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postheadericon Making an international move can be both exciting and tiring

Making an international move can be both exciting and tiring. There are so many things to remember, that it sometimes seems as though the days run together. Just when things start to fall together, something else doesn’t work out and it’s easy to get frustrated and overwhelmed. However, one area that you will want to pay close attention to is moving your pets. To many people, their pets are like members of the family. However, every country has their own laws regarding the importation of animals. Therefore, perhaps these tips can help you get more organized as you prepare to move your pets to your new home abroad.

1) Plan ahead. Just like everything else with moving overseas, it takes time. Nothing moves too quickly in this process and moving your pets to a country overseas is no different. Get all of the information you can, write everything down as you talk to various people and most importantly, be patient.

2) Find out rather or not your pet is allowed into your new country. Some countries won’t allow pets into their country at all. Other countries will allow it, but there are certain papers, requirements, etc. Find out exactly what is involved before you plan to move your pet.

3) Find out the requirements of your new country. Every country has their own set of rules and regulations for moving pets. For example, if you move your pets to England, your pets must have a six month quarantine period, micro-chipping, blood testing and up-to-date shots. You have to take specific routes and airlines. There also has to be last minute testing for ticks and tapeworm. And all of this is just for England! So, be sure and check for your specific country. There are also some excellent websites that will give information regarding the transporting of pets to other countries.

4) See your veterinarian to get the required vaccinations, health certifications, and advice. Most countries require at least a Veterinary Import Permit or certificate from your veterinarian to prove that your pet has been vaccinated recently and is free from all parasites or infections. Also, your veterinarian is who you need to see to get a microchip implanted into your pet, which is a requirement in some countries. Be sure and get a list of every document you will need in your new country. Do not depend on your vet to know this, as something could easily be missed and the moving of your pet can be delayed.

5) Learn if there are quarantine laws in effect for incoming pets. This is probably one of the biggest factors for moving your pet that you will have to consider. Your pet may have to be quarantined for up to six months within a facility in your new country. Make sure you understand everything about your new country’s quarantine laws, as this whole process can be stressful to both pets and their owners.

6) How will you move your pet? Most people who used to move their pets sedated them to help make the flight less stressful. However, there have been some problems with sedation and even though the move may be stressful, the majority of people agree that it’s safer than sedating them. Some pets have had breathing problems due to the sedatives and some pets have even died. These are areas that you can discuss with your veterinarian.

7) Will you be using a pet travel container? It is important to have a crate that is well ventilated and is large enough for your pet to sit, stand and lie down comfortably. Also, some air lines will allow your pet to travel in the airplane’s cabin, if the cage is small enough to fit under your seat. Otherwise, your pet will need to be flown in the cargo bay, so be sure and ask about the air pressure and temperature in that area of the plane. Be sure and find out the requirements of your airlines, as they also vary in what animals they allow and the sizes of the cages.

8) Count the cost. It is pricey to ship animals overseas for many reasons. The vaccinations, certificates, quarantine costs and other unavoidable expenses can add up rather quickly. Even the airline cost for moving your pet can be expensive, depending on where the pet will be during the flight and the size of the crate.

9) Consider a pet relocation service. There are many good services that are specifically for helping you relocate your pets. Often, these services will actually save you money in the long run because they know the best deals and can lead you through the process in the right manner.

10) Your pets will be stressed too. When you finally move your pets, be sure and take along some of their favorite items, such as toys and blankets. Remember that your pet will be in a new place, so be sure and keep them in the house or fenced in so they don’t run away.

It’s true that there are many things to consider when you want to move your pets, and it can actually be discouraging. Only you know how important the companionship of your pet is to you, and that makes it all worthwhile. It helps to remember that you and your pet will soon be settled in your new home.

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