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postheadericon An easy method to clean your dog’s teeth – ( here is a step-by-step, super easy plan – only $7 ) cleaning dogs teeth – is it very hard, and why is is important

An Easy Method To Clean Your Dog’s Teeth – ( Here is a step-by-step, super easy plan – only $7 )

Cleaning dogs teeth – is it very hard, and why is is important? I’ll answer those questions in this article. First, let’s examine why it is so important to be regularly cleaning your dogs teeth. Did you know that dental problems, including halitosis (bad breath) are the number one disease condition in dogs? Did you also know that it is sadly the most under-treated problem in dogs today?

The sad fact it, most dog owners simply don’t’ want to keep their dog’s teeth clean. They think it is going to be too much trouble, and it would be a big hassle. Well, I don’t think that is thinking like a responsible dog owner. You need regular dental care, why shouldn’t your dog? In fact, dogs need it more! Plaque builds up on a dog’s teeth within only 72 hours of ingesting food. So to be effective, you have to brush at least that often.

The other reason why cleaning dogs teeth is so important: long-term health and longevity. As I stated before, this is the number one health condition – and it can be very detrimental or even fatal to your dog. As plaque forms in your dog’s mouth, it turns to tartar – stubborn deposits of bacteria and residue. You can see it clearly on the incisor teeth of most older dogs. Drooling, gingivitis, halitosis and infection set in. Also, the bacteria begin to attack the gum and bone tissue that holds the teeth in place, and once this periodontal disease becomes prevalent, your dog’s teeth begin to loosen and fall out.

Your dog will live longer, be happier and more pleasant to be around if you simply make the commitment to clean the dogs teeth regularly. It’s not really that hard, if you take the right approach. The cleaning cost at a vet under anesthetic can be hundreds of dollars – doesn’t it make sense to invest in a little preventative care? I promise your dog will love to have his teeth brushed after you have introduced him to it properly.

Here is how to do it – (Click here for a easy to follow plan – only $7 )

You will need a step-by-step plan to introduce the dog to the process over time. Cleaning dogs teeth is not hard or expensive – you need dog-specific toothpaste (don’t use human toothpaste- it’s dangerous to your dog!) and a soft-bristle toothbrush. There are long-handled dog brushes, but a soft regular brush will do as well.

Take a slow, steady approach and introduce the dog to the process over several weeks. If you have a puppy, it’s a no-brainer; puppies will love it. Be careful though, puppy teeth are temporary – your aim is to just get him used to the process of cleaning the young dogs teeth. If your dog is an adult, it is going to take a bit of time, but soon your dog will begin to look forward to the brushing sessions.

Cleaning dogs teeth is easy – once you and your dog get the hang of it. And it is so important for the long-term health of your dog. Be a responsible pet owner and take care of your dog’s dental health, starting today.

postheadericon If your dog is about fifteen weeks old or more than that, then he should not be having this habit of biting or nipping

If your dog is about fifteen weeks old or more than that, then he should not be having this habit of biting or nipping. A lot of dog owners are still striving to curtail this issue of biting of their dogs which are more than fifteen weeks old, such that most of them have gone to the extent of putting a muzzle over their dogs mouth in order to deal with the biting. Before your dog reaches fifteen weeks, you should give appropriate training and basic common commands so that it stops this irritating habit of mouthing. However, if this habit persists or you have taken in a dog that is over 15 weeks old or the dog is new to its home, you can try out the following to make it stop biting the hand and fingers.

a) The very first thing to do to curb this habit is to stop immediately all the dog games involving rough play. Whenever a new puppy or dog is in the home, we generally play games like wrestling and tug-of-war which are sadly not good for the dogs. As, if the dog still bites, it is imperative to stop the above game activities. These games send a wrong signal to the dog that it is okay to indulge in rough play with anyone whenever it wishes. You need to be extremely cautious not to let your dog become hostile to young kids and strangers.

b) It may be okay to allow gentle and soft biting from the puppies which are still very young. But for dog over 15 weeks, biting of all forms should stop at all cost, even if it is a simple harmless nibble on your hand or finger tips. You need to stop the dog by commanding it to stop biting firmly and at once take away your arm.

