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postheadericon If you want to know how to train your alano espanol puppy, this article can help you get in the right mindset

If you want to know how to train your alano espanol puppy, this article can help you get in the right mindset. This breed can be very dominant and serious but also very controllable and often acts submissive towards its master.

Before you can even begin to train your dog you need to first gain their respect and their trust. It is especially true when training a dog. Since dogs are known pack animals they have an instinct to follow one strong leader. You must put yourself in the position of “pack leader” in order to successful train your dog.

If your alano espanol does not have respect or a trust of you there is no way possible that you will be able to train it. Trust and respect are earned by dogs just as it is earned with people. Once the dog learns to trust its owner the training sessions will work much quicker.

One mistake that happens with many new dog owners is they are trying to give love and affection and wanting the dog to feel respect and trust. Show the love but you also must show you are in charge and confident in that. If your dog steps out of line and does something wrong, such as chewing furniture or shoes don’t let even little things go unpunished. Once a dog feels like they have the lead role in the family they will take over and do as they please, listening and obeying no one. Setting the rules of the house and being firm in these rules and firm in your telling the dog no.

You may believe that dogs don’t know how to listen but this is far from the truth. Dogs are smart and they like to have boundaries and rules as it is a natural instinct. As a part of the pack a dog will look to the leader and follow their actions or commands. So, even though it may seem cruel it really isn’t because a dog actually functions better when able to follow a leader otherwise they simply get confused or try and rule your roost. Use a firm hand but also give lots of love. Praise the dog when he does good things and you will have a best friend for life.

Good luck training your new alano espanol puppy!

postheadericon Dog training will transform the dog’s mannerisms, from a dog that will not do as he is told by you to a dog that will pay attention to your orders, from a dog that is annoying the neighbors into a calm one, from a dog that is at all times scampering from you into a dog that will remain at a halt at your order

Dog training will transform the dog’s mannerisms, from a dog that will not do as he is told by you to a dog that will pay attention to your orders, from a dog that is annoying the neighbors into a calm one, from a dog that is at all times scampering from you into a dog that will remain at a halt at your order. Just like in any other training scheme, there are some methods to be followed.

The dog has got to be familiar with his name, so he can act in response to the master’s instructions. When he is familiar with his own name, you can begin teaching with the check lead and instruct “here” or “come”. You can begin all this in the house, but initially, he has to be able to make out his own name. If you would like the puppy to pay attention just to you, then do not permit him to play with other people. If you will allow him to play too much, he will begin to snarl and bark every time you take his playthings away.

One more essential feature of dog training is that you have to teach your pet, so no one will get harmed when you are out with him and people are all about him. By making use of the dog training instructions correctly, you do not have to be anxious that he will bite off someone or he will scamper off. Even if you have trained your dog to be compliant and pay heed you, you should admire him as well since after all, you selected him, he could not select you, and if you will not take care of him properly, he will in all probability run away, or he will be miserable. The fundamental dog training instructions that a dog should act in response to are: fetch, stay close, here, sit and come.

– Begin teaching the dog whilst he is still a puppy – this makes sure of much better achievement rates even for starting out dog trainers.

– Put up some information on dog training and only then acquire a new puppy.

– Free dog obedience training programs ought to be modified to the precise necessities of your dog breed. Please see our collection of precise dog breed training techniques in order to get more understanding on this subject.

– Make certain that the puppy is in high spirits and has an adequate amount of energy to try out training.

– Be inventive, by no means let the puppy get fed up and coach the dog where the limits are set.

postheadericon Dogs called german shepherds were first exhibited at shows in germany towards the end of the nineteenth century but they were hardly shepherds as we know them today being rough coated, short tailed and rather resembling mongrels

Dogs called German Shepherds were first exhibited at shows in Germany towards the end of the nineteenth century but they were hardly Shepherds as we know them today being rough coated, short tailed and rather resembling mongrels. The German Shepherd Dog as we now know it didn’t really appear until after the Second World War.

The breed has grown enormously in popularity and is now one of the most popular pedigree breeds in the UK as a pet, it is still the favourite working breed for many forces especially the police and they are widely used for security purposes.

It is a fine sight to see a well-trained GSD with his handler, working well to serve and protect. Unfortunately one of the saddest sites is the poor GSD used to guard premises often chained up alone in some dismal filthy yard with a lifetime of incarceration and little stimulation to look forward to.

The German Shepherd is a highly intelligent beast who will show undying devotion to his master but he is a dog that needs company and stimulation to be at his best.

If you are thinking of buying a German Shepherd as a pet and you have not previously owned one, it is important to research the breed and talk to experienced owners so that you fully understand what you are taking on.
GSD’s do indeed make wonderful family pets but it is important to remember that this is a working breed and that they do have certain characteristics that can make them more difficult than your average Retriever, Labrador or Collie.

The characteristics of a good working GSD should be firmness of nerve, attentiveness, unshockability, tractability, watchfulness, reliability, and incorruptibility together with courage tenacity and hardness.
A German Shepherd is naturally protective and territorial which is something to bear in mind if you have lots of visitors to your house when careful introduction may be required to assure your pet that the visitor is not a threat to his family.

