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postheadericon An easy method to clean your dog’s teeth – ( here is a step-by-step, super easy plan – only $7 ) cleaning dogs teeth – is it very hard, and why is is important

An Easy Method To Clean Your Dog’s Teeth – ( Here is a step-by-step, super easy plan – only $7 )

Cleaning dogs teeth – is it very hard, and why is is important? I’ll answer those questions in this article. First, let’s examine why it is so important to be regularly cleaning your dogs teeth. Did you know that dental problems, including halitosis (bad breath) are the number one disease condition in dogs? Did you also know that it is sadly the most under-treated problem in dogs today?

The sad fact it, most dog owners simply don’t’ want to keep their dog’s teeth clean. They think it is going to be too much trouble, and it would be a big hassle. Well, I don’t think that is thinking like a responsible dog owner. You need regular dental care, why shouldn’t your dog? In fact, dogs need it more! Plaque builds up on a dog’s teeth within only 72 hours of ingesting food. So to be effective, you have to brush at least that often.

The other reason why cleaning dogs teeth is so important: long-term health and longevity. As I stated before, this is the number one health condition – and it can be very detrimental or even fatal to your dog. As plaque forms in your dog’s mouth, it turns to tartar – stubborn deposits of bacteria and residue. You can see it clearly on the incisor teeth of most older dogs. Drooling, gingivitis, halitosis and infection set in. Also, the bacteria begin to attack the gum and bone tissue that holds the teeth in place, and once this periodontal disease becomes prevalent, your dog’s teeth begin to loosen and fall out.

Your dog will live longer, be happier and more pleasant to be around if you simply make the commitment to clean the dogs teeth regularly. It’s not really that hard, if you take the right approach. The cleaning cost at a vet under anesthetic can be hundreds of dollars – doesn’t it make sense to invest in a little preventative care? I promise your dog will love to have his teeth brushed after you have introduced him to it properly.

Here is how to do it – (Click here for a easy to follow plan – only $7 )

You will need a step-by-step plan to introduce the dog to the process over time. Cleaning dogs teeth is not hard or expensive – you need dog-specific toothpaste (don’t use human toothpaste- it’s dangerous to your dog!) and a soft-bristle toothbrush. There are long-handled dog brushes, but a soft regular brush will do as well.

Take a slow, steady approach and introduce the dog to the process over several weeks. If you have a puppy, it’s a no-brainer; puppies will love it. Be careful though, puppy teeth are temporary – your aim is to just get him used to the process of cleaning the young dogs teeth. If your dog is an adult, it is going to take a bit of time, but soon your dog will begin to look forward to the brushing sessions.

Cleaning dogs teeth is easy – once you and your dog get the hang of it. And it is so important for the long-term health of your dog. Be a responsible pet owner and take care of your dog’s dental health, starting today.

postheadericon A lot of people who have dogs, suffer dogs’ behavior problems

A lot of people who have dogs, suffer dogs’ behavior problems. Some people hire super trainers with hope that afterwards they will see a great change in their beloved pet. Very often after good spent money and lost time dog is not really further. The point is that 99% of trainers’ methods are ineffective. Besides, your dear dog’s nervous system gets damaged. There are enough opportunities nowadays to find a common language with your dog and to start understanding each other.

The main key to solve by yourself the problem with your pet is to let him understanding Your language. Because dogs speak DOG’s language. They are born like that. You have to teach them Yours language. The method SitStayFetch , which is one of the most popular nowadays, gives best results in this direction. It takes time, it needs a great patience, but it solves your problem.
Remember, the real obedience of your dog is in each day exercises.

You take a high responsibility when you take a decision to have a dog and it is logical that each dog needs a good training.

A lot of people start complain that their dog jumps on everyone, shows the aggression towards other dogs, doesn’t walk calm on the street, it is impossible to take him anywhere, he barks at home no end and a lot of other things. Do you ever asked yourself why it is like that, and what YOU did wrong? Because it is exactly your mistake. You didn’t find a common language.

When you know the reason, why your dog behaves like this and that, you will find the best key to your friend. Always try to understand the reason, what stands really behind disobedience of your dog. It is very important.

