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postheadericon A shorthair cat, sokoke is believed to have originated many centuries ago in sokoke-arabuko rainforest in eastern kenya

A shorthair cat, Sokoke is believed to have originated many centuries ago in Sokoke-Arabuko rainforest in eastern Kenya. There it was called Khadzonzo by native tribesmen, the word meaning ‘tree bark like in appearance’ in local language. Despite its independent existence in nature for many years, there is not much evidence of wild cat genetics in this beautiful cat and it is believed by many to be a feral domestic cat. The modern history of Sokoke was initiated when in early nineteen eighties they were brought from Africa to Denmark, Europe, owing to their striking appeal and fear of extinction in shrinking natural habitat. Though the shorthair cats had some trouble early on, adjusting to the cold climate of Denmark, they survived and gained recognition in coming years. Today breeding populations occur all across Europe and North America, even as Sokokes are still relatively rare as purebreds.

Sokoke has a sleek athletic body that is chiseled like that of the Cheetah. Its slender, hard muscled trunk, long legs and short head give it the appearance of a skilled predator. Coat is single layered and dense. It has a blotched tabby pattern with ticked hair and occurs in shades of brown. Head is flat at the top with alert, rounded ears and almond shaped slightly slanted green eyes.

A relatively recent development in Sokoke lines is the ‘Snow Sokoke’. This cat has a basic color in the range of cream to gray with similar marbled tabby markings on body. Legs and tail are striped and eyes are of a blue color. Snow Sokokes are very pretty. However, they are not widely accepted in breed standards at the moment.

Sokokes are very intelligent cats that are sensitive and react well to alternating moods and behavior patterns of humans. They are social and accept other pets easily into the household. Active and vocal animals, these cats readily communicate with their humans.

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