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postheadericon If your dog is about fifteen weeks old or more than that, then he should not be having this habit of biting or nipping

If your dog is about fifteen weeks old or more than that, then he should not be having this habit of biting or nipping. A lot of dog owners are still striving to curtail this issue of biting of their dogs which are more than fifteen weeks old, such that most of them have gone to the extent of putting a muzzle over their dogs mouth in order to deal with the biting. Before your dog reaches fifteen weeks, you should give appropriate training and basic common commands so that it stops this irritating habit of mouthing. However, if this habit persists or you have taken in a dog that is over 15 weeks old or the dog is new to its home, you can try out the following to make it stop biting the hand and fingers.

a) The very first thing to do to curb this habit is to stop immediately all the dog games involving rough play. Whenever a new puppy or dog is in the home, we generally play games like wrestling and tug-of-war which are sadly not good for the dogs. As, if the dog still bites, it is imperative to stop the above game activities. These games send a wrong signal to the dog that it is okay to indulge in rough play with anyone whenever it wishes. You need to be extremely cautious not to let your dog become hostile to young kids and strangers.

b) It may be okay to allow gentle and soft biting from the puppies which are still very young. But for dog over 15 weeks, biting of all forms should stop at all cost, even if it is a simple harmless nibble on your hand or finger tips. You need to stop the dog by commanding it to stop biting firmly and at once take away your arm.

c) You can try out a method that will shock your pet dog to refrain from biting. This method is quite harmless and involves a spray bottle by which you can spray water quickly on the head or body of the dog while it is biting or nibbling. This shall startle the dog to stop this habit. This ploy is very effective and is many times the only thing needed to stop this mouthing issue.

d) A method of putting across your message is through disciplinary and firm commands. It can be applied to puppies or dogs of all ages and for all purposes too. Hence, whenever you feel the dog is going to bite your hand, it is okay to quickly say firmly and loudly No Bite! command to your dog while staring at the dog. You need to remember two things while using this method. Firstly, you should not say the command loudly such that the dog gets scared and misses the point. Secondly, you should stare at the dog for sometime only as you are trying to make the dog focus on you. If you stare for long, the dog will think that you are confronting it.

postheadericon Learning how to teach your parrot bird not to bite is one of the most important skills for a pet parrot owner

Learning how to teach your parrot bird not to bite is one of the most important skills for a pet parrot owner. However it takes a lot of time and commitment. Given the right circumstances, parrots can learn a lot of things because they are intelligent birds. Repetition will teach your bird to stop biting and your friends and family will enjoy its presence. Where there are children, it is really necessary that your parrot adapts to the surroundings and not bite anyone because the beak can really hurt little fingers.

One of the main reasons why parrots behave this way may be that they are being left alone by themselves for far too long. This causes them to become withdrawn and would retaliate when approached. Socialize your parrot by introducing it to your family members, friends and even to your other pets to build confidence of being in the company of others. It is natural instincts for a parrot to cause hurt when it feels that its territory is being threatened by strangers. With adequate time, your bird will settle down and feel at home.

As an alternative, give your parrot a toy to nibble at. There are plenty of toys available specifically for parrots to bite. Ask a pet shop owner for recommendations. If the bird refuses to let go of your fingers, give it a blow on its face as a sign that you disapproves of the bird biting you. Do this over and over again each time this happens and your pet bird will get the message.

Verbally tell your parrot ‘no’ and place the bird back in its cage as a form of punishment. Cover the cage and leave it alone for some time. The parrot, being an intelligent bird, will sense that it is being disciplined.

Observe your bird’s behaviour. African Grey parrots, especially, are temperamental and if you find that your parrot is moody, leave it alone. Just like humans, there are times when it needs to be by itself and not be forced to learn new tricks. Be sensitive to your bird and the biting can be stopped.

Take your parrot to new surroundings for a change, such as different rooms in the house, the balcony or outside on the lawn. Imagine being at the same location all the time, your parrot will lose it sense of balance. Let it enjoy new company and breathe new air. It is also a good idea to take your parrot for a drive. In adapting to different environments, your parrot will become less defensive and unlikely to protect itself by hurting others.

Lookout for mood changes, frustrations and irritations in your bird and avoid coming close to it when this happens. Let the bird overcome this behaviour with time. When your parrot hurts you on the finger, try not to show any reaction because it may do that again just to see the same reaction from you. Gently remove yourself from the situation. Do not retaliate by shaking the bird.

postheadericon A businessperson with even a casual liking of pets is positioned to capitalize big-time on america’s pet craze

A businessperson with even a casual liking of pets is positioned to capitalize big-time on America’s pet craze. All you need to do is keep in mind that Americans increasingly treat their pets as children.

