keep this up for a year’s lease or part-board, your parents might actually start to see things your way.

Owning a horse is a huge responsibility, and you will need to do everything in your ability to prove that you are up for the challenge. Many kids just can’t manage the stress of having a job and paying for their own horse. On the other hand, parents are stressed enough just paying for the general bills. If you can prove that you will be self sufficient, you will give your parents the chance to accept your proposal without fretting that you will leave them in the lurch.