c) You can try out a method that will shock your pet dog to refrain from biting. This method is quite harmless and involves a spray bottle by which you can spray water quickly on the head or body of the dog while it is biting or nibbling. This shall startle the dog to stop this habit. This ploy is very effective and is many times the only thing needed to stop this mouthing issue.

d) A method of putting across your message is through disciplinary and firm commands. It can be applied to puppies or dogs of all ages and for all purposes too. Hence, whenever you feel the dog is going to bite your hand, it is okay to quickly say firmly and loudly No Bite! command to your dog while staring at the dog. You need to remember two things while using this method. Firstly, you should not say the command loudly such that the dog gets scared and misses the point. Secondly, you should stare at the dog for sometime only as you are trying to make the dog focus on you. If you stare for long, the dog will think that you are confronting it.

postheadericon Before crate training your pit bull puppy, you’ll need to acquire a crate

Before crate training your Pit Bull puppy, you’ll need to acquire a crate. There are many types and variations of crates available for purchase. It is important to pick the type of crate that will best suit the needs of both you and your puppy.

You should also take into consideration the size of your dog now, and how large he may be when fully grown to avoid having to purchase more than one crate. It is also important to remember that the crate will be his own individual space, and you want to make it as comfortable as possible so that your Pit Bull will enjoy his time there.

Since the puppy will be spending a lot of time in his crate, you should put several of his favorite toys and treats in the crate for him. Keep in mind that any toy you purchase should be large enough for the dog not to be able to swallow it, to avoid any injury to your pet. Having toys to chew own will not only give the dog something to chew that he can’t destroy, but it will help to prevent boredom while he is in the crate.

Due to the strength of the Pit Bull, it is important to purchase tough toys that are made to last. They tend to really like Kong toys, and they can be stuffed with treats, which will usually keep him interested at least for a couple of hours, or until he gets all the treats. You can also purchase bones and toys that are especially made for Pit Bulls, they are tougher and usually safer for them to have than regular toys and bones. Regular bones, such as rawhide bones, can be dangerous for Pit Bulls, because they are strong enough to chew off bits of bone and get them lodged in their digestive tract.

If your Pit Bull will be spending more than two hours in the crate, it is a good idea to equip it with a water bottle in case he gets thirsty. Many pet stores sell the same type of water bottles that are used for hamsters or gerbils, just in larger sizes. These tend to work well in the Pit Bull’s crate.

You should also put some kind of bedding in the crate to help your Pit Bull puppy be more comfortable. Old towels or soft blankets usually suit this purpose very well. Occasionally Pit Bull puppies will chew their bedding, if this happens, be sure to remove all the pieces so that the puppy doesn’t swallow them. If the puppy wets his bedding, just remove it until the puppy stops using his crate as a bathroom, then put it back in.

Since the crate is your Pit Bull’s own private space, it is important not to let children or visitors play with him while he is in his crate. He should be left alone to play or rest as he likes. If someone wants to play with him, he should be taken out of his crate first. You want your Pit to like being in his crate, and feel comfortable spending time there.

postheadericon Some facts about silky terrier pet dogs have forever been man’s best buddy

Some Facts About Silky Terrier Pet Dogs have forever been man’s best buddy. Nowadays, however, person-canine relations have been entirely tense chiefly because of residence living. Many people nowadays live in condominiums or residence building where pets aren’t allowable. Because this, people complete that they, both essential to get another place or to get one of the robot dogs that many companies are selling today. There is, however, an alternative -many people today are receiving “toy” pet dos like honeyed terriers.

These “toy” dogs are the way to go if you want the heat and companionship of a pet dog lacking the hassles. In this section, we are vacant to argue the many virtues of having a sleek terrier pet dog.

One of the best characteristics of the shiny terrier is its coat. If you have a glossy terrier pet dog, the first thing you will discern about is the way that it coat shines. A shiny terrier’s coat is actually where it gets the name from since its coat is plump and soft. One of the highest reasons why dogs aren’t tolerable in apartment buildings is because of fur shedding. Some dogs have the bent to shed their coats and abscond clumps of fur insincere around the house. This can be very tricky if not outright disgusting.