As the number of children per household declines, the number of pets is increasing. Baby boomers, a powerful segment of today’s market, are quickly becoming empty-nesters and replacing their grown two-legged children with four-legged ones. Indeed, many people now call themselves pet parents or guardians rather than “owners.”

“By buying pets human-type gifts, we are making ourselves feel good and making them happy,” says Bob Vetere, chief operating officer of the American Pet Products Manufactures Association (APPMA). This trend suggests a hugely profitable strategy for entrepreneurs in the pet business: position pets as members of the family. Here are three ways:

Create human-like products and services for pets:
-Gourmet and specialty pet foods.
-Doggy and kitty treat cookbooks.
-Pet clothing.
-Human-type pet furniture.
-Coordinating “Mommy and pet” jewelry.
-Designer pet carriers, buggies, and strollers.
-In-home grooming services.
-High-end grooming products, such as aromatherapy baths.
-Pet portraiture.
-Pet birthday party supplies.
-Pet communicator services for pets with problem behaviors.

Rename your existing pet products and services:
-Your pet supply store becomes a pet boutique.
-Your boarding facility becomes a pet hotel.
-Your kennel becomes doggy and kitty day care.
-Your grooming business becomes a pet spa.
-Your dog training skills make you a pet behavior specialist.

Capitalize on the fur frenzy with your existing non-pet business:
-Extend your brand to include pet products.
-Feature pets in your ads and sales messages.
-Donate a portion of your profits to an animal rescue group (and say that you are).
-Welcome pets in your store or lodging facility.
-Have a food service? Host regular dog-and-human cocktail parties.
-In the construction business? Offer custom dog baths/showers in high-end homes.

As always, choose a marketing expert with a passion for pets to help you create a marketing plan that resonates with your market. People are eager to spend lots of money on their pets. You might as well be positioned to receive your share.

postheadericon It’s rude, it’s crude and it is just wrong on so many levels

It’s rude, it’s crude and it is just wrong on SO MANY levels.

Maybe your dog humps guests that visit your home. Perhaps he’s humping random passerbys on the street. It’s possible the victims are as innocent as couch pillows, doggy toys or your favorite chair.

Whatever sets off this habit…

Your dog is humping everything and everyone in sight. Finally, enough is enough! This embarrassing problem has grown out of control and it’s time you put it to rest.

This article will show you how with some great tips to get started. So, without further ado…

Let’s discuss how to stop dog humping permanently.

Why Your Dog is Humping

Believe it or not, 90% of the time dog humping has nothing to do with sex.

I remember the first time my dog was humped by another male dog. I was in my apartment’s elevator at the time with a friendly neighbor who had a cute little Maltese. The dog I was training at the time was a small Yorkie.

As soon as the elevator doors closed, the Maltese mounted my yorkie and started humping like the energizer bunny.

He just kept going and going…

My neighbor’s face was priceless. He turned to me and said “I’m so sorry, I had no idea my dog was gay.”

He was actually serious and I had to hold back my laughter at his uninformed remark.

It wasn’t his fault. Really, most people don’t know any better. But the fact is, dog humping, whether it be on a leg, another dog or a piece of furniture, is rarely sexual in nature.

In reality, when your dog humps or mounts, it is establishing its dominance over another.

Dog humping is the result of your dog trying to size up its opponent and apply itself as higher up on the ladder of the pack.

If the humpee surrenders to your dogs humping by laying down or doing nothing, then in your dog’s eyes, it has established leadership in the order of the pack.

It’s just basic instinct so don’t feel like this is something you’ve done wrong in your dog upbringing. I promise you’re still a good, loving dog parent.

The trick to resolving this is knowing the exact training techiques to stop dog humping without making your dog confused or anxious.

3 Ways to Stop Dog Humping Behavior

Below are 3 ways to stop dog humping. You do NOT want to apply all 3 methods at the same time. Try each one separately for 2 weeks at a time. If a strategy appears to be working, don’t try another tactic. Continue with the one that is working.

However, you should try a strategy for AT LEAST 2 weeks before moving onto another one.

Strategy #1

The first way is the most obvious. Say “No” with a stern voice. Drive home the point that this is bad by using a loud and disapproving tone.

Try using a spray bottle. Yes, you’ll need to carry a spray bottle with you for a bit until your dog is trained out of the habit. However, using a spray bottle is a gentle way to give your dog the message fast.

