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postheadericon If your dog is about fifteen weeks old or more than that, then he should not be having this habit of biting or nipping

If your dog is about fifteen weeks old or more than that, then he should not be having this habit of biting or nipping. A lot of dog owners are still striving to curtail this issue of biting of their dogs which are more than fifteen weeks old, such that most of them have gone to the extent of putting a muzzle over their dogs mouth in order to deal with the biting. Before your dog reaches fifteen weeks, you should give appropriate training and basic common commands so that it stops this irritating habit of mouthing. However, if this habit persists or you have taken in a dog that is over 15 weeks old or the dog is new to its home, you can try out the following to make it stop biting the hand and fingers.

a) The very first thing to do to curb this habit is to stop immediately all the dog games involving rough play. Whenever a new puppy or dog is in the home, we generally play games like wrestling and tug-of-war which are sadly not good for the dogs. As, if the dog still bites, it is imperative to stop the above game activities. These games send a wrong signal to the dog that it is okay to indulge in rough play with anyone whenever it wishes. You need to be extremely cautious not to let your dog become hostile to young kids and strangers.

b) It may be okay to allow gentle and soft biting from the puppies which are still very young. But for dog over 15 weeks, biting of all forms should stop at all cost, even if it is a simple harmless nibble on your hand or finger tips. You need to stop the dog by commanding it to stop biting firmly and at once take away your arm.

c) You can try out a method that will shock your pet dog to refrain from biting. This method is quite harmless and involves a spray bottle by which you can spray water quickly on the head or body of the dog while it is biting or nibbling. This shall startle the dog to stop this habit. This ploy is very effective and is many times the only thing needed to stop this mouthing issue.

d) A method of putting across your message is through disciplinary and firm commands. It can be applied to puppies or dogs of all ages and for all purposes too. Hence, whenever you feel the dog is going to bite your hand, it is okay to quickly say firmly and loudly No Bite! command to your dog while staring at the dog. You need to remember two things while using this method. Firstly, you should not say the command loudly such that the dog gets scared and misses the point. Secondly, you should stare at the dog for sometime only as you are trying to make the dog focus on you. If you stare for long, the dog will think that you are confronting it.

postheadericon There are a good deal of factors that ought to be taken into consideration when it comes to choosing the style of chickens coops that is able to best fill your requirements

There are a good deal of factors that ought to be taken into consideration when it comes to choosing the style of chickens coops that is able to best fill your requirements. The number one issue is the amount of chickens you are going to be raising. The greater the number of pullets, the larger the housing will have to be.

Day-old chicks need a lesser amount of room than started pullets or grown pullets. Immature chicks must be provided additional heat, so depending on the temperatures in your locale you will be required to supply some heat or insulate your poultry housing. Cooler places may make it necessary for you to construct a totally enclosed poultry coop, but warmer climates may permit you to get away with larger outdoor areas made with wire.

Fowl sheds come in a lot of different sizes and varieties. The littlest type is the chicken tractor, also known as a chicken ark, and is diminutive housing appropriate for just a few pullets. It will have a small wood house segment and an outside portion made from wire. The reason for its diminutive size is to make transporting it a simple task. Chicken tractors are portable.

This sort of house will permit hens to scratch for a portion of their own food. After your pullets have pecked a specific area clean, the complete home can easily be dragged to a brand new region of the yard where there are more fresh plants and grasses to munch on. Chickens love to peck around for food so this type of chicken shed is perfect for maintaining a happy and healthy flock. In addition, cleaning up is merely transporting the chicken tractor to a different spot.

Successfully growing larger quantities of pullets will require you to either assemble a larger stationary edifice or multiple portable chicken arks. Larger housing will be in the form of chickens coops, also recognized as chicken sheds, and will certainly be costlier due to the fact that additional wood and additional wire will be needed. It will also take a little extra consideration and planning. Be certain to obtain a first-class set of plans before beginning on a larger project as you don’t want to make expensive mistakes and discover too late that you constructed it improperly and spent more cash than was needed.