I know a couple, which has an old cat, but they decided to have also a dog. And, of course, some problems appeared very quick. They tried SitStayFetch program, and their pets now are able to eat calm together, and they are best friends. I talk once again about this course, because it really provides great results.

I have a dog, who was scared of his own shadow, and it was quite difficult to go for a walk with him. He had a very unexpected behavior. Besides, he is so big (his father is an English dog), that each time he pulled the lead I was close to fall down. I took me certain time to train him by SitStayFetch methods, and he improved much in his behavior (he is 10 years old) and improves each day, because we keep on going each day. It is very visible that he likes it by himself. A LOT OF headaches are gone.

A lot of people don’t believe that it is possible to teach something an old dog. They think that if you didn’t train him from puppy’s age, the chance is gone and it is too difficult now. And I must tell you. that it is not true. You can teach and train your dog at any age. I checked it on my own experience. Your friend will be only thankful. You will start feeling that you get a real soul mate, because you speak the same language.

It is possible to teach your dog at any age to stop barking, to stop pulling on the lead, to stop jumping up and a lot of other things.

If you are looking for that, have a look here:


I wish you to improve your relationship with your dog.

postheadericon African grey parrots’ food must not be only seed, however

African Grey parrots’ food must not be only seed, however. Such an incomplete, imbalanced diet is likely to cause illness. Seeds are high in fat and carbohydrates, and your African Grey will probably pick out its favorite seeds, making the diet even less balanced.

Most parrot experts agree that an African Grey parrots’ food needs can only be met with a formula diet supplemented with a variety of other foods.

Organic Pellets

What is a formula diet for an African Grey? Organic pellets. I say “organic” pellets because many of the conventional pellets have unhealthy ingredients. Some have even been noted as containing potentially toxic ingredients.

African Grey parrots’ food should never contain menadione. If the pellets you are considering for your African Grey list menadione as an ingredient, read on. The FDA requires a warning on every bag of food that contains it. That warning must read, “Person who handles needs to wear protective outfit, gloves, mask, and glasses.”

Menadione may be added to give your African Grey additional vitamin K. A better option is to provide full spectrum light for your parrot. An African Grey will get vitamin K from the light, just as it would if living outdoors.

Organic pellets also let your African Grey avoid the high quantities of sugar in colored pellets. Most African Grey parrot owners care enough about the bird in which they’ve invested so much money, that they don’t want to give it a diet that is high in sugar.

African Grey parrots’ food that is based on organic pellets will be free of contaminants that might be found in other pellets. In the U.S., government regulations force companies making organic parrot food not to use pesticides or other contaminants.

In addition to a basic, formulated pellet food, African Greys need many of the same food you eat.

1. Fresh vegetables: Offer your African Grey a wide variety of vegetables, raw or cooked. Think bright, deep colors for the most nutrition. Most vegetables that offer high nutrition to you and your family will be good for your parrot as well. Cooked legumes such as beans and lentils are good. Sprouted seeds are also good. Your African Grey will love them. To avoid contaminants such as pesticides, you may want to use organic vegetables for African Grey parrots’ food.

2. Fresh fruits: In the wild, African Greys eat fruit freely. The trick is to keep your parrot from filling up on its favorite food and neglecting pellets and vegetables. As with vegetables, choose bright, rich colors in fruit for the most nutrition. Also, purchase organic if possible.

3. Other supplemental foods: African Grey parrots enjoy cooked eggs and small amounts of yogurt now and then. African Greys are more prone than some parrots to calcium deficiency, so you may leave the egg shell on the hard boiled egg, if you wish. You should not need to give your parrot calcium supplements if you are using a good organic pellet food. You may give a few seeds as a treat, but go easy on them.

No, Thank You

African Grey parrots’ food dishes should never contain avocado, chocolate, or rhubarb. They should not contain any human junk foods or processed meats either. It should go without saying, but your African Grey should never be given anything containing caffeine or alcohol.

Water, Please

Remember, when thinking of your African Grey’s dietary needs, that it should have fresh, clean water in its cage at all times.

Helpful Tip

For healthy African Greys, be sure you clean the food and water dishes every day. If your parrot decides on an impromptu bath, wait until it is done, wash the water dish, and give it a fresh supply of water.