When your dog initiates the humping, spray him in the face with cold water from the spray bottle while simultaneously yelling no. Forcefully pull him off the object or uhh…person.

As you know, positive reinforcement is the best kind of training, however, this is one of the few exceptions when scolding your dog during the act of the negative behavior may be required.

Strategy #2

Distraction can work as well. Many dog owners find that dog humping is a temporary habit. Try distracting your dog with a toy, a walk, exercise or a training session.

Dog humping is an instinctual response. Change your dog’s focus and he’ll stop the behavior.

Strategy #3

Ignoring your dog is another alternative. Don’t underestimate the simplicity of this solution. Your dog is well aware of your presence.

If you’ve been following the guidelines in this site, by now your dog looks at you as the Alpha Dog of the house.

He’s performing these mounting and humping displays to either show you his dominance or exercise his prowess for your admiration.

Walk out of the room when you see him humping. Your dog will stop humping and follow you to obtain your attention in some other way. Ignoring your dog’s performance will let him know that his humping is not gaining your approval.

The FASTEST Solution …

Sure, the strategies above may help stop your dog humping behavior problem. But, if you want to end the problem in a matter of a few days instead of a few weeks, you NEED to see the solution on the next page.

The action plan at will show you EXACTLY how to stop your dog from humping in a step-by-step format that’s guaranteed to work.

Check it out here ——->

postheadericon The key to a happy and healthy relationship between you and your dog is good training

The key to a happy and healthy relationship between you and your dog is good training. All dogs need to be trained to be obedient for their own health and well-being, just as much as making them manageable is easier for you.

Often, if dogs are not trained correctly, they will become unruly, aggressive and in some cases completely unmanageable. This is not just bad for the dog’s owner, it is also incredibly distressing for the dog. We humans intentionally bred only the submissive traits of wolves when creating the domesticated dog. Therefore, when it comes to leadership, it is not a role that our dogs feel comfortable in. However, all packs must have a leader and if its not you, then a dog will feel that it has to occupy the post even though it finds it confusing and stressful.

Moreover, a well-behaved dog is a pleasure to be around for all people, even non-dog lovers. Therefore, it is in everybody’s best interest to train your dog and ensure that he, or she, recognizes you as the boss.

The Basics of Training Your Dog

Because a dog is genetically programmed to want to please its master (you), the very best way of training is with positive reinforcement methods, such as clicker training, using treats as rewards or simply providing praise for good behavior. Almost all dog trainers recommend this approach to training rather than punishment of negative or naughty behavior.

It is advisable to begin training your dog as soon as possible. If you have a puppy, then training will be easy if you start from day one. However, even if you adopt an adult dog training is not difficult as long as you begin as you mean to go on. In other words, do not get carried away by the joy of having a new pet and spoil him, or her, because you will be making life difficult when it comes to enforcing rules. For example, if a house rule is no dogs on the furniture, make sure this is upheld from the day a new dog is welcomed into your home. Remember, mixed messages will simply confuse and distress a dog.

Manners All Dogs Should Have

Of course, each home will have its own rules. However, there are some basic rules that all dogs should abide by, partly for his, or her, safety, partly to reinforce your position as boss and partly to ensure that no visitors to the home are distressed by your dogs behavior. For example:

Dogs should never jump up on people – you may think of it as an affectionate way to greet you, but if a dog puts its paws on your shoulders, it is likely to think this is an acceptable thing to do to anyone who walks through the door and not everyone enjoys being leapt on. Additionally, jumping up to your height can be a gesture to challenge your authority, so it is advisable to make a dog wait patiently until you are ready to greet him, or her.

Dogs shouldn’t beg at the table – begging will often occur if your dog has been fed at or under the table in the past. Therefore, if you do not wish your dog to drool at the sight of you eating, do not offer him, or her, sneaky treats.

Dogs should never be possessive over bones or toys – In case your dog gets hold of something it shouldn’t, it is important that you are able to take any item away from him, or her. Moreover, this is a great way to establish your authority and gain your dog’s respect. Therefore, it is a good idea to take a favorite toy, bone or food away from your dog at random points when he, or she, is a puppy. This may seem a little cruel, but if the dog behaves well, you can replace the item straight away and give him, or her, lots of praise. If, on the other hand, the dog growls or is aggressive, you may need to take things from him, or her, more frequently and for longer periods. The aim is to get the dog to recognize all items as yours – you just let him, or her, play or chew them.

Obviously, these are just some of the things that a dog owner should consider. However, they are great foundations from which to expand your dogs training. If you are having difficulty with your dog, seek the advice of a animal trainer, behaviorist or veterinarian.
