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postheadericon Training your dog to “sit” is probably the first thing you will train your puppy to do

Training your dog to “sit” is probably the first thing you will train your puppy to do. I write puppy because you can start the training as soon as the puppy has settled in his new home. You might think this isn’t that important, a dog knows how to sit. Well, I think it is very important. Read on and you will found out why and how to train your dog to sit.

1. This first one is easy. You just start by saying “sit” every time the puppy sits itself. He learns to associate the word sit with the action. This is a tip you can use in all training.

2. Take out his favorite treat and keep it in your hand. Sausage usually works well but remember to cut it in small pieces so the puppy can swallow it fast.

3. Sit down on the floor so you get to the same level as the dog. You are less threatening when you sit. More important is that you are close to the dog so you can reward him faster. More about this soon.

4. Slowly move the treat over your puppy’s head. The intention is to get the puppy to smell the treat (he will) and follow it with his nose. He has two options. Either back still standing or sit down. It’s easier to sit down.

5 Immediately as he sits you say “sit” and give him the piece of sausage. This is the key factor to all training. The reward has to be exact in the same moment as the dog does the right thing.

6. Praise the dog. Show your joy with your voice as well as with your body language.

7. Repeat these steps 3-5 times. Not more than that though, as it has to be fun! On the other hand you can repeat the steps several times during the day.

8. In the next step you should try these steps while standing up. You can try to see if the dog reacts only to the word “sit” without your hand and the treat. If he sits down you obviously should praise him and if he doesn’t don’t care. You should never show your disappointment to your dog when you are training.

This is pretty easy for the puppy. In a day or two you will get him to sit with your “sit” command. Now you can try to make him sit down beside you. This is actually a preparation for the heel training. There you want him to sit as soon as you stop walking. If you have thoughts about obedience competitions with your dog you should consider the exact position where he sits and also how fast he sits. That is however off topic in this article.

The next level is to strengthen the word so you get the dog to sit in every situation no matter what’s going on around him. This is an ongoing process and you should never stop training. Use every new situation to train him. Make him sit with new people, new dogs and new surroundings.

It’s quite easy to train your dog to sit. If you consider not training your dog my advice is, think again. When you start training with your new puppy you get much more than the sitting part The puppy loves to do things with you. He learns to listen to his name. He gets used to training and doing things with you and on your initiative. This all together strengthen your position as the leader, and the puppy feels secure. When the puppy falls asleep in the evening his last thoughts should be: “This is really a great pack!”

postheadericon Potty training for puppies a new puppy has arrived home, lovely, furry and tiny

Potty Training For Puppies

A new puppy has arrived home, lovely, furry and tiny. He is so much fun with his never ending supply of energy and enthusiasm. Your new dog is almost perfect, except for the puddles he leaves on the floor.

Potty training is one of the most important things that you will need to do with your new puppy.

First, you must realize that your new puppy has a very small bladder, and is unable to hold it for very long.

To successfully house train your puppy, you will need a good deal of patience for a few weeks at least..House training your puppy requires consistence, patience, and a lot of dedication.

Try to start potty training as early as you can.Remember though, that the younger the dog is, the smaller his bladder will be so there shouldn’t be much time between bathroom breaks.

Always praise and reward your puppy when he does something right, do not choose the opposite route and punish him when he does wrong. Dogs learn much better from praise, than punishment. They are not humans and do not have the same thought processes that we do. Sometimes, you just have to think for them.Just like any other type of training, potty training will require some specific steps for your dog to know what is expected from him.

First, observe your puppy’s regular routine and note that he will probably need to go out right after eating, and at certain times of the day. Watch carefully so that you can catch what he does right before he goes. If he starts sniffing in a specific area, circling, or squatting, it is time to take action.

When you are pretty sure that you have identified his routine, all dogs will develop this prior to relieving themselves, you can then use a specific term or word, that stops him and then you take him outside. He will quickly associate that term or word with his need to go to the toilet.
Put him down and wait for him to go. When he does, be ready with a treat and lots of praise.

It is not wise to punish a puppy for soiling in the house, this is quite cruel and not necessary, after all he is only doing what is natural to him and knows no different. It is your responsibility to teach him what he needs to know.Try to catch him before he goes and if he does go in the wrong place, simply clean it up and wait for the next time. Potty training for Puppies doesn’t have to be difficult, but it does require consistency.

Get more facts about potty training for puppies today.

postheadericon Alligators are the most life-threatening of the exotic pets

Alligators are the most life-threatening of the exotic pets. They’re like crocodilian, which comes from the family line of Alligatoridae. The name was derived from a Spanish word Anglicization, which was used by a Spanish people who were settled in Florida, U.S.A. Alligators are found by and large in America and China.

There are two types of alligators, Alligator Mississippians or the American alligator and Alligator Sine sis or the Chinese Alligator. The American alligator weights around eight hundred pounds and is thirteen feet long. The record for the longest alligator is of nineteen feet two inches, from Louisiana. Comparatively, the Chinese alligators are smaller in length and measure out not more than seven feet long. Alligators exist for more than fifty yrs. The most aged existing alligator is of seventy years, at the Belgrade Zoo, Serbia.

