So, you have wanted a horse all your life, but you can’t seem to get your parents to agree to get you one
So, you have wanted a horse all your life, but you can’t seem to get your parents to agree to get you one. Well, what you need is a plan, a parent friendly plan that shows your parents just how a horse will affect your life.
Start off by getting a job. I know, everyone says that, but it is really important. By getting a job you will show your parents that you are responsible enough to manage money. You will need at least $500-600 a month to care for a horse, so show your parents that you can earn that much money. Start a savings with your income and set aside enough money to pay for at least two months of board.
Next, find a barn that is local where you could keep your horse. Find out what the costs of keeping a horse there are. Be sure to include vet and farrier costs in your cost estimate. Get all these numbers on paper so that you can show your parents the actual costs.
Now consider what you could be doing if you did not have a horse. Are you currently spending a lot of time out partying or hanging out with friends? Be prepared to lose much of that time to your horse. Show your parents that these things are less important to you than your horse would be. Explain to them that you would be more concerned about paying your horse’s upkeep and working with your horse than going out late to parties or getting into things your parents would prefer you avoid (after all, who can afford drugs or alcohol if all the money is going to the horse).
With this information in hand, sit down with your parents and have a long talk. Discuss doing a trial run of horse ownership. You can either take on a part board situation or a lease of a horse. This way you avoid the initial cost of buying a horse, but still get the chance to show your parents how you will handle horse ownership.
If your parents agree to the trial, be sure to keep up your side of the bargain. Pay your horse’s expenses. Your parents should not have to foot the bill unless there is an unforeseen emergency. Go out to the barn as often as you can, and avoid going out and partying late. If you can keep this up for a year’s lease or part-board, your parents might actually start to see things your way.
Owning a horse is a huge responsibility, and you will need to do everything in your ability to prove that you are up for the challenge. Many kids just can’t manage the stress of having a job and paying for their own horse. On the other hand, parents are stressed enough just paying for the general bills. If you can prove that you will be self sufficient, you will give your parents the chance to accept your proposal without fretting that you will leave them in the lurch.