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postheadericon Over recent years, we’ve been learning more and more about the benefits of treating human aliments with natural remedies

Over recent years, we’ve been learning more and more about the benefits of treating human aliments with natural remedies. The same holds true for our companion pets as well. Older dogs and cats suffer from painful arthritis as their joints begin to deteriorate over time. Instead of turning directly to prescription drugs which can be costly and come with nasty side effects, many people are looking for alternative options for arthritis pain relief for canine dogs.

In the past aspirin for dogs with arthritis painhas been a popular treatment. But this type of treatment is quickly losing popularity because dogs are particularly sensitive to the effects that Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin, can have on their gastrointestinal system. Side effects of NSAID’s include pain, bleeding and ulceration.

So health conscious pet owners are in search of safer alternatives. One natural component is quickly gaining popularity, specifically because of the clinical studies that have proven its effectiveness.  Cetyl myristoleate is a natural component that has been clinically proven for arthritis natural pain relief and thousands of people and pets dealing with the disease are finding great success with CM8. Cetyl myristoleate is the cetyl ester of myristoleic acid. It has multiple biological properties. It acts as a natural anti-inflammatory and a pain reliever, as well as being an immune system modulator. It is a naturally derived, highly purified, and refined waxy ester prepared to be taken by mouth. Because it is an ester form, highly resistant to oxidation, it has a relatively long life in the body. No harmful short or long term effects have ever been observed in humans or in laboratory animals, even in extremely high doses.

The only natural arthritis pain relief product that uses CM8 is FlexPet. The vitamin supplement for dogs and cats has been proven to correct the problems and eliminate pet joint pain by reducing the inflammation while lubricating the effected joints. This is mainly because of the main ingredient, cetyl myristoleate. In addition to it being an immune system modulator, CM8 delivers special nutrients and herbs to the joints, bones, and surrounding tissue. It alleviates pain, boosts immunity, strengthens the skeletal system, removes harmful toxins and promotes general health and well being.

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