With a small chicken tractor you can simply purchase an inexpensive feeder, waterer, and nest box and position them in the housing. On the other hand, with bulky chicken houses you must create them with efficiency in mind. Contrasting the chicken tractor, the larger coop should be cleaned consistently, which means you should plan ahead. You may very well want to put in an all-wire bottom two feet off the soil. This will prevent droppings from building up in the housing itself, and will make it less of a problem to transport them to your backyard garden location when required.

With larger coops you must plan for ventilation, nest box locations, maintaining hygienic feed and water, and a host of other things. Windows are required to keep fresh air blowing through. This will usually permit the coop to stay drier and is able to eliminate odors from building up. It can provide light which is considered necessary for optimum egg production. Artificial lighting ought to be added to your shed if you would like to have your hens laying all year long.

You may also want to place your nesting boxes so that you will be able to collect eggs from the exterior of your poultry housing. A great deal of planning is needed if you wish to sidestep mistakes. You may suppose you know precisely what you want, but it’s best to purchase a first-rate chicken coop guide nonetheless. You may possibly discover efficient procedures for doing things that you never considered before. And in view of the fact that first-rate chicken coop manuals are easily found online, it would be an intelligent idea to get one.

postheadericon First detected in the united states in 1984 the tracheal mite has caused the loss of tens of thousands of colonies and millions of dollars

First detected in the United States in 1984 the Tracheal mite has caused the loss of tens of thousands of colonies and millions of dollars. The tracheal mite will infest the tracheal system of the adult honey bee, they prefer adult bees less than four days old. Levels seem to be at the highest during the winter and spring. Once they are on the bee, the mites are attracted to the carbon dioxide exhaled and enter the spiracles located on the thorax, which lead to the tracheal system. They will puncture the wall of the trachea and suck the blood of the bee.  Once in the tracheal system the mites live, breed and la eggs. The adult and the eggs plug the tubes of the trachea, which impairs oxygen intact of the bee. Since they puncture the trachea in order to feed, they will spread secondary diseases and pathogens. The bee dies from the disruption to respiration damage to the trachea, and from the loss of blood. Once over 30 percent of the population are infected with tracheal mites, honey production may be reduced. The likelihood of winter survival decreases with increasing infestation of the mite. Mites are transmitted from bee to bee within a colony by robbing or drifting bees.

Infested bees will be seen leaving the colony and crawling on the grass just outside the hive. They will crawl up the blades of grass or the hive, fall back down and try again. The wings will be disjointed and the bees will be unable to fly. If you are unsure about a tracheal mite infestation, send sample bees in alcohol to your local county extension agent for verification.

One method of preventing tracheal mites is an oil extender patty. It consists of two parts sugar to one part vegetable shortening. Make a small patty about four inches in diameter. Sandwich it between was paper. Cut the wax paper around the edges so the bees have access to the patty. Place the patty on top of the frames in the center within the hive body. The bees will be attracted to the sugar and get oil on their body. The oil makes it difficult for the mites to identify suitable bee hosts. The oil patties will not contaminate the honey supply so they can be used for prolonged periods.

There is one other method for controlling tracheal mite infestations. Menthol can be used and is available in most bee supply stores. The temperature must be above 60?F in order for the menthol to work. The bees breathe the vapor, which dehydrates the mites. Menthol must be removed during a nectar flow so that the honey is not contaminated.

postheadericon A businessperson with even a casual liking of pets is positioned to capitalize big-time on america’s pet craze

A businessperson with even a casual liking of pets is positioned to capitalize big-time on America’s pet craze. All you need to do is keep in mind that Americans increasingly treat their pets as children.

As the number of children per household declines, the number of pets is increasing. Baby boomers, a powerful segment of today’s market, are quickly becoming empty-nesters and replacing their grown two-legged children with four-legged ones. Indeed, many people now call themselves pet parents or guardians rather than “owners.”