This is also a breed that requires a lot of time, stimulation, training and exercise – you will never wear them out, they will always be ready for more. A bored, lonely GSD can be very destructive and can cause an awful lot of damage to property in a short space of time.

Perhaps some of the less endearing traits of this breed are the tendency to be very vocal which can be a big nuisance and may be a problem with neighbours. They also shed hair in copious amounts all year round so your vacuum cleaner will work overtime and it’s unlikely that your clothes and furnishings will ever be free of dogs hairs again as well as what you are eating invariably being contaminated with that stray hairs.

The biggest problem with the German Shepherd Dog is the fact that to a large extent the breed is being spoilt by irresponsible breeding by inexperienced back street breeders who care nothing about preserving the breed but only about making money from the selling of puppies, Health and temperament problems are all too common, so it is important to take expert advice and try and find a reputable source if you are contemplating buying a puppy.

Consider first taking on a rescue German Shepherd Dog from a reputable rescue that should be able to give you a good assessment of a particular dog. Remember too that an older GSD will be a very rewarding addition to the family and will be housetrained, won’t chew, well behaved, probably require less exercise than a young dog and will be very loyal and grateful.

postheadericon A dog whisperer is basically a dog trainer, who has sympathetic point of view on the needs and desires of a dog

A dog whisperer is basically a dog trainer, who has sympathetic point of view on the needs and desires of a dog. For becoming a dog whisperer, you need to have time, a crystal clear mind and patience.

The following are the things you need to do if you wish to become a dog whisperer:

  • You need to have a sympathetic point of view on your canine’s intention. Understand the fact that your dog’s thoughts, intentions, desires are uncomplicated. You need to understand that each dog has his/her personal and social needs such as playing, interacting and roaming. In addition, you need to provide the dog with proper food, water and sleeping area.
  • By understanding your dog’s requirements, you can communicate with your dog effectively and thus, eradicate behavioral problems, if any. Dogs are social animals and thus, they need frequent interactions. This also helps the owners to know their pet’s behavior more deeply.
  • Dogs are fond of playing and when they play, they like to play the game with their own sense. You need to make sure that you are the commander and not the dog. You may find numerous dogs, who hide or tear the clothes left open in the laundry. Dog’s like to hide under the table or sofa very often. If your dog indulges in an erratic behavior such as tearing clothes and other household objects, then instead of getting infuriated, you need think as per dog’s perspective. This will help you to rectify the erratic behavior of your dog effectively.
  • You need to fix the meal times for your dog. Make him wait sometime for the meal, you can use command like `sit` to calm him down. In this way, you can make the dog realize that, you are the master. The firmer you are the more are the chances that the dog may obey you. However, firm behavior does not mean that you need to behave ruthlessly with your dog. Instead, you need to remain polite and lovable with your dog.

You need to understand that a Dog Whisperer requires proper understanding of a dog’s likes and dislikes along with proper communication.

postheadericon If you’re curious to know whether your dog is pregnant or not, you have to do certain steps to find out for sure

If you’re curious to know whether your dog is pregnant or not, you have to do certain steps to find out for sure. Pregnancy has its symptoms. And if you have noticed all of them on your pet, then high are the chances that they would deliver puppies real soon. Have you noticed the dog heat symptoms in your pet? Does your pet recently have the need to mate with male dogs? Dogs aged 6 to 12 months would go through what is called the heat cycle. This is when they reach sexual maturity. When they mated during the heat season, which normally lasts for 21 days, the dogs are surely going to be pregnant. Even so, vets and pet experts always say it is best for a dog to be pregnant when it is a year and a half to two years old to be safe.

The dog heat stage would have its own signs and symptoms. The most apparent would be blood discharges and redness of the dog’s vulva or rear. These symptoms indicate that your dog is in heat. Sooner or later, the female dog would want to mate. If you don’t want this to happen, you have to do the necessary precautions. The dog heat cycle normally comes twice every year. So if you see it on your pet today, it may take five to seven months before you see it again.

Generally, to know if your dog is pregnant for sure, it is best that you take it to the vet. You can also try to feel your dog’s abdomen. It should be firmer. Firm bellies indicate that there are puppies forming inside. The ultrasound is the best device to determine dog pregnancy. An x-ray, on the other hand, is powerful enough to determine how many puppies your dog is carrying in its abdomen. The dog’s pregnancy cycle lasts for an average of 63 days. Some dog breeds would deliver puppies in 54 days, though. Others, however, may take as much as 74 days before giving birth.

Pregnant dogs tend to be more affectionate. A good number of them are very clingy too. There are dogs that act very possessively during their pregnancy stage. However, some dogs do the other extreme. If other dogs enjoy the company of their masters, other gets very irritated, aggressive, and anti-social. This is one of the reasons why dog owners should be very wary of the fact that their dog is pregnant so they can adapt measure to protect their pet, family, and strangers around the house.

Pregnant dogs tend to lose their appetite too. For a week or so, the dogs would refuse to touch its food, only to eat like a glutton after three weeks. The increase in its appetite would continue a month and a week into pregnancy. And when the female dog is ready to deliver the pups, it would consume twice as much food as it used to. You have to prepare for the puppies’ coming at this point. Prepare beddings to keep them warm and comfortable after delivery.