One of the virtues of having a glossy terrier pet dog is the reality that its coat truly doesn’t shed. This means the people can be clearly that their pet dog does not effect a furry disaster when it explores a space. Thus, your carpeting is reliable from dog fur.

Naturally alert and gracious, the silken terrier can make a brilliant overseer because of its terrier quality. It is friendly, but a silken terrier pet dog can be rather possessive with their family. It does not certainly like to be left forlorn for long periods of time and would perform their best when somebody always home with it.

One thing you penury to keep glossy terriers as pet dogs is commitment. The coat of the soft terrier is flat to matting and tangles, which means that you ought to brush it evenly. It also wishes to be shampooed regularly to uphold the shine of the coat. Care should also be taken with the throat sine a honeyed terrier pet dog has especially receptive trachea. You see how much mind a soft terrier pet dog requires?

Training could also be quite a challenge since a smooth terrier pet dog may be tiring to housebreak. People who own one accede that it takes a lot of energy suitably to educate a soft terrier pet dog. A smooth terrier pet dog, however, will do well in guidance if a fill collar is not used. The coach requests to be resolved but just to the animal.

A smooth terrier petted dog can also be satiated of energy. This means that you must constantly to keep it dominated with activities. Boredom is one of the enemies of the smooth terrier pet dog. It likes to be given the fortune to run and play but it also is very apposite for an apartment. You also need to keep a silky terrier pet dog dominated socially.

A silky terrier petted dog may be a handful, but it is great if you want a little globe of fun to keep you business.

postheadericon Dog grooming serves more than one important purpose

Dog grooming serves more than one important purpose. It gives dogs a good appearance, prevents many parasites from infesting them and provides a chance to examine their body parts like eyes, ears, skin and teeth. The frequency of grooming varies for various dogs according to their rate of growing hair and getting dirty, but it also depends on the groomers’ own choice. Ideally a dog should be groomed at least once a week.

What You Do in Dog Grooming

Dog grooming is about taking care of nearly the whole of a dog’s outer body, making it clean and giving it a better look. Thus dog grooming includes giving the dog a bath, clipping his hair and nails and cleaning his eyes, ears and teeth. These can be done easily at home using a comb, brush, nail-clipper, scissors and dog clippers. Alternatively, the dog may be groomed by hiring professional grooming services.

Hair Trimming

Dog hair is best trimmed by means of dog clippers that are available at pet specialty stores. Dog breeds with longer hair need a more thorough trimming. Many dogs need to be leashed in order to make sure they let you do the grooming. Before and after trimming, the hair needs to be brushed. Brushing removes dead hair and stimulates the skin. Gently combing the matted hair is important in dog grooming, as matted hair resistant to brushing should be cut off with scissors.


Bathing a dog usually precedes hair grooming so as to make hair trimming easy. It is important to dry the dog’s hair well after bathing and before starting the hair trimming. Bathtubs are better to use in winter and autumn for giving the dog a warm water bath while in summer hose water can be used for bathing.

Nail Clipping

To make the dog accustomed to nail clipping, one should start clipping the dog’s nails regularly during the puppy stage. Clipping the nails needs a good deal of care, especially in avoiding the quick from being cut. If the quick gets cut and bleeds, press the wound for a while to stop the bleeding. It is advisable to clip the nails quietly so as not to arouse the dog.

Cleaning Eyes, Ears and Teeth

Cleaning the dog’s eyes, ears and teeth is an important part of dog grooming. Ears need to be checked for any parasites, dirt or scratches etc. After restraining the dog, a few drops of mineral oil should be put in its ear. Then the inside of the ear should be gently stroked with a cotton swab. Remember not to use the swab inside the ear canal.

Dogs usually don’t need any special eye care. The groomer can remove any dirt or foreign matter from the eyes, or from around its corners, with a soft clean cloth. Ointment may be applied if the eyes appear reddish and/or irritated. Teeth of the dog can be cleaned with dog biscuits or by brushing, though many dogs rarely allow the latter.