“By buying pets human-type gifts, we are making ourselves feel good and making them happy,” says Bob Vetere, chief operating officer of the American Pet Products Manufactures Association (APPMA). This trend suggests a hugely profitable strategy for entrepreneurs in the pet business: position pets as members of the family. Here are three ways:

Create human-like products and services for pets:
-Gourmet and specialty pet foods.
-Doggy and kitty treat cookbooks.
-Pet clothing.
-Human-type pet furniture.
-Coordinating “Mommy and pet” jewelry.
-Designer pet carriers, buggies, and strollers.
-In-home grooming services.
-High-end grooming products, such as aromatherapy baths.
-Pet portraiture.
-Pet birthday party supplies.
-Pet communicator services for pets with problem behaviors.

Rename your existing pet products and services:
-Your pet supply store becomes a pet boutique.
-Your boarding facility becomes a pet hotel.
-Your kennel becomes doggy and kitty day care.
-Your grooming business becomes a pet spa.
-Your dog training skills make you a pet behavior specialist.

Capitalize on the fur frenzy with your existing non-pet business:
-Extend your brand to include pet products.
-Feature pets in your ads and sales messages.
-Donate a portion of your profits to an animal rescue group (and say that you are).
-Welcome pets in your store or lodging facility.
-Have a food service? Host regular dog-and-human cocktail parties.
-In the construction business? Offer custom dog baths/showers in high-end homes.

As always, choose a marketing expert with a passion for pets to help you create a marketing plan that resonates with your market. People are eager to spend lots of money on their pets. You might as well be positioned to receive your share.

postheadericon Having multiple house pets actually seems to decrease the allergy risk of children, as long as the children have been exposed from infancy on

Having multiple house pets actually seems to decrease the allergy risk of children, as long as the children have been exposed from infancy on. Recent studies have shown that children raised in a home with two or more cats and/or dogs in the first year of life are less likely to develop allergic diseases than are children raised without these pets. In fact, exposure to the allergens associated with pets very early in life seems to have a long time protective function.

This seems to fly in the face of conventional wisdom. Most people would believe that the less pet allergens in the home, especially for newborns and very young children the better. But studies are showing that exposure early in life not only protects from pet allergies but also grass, ragweed and dust mites. Pet exposure seems to cause the immune system to settle down and shift from allergic type responses. The layman explanation for this strange turn of conventional thought is rather obvious. Our bodies have only recently been subjected to antiseptics and clean germ free environments. Television and other mass media hammered away at us about the dangers of germs, all germs. Commercials sold us products to help keep our kids free from germs and we actually strive to do this. We forget that we would die without the help of billions of beneficial bacteria that co-exist with us in and upon our bodies. Our bodies have an immune response system that distinguishes from good germs or bacteria and bad. The bad bacteria is attacked, killed and or rendered harmless and removed from the body. This war goes on in our body twenty four hours a day. Occasionally things get out of hand and we come down with a cold or flu. That is all part of the beauty of the system because our bodies can more effectively fight against these diseases once we have had them. When our bodies immune system has very little to do because we keep our environment too sanitized and clean, the immune system starts lowering its threshold of activation. That means the immune system kicks in at the least provocation and you have higher sensitivity to allergens which causes allergic response. It is even said that this same mechanism is partly to cause for arthritis in many cases. The immune system actually attacks our joints because it has little else to do. Studies suggest that exposure to more than one pet the first year of life is more beneficial, probably because the variety of potential allergens are increased, giving the babies immune system plenty to deal with. The actual statistics were children 7 years of age were 70% less likely to be allergic to common allergens when exposed to pets as babies. Scientists are trying to figure out the exact mechanisms that make this a reality. They think that pet bacteria release endotoxins that, when a baby is exposed, eventually shift the babies immune system away from responding to the common allergens. Scientists can pick through this mystery as much as they want to but there is a common sense explanation to this. People, even babies, are just not meant to live in sanitized surroundings. Our bodies have spent too many thousands of years evolving and protecting us from the ravages of germs. Giving our immune responses little or nothing to do by having a germ free environment is setting this powerful germ killing machine against its own host.