By: Anna Hart

postheadericon Now that you have your ferret, you will want him stay fit and healthy

Now that you have your ferret, you will want him stay fit and healthy.  One of the many ways of achieving this is with the correct diet.

When it comes to feeding your pet ferret, you will need to make sure that you are giving him the best ferret diet possible.

After all, you will want to make sure that he stays fit and healthy, and not suffer through a poor diet.  And to achieve this, you will need to make sure that his food is rich in fat, meat-based protein, and vitamins and minerals.

Below are some tips on what, and what not to feed your pet ferret.

1.  Do not feed your ferret on fruits or vegetables, or anything that contains starch or sugar.      Feeding your ferret with the wrong foods can lead to a number of health difficulties, including obesity. The wrong types of food can also shorten a ferrets life span.

2.  Ferrets are classed as “obligate carnivores” which means that they must eat meat.  Most of their nutritional needs are supplied through a meat-based diet.  From a scientific standpoint, they must eat meat because they are “hyper carnivores”.  Ferrets over many centuries have become adapted to a very strict meat-eating diet.

3.  If you intend to feed your ferret on kibble, be sure to moisten it with water first.  Not only is kibble very abrasive, but your ferret will find it difficult to digest if it is not moistened.  This could bring on some very uncomfortable, intestinal related problems.

4.  Some people believe that dry kibble will help to wear down tartar build up on a ferrets teeth.  The truth is though that dry kibble will only wear down your ferrets teeth, it can be that abrasive.

5.  Always avoid feeding your ferret with products that contain corn, or that are made up of frozen fish.

These are just some of things that you should be aware of if you are new to ferret keeping.  To ensure that your ferret lives a long and happy life, just follow the basic guidelines for your ferrets continued good health.

For much more information on a ferrets diet.

postheadericon Dairy cows are at a vulnerable state when they’re between lactations

Dairy cows are at a vulnerable state when they’re between lactations. This is why a rest period is required in between, primarily because they will be more prone to nutritional issues at this time. The rest period is an important process in a cow’s lactations because this helps to prevent health problems that may give serious problems to the cow’s milk production and future lactations.

It is important to go through the proper drying-off procedure to prevent the emergence of diseases and infections such as mastitis and intramammary infections. It is generally recommended to first withdraw concentrates from the cow’s ration for one to two weeks, and then afterwards to gradually stop milking. As drying-off goes, when the cow isn’t milked for 18 hours or more, the milk glands will stop producing droplets of milk. This will reduce the size of the udder and will start the cow’s dry period of 60 days. Be reminded that during this period the cow should be placed in clean and dry pens and is separated from the lactating cows.

During the dairy cow’s dry period, we should take care to check for diseases and infections that the cows may develop. Three important things to check would be mastitis prevention, vitamin supplementation, and the cow’s body condition.

Mastitis is one of the main concerns of the livestock owners. Mastitis is the inflammation of the creasts or udder, which is caused by infection. This is particularly troubling because it threatens the cow’s milk production and lactation. To stop mastitis we begin by doing intramammary antibiotic treatment. This is to prevent udder infections during the start of the dry period and some other infections from the previous lactation. Check with the veterinarian for the right antibiotic product as well as the antibiotic sensitivity patterns for the mastitis agents in the cows.

Vitamin supplementation is also vital as cows in late pregnancy needs a big amount of vitamins, particularly vitamins A, D, E and selenium. Vitamin A helps in preventing premature and stillborn calves and retained placenta, while vitamin E and selenium helps to enhance the body’s defenses from infectious agents. A balanced vitamin supplemented diet is needed during the cow’s dry period.

Pregnancy and lactation, reproduction and milk production, takes a considerable toll on the cows. They also have a reduced dry matter intake for the first two months of lactation. This is why the cows must have stored body fat as a source of reserve energy, especially during this period.

Lactating cows usually use about 1 kilogram of stored fat each day to produce 7 kilograms of milk. If the cow uses up more than one kilogram, especially in the first 14 days of lactation, ketosis may occur because of the fat that is accumulating in the liver. The interval to the conception will be longer than normal in this case.

To be know more about your cow’s vitamin supplementation and balanced feed intake, always refer to your veterinarian and learn how to evaluate and balance dry cow rations. Dairy cows have become vital in our daily lives that their health problems are also our problems, which makes these prevention methods a must.