There are many characteristics of alligators that differentiate alligators from crocodiles but both of them belong to different taxonomical categories. Alligators have a wider muzzle and their eyeballs are sited nearer the upside. When light is blinked over their eyes, larger alligators have a red glow and smaller alligators have a green glow. This can be a very useful tip for those who are looking for alligators in dark. Even in daylight, we can observe that alligators have brown eyes and crocodiles have green eyes.

When the alligators close their jaws, only the upper teeth are able to be seen while in crocodiles, the upper and the lower teeth are visible when they close their jaws. The shape of an alligator’s mouth is like a”U” and the crocodile’s is like a”V”. Although the skin of both the animals is a darker, almost black, the color depends on their environment. The Chinese alligators have a light pattern skin, alligators which live in algae growing water are greenish black and in high tannic acid water which is released from hanging trees have a darker skin.

As the presence of the gastroliths (stomach stones) in the stomach of alligators they can eat anything. Young alligators depend upon crustaceans, fishes, snails, and insects for their food. As they grow into larger size even they need larger feed. Bigger alligators prey turtles, bigger fishes, birds, and, other reptiles and mammals. They even eat up deer, razorbacks, small alligators and even carcass of animals when they are very hungry. They have also been reported for few attacks on humans, but the number is on arising. People set out overconfident about this reality and enter alligator habitats without more caution, resulting in provoking their aggression. But alligators don’t right away attack humans, like crocodiles.

Today Alligators have turned very protected and regulated animals. Special processing is to be experienced to get the detention of an alligator. Normally baby alligators could be bought from Florida. Owners are given a special license and must be well aware of their duties. They’re against the law of many another states to take out an alligator from its natural habitat. Alligator pets should be provided with wide and wet habitat, same as the subtropical, to live in.

postheadericon Solve the bark problem

Solve the Bark Problem!

Don’t let excessive or chronic barking disturb the peace in your home. There are many ways to help control undesirable or excessive barking.

Dogs bark for many reasons. It is a natural behavior and primary method of communication. They bark to warn others or defend a territory, to seek attention or play, to identify themselves to another dog, or as a response to boredom, excitement, being startled, loneliness, anxiety, or teasing. Four proven methods to help you stop unwanted barking behaviors include:

1.     First, avoid the temptation to reinforce your dog’s bark. Do not give verbal reassurance, a treat, or physical attention to a barking dog.

2.     Minimize your dog’s barking with proper and consistent training. In addition, try using a calming pheromone spray in your pet’s environment.

3.     Train your pet to respond to a one-word command, such as “Enough.” During training, divert his attention from the barking and sternly say “Enough.” If he stops barking, reward him with a great treat. Only give the treat if your dog stops barking.

4.     Along with these other behavior modification techniques, you may try a bark collar, a training tool designed specifically to address habitual chronic barking. It gives your pet a warning tingle or mild static correction when he barks, which quickly trains your pet to avoid the behavior that initiates the correction.

Bark control is important in developing a dog that is obedient and able to relax. Your success in this area will create a more harmonious home. Solve your bark problem!

postheadericon A shorthair cat, sokoke is believed to have originated many centuries ago in sokoke-arabuko rainforest in eastern kenya

A shorthair cat, Sokoke is believed to have originated many centuries ago in Sokoke-Arabuko rainforest in eastern Kenya. There it was called Khadzonzo by native tribesmen, the word meaning ‘tree bark like in appearance’ in local language. Despite its independent existence in nature for many years, there is not much evidence of wild cat genetics in this beautiful cat and it is believed by many to be a feral domestic cat. The modern history of Sokoke was initiated when in early nineteen eighties they were brought from Africa to Denmark, Europe, owing to their striking appeal and fear of extinction in shrinking natural habitat. Though the shorthair cats had some trouble early on, adjusting to the cold climate of Denmark, they survived and gained recognition in coming years. Today breeding populations occur all across Europe and North America, even as Sokokes are still relatively rare as purebreds.

Sokoke has a sleek athletic body that is chiseled like that of the Cheetah. Its slender, hard muscled trunk, long legs and short head give it the appearance of a skilled predator. Coat is single layered and dense. It has a blotched tabby pattern with ticked hair and occurs in shades of brown. Head is flat at the top with alert, rounded ears and almond shaped slightly slanted green eyes.

A relatively recent development in Sokoke lines is the ‘Snow Sokoke’. This cat has a basic color in the range of cream to gray with similar marbled tabby markings on body. Legs and tail are striped and eyes are of a blue color. Snow Sokokes are very pretty. However, they are not widely accepted in breed standards at the moment.

Sokokes are very intelligent cats that are sensitive and react well to alternating moods and behavior patterns of humans. They are social and accept other pets easily into the household. Active and vocal animals, these cats readily communicate with their humans.