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postheadericon There are many things to learn when learning how to take care of a ferret , but they are all very simple

There are many things to learn when learning how to take care of a ferret, but they are all very simple.  However, you need to ensure you understand the responsibility on you as mother, father and family of your new pet ferret.  When actually deciding how and where to house your ferret, consider these 3 essentials ingredients properly and you and your new fuzzy will have many happy years together.


Safety of your ferret should be top of your list when looking at where and in what you are going to keep your pet ferret.  You do not want him escaping, injuring himself or being hurt by other animals or pets.

Get a proper ferret cage.  This is important as other cages are totally unsuitable.  You need the spaces between the bars to be right, so that fuzzy can not get that nosey head of his between them.  Also this ensures that other animals or pets can’t either.

When looking at where to put the cage, you should be avoiding radiators or other heaters.  You want a good steady temperature for your pet ferret to be healthy.


I am talking about inside and out when considering the space required to take care of a ferret.

Inside, means a good sized cage, with 2 levels if possible.  Your new ferret needs plenty of room to be able to sleep comfortably and play, to keep him stimulated when not out of it and exercising with you.

That cage I going to have to have a litter tray in it ideally, so take that into account when you choose.  Buy the best that money can buy.  Do not go cheap, as there is usually a reason for that.  You don’t want to find the bars rusting in 3 months time, do you?

Outside make sure you have a good space to play, which is free of dangerous temptations, such as electric flex and wire, children’s toys and human food.  None of these lead to a long life for ferrets


Let’ face it animals poop and ferrets are no different.  It’s not the most pleasant thing in life, but we all have to do it!  But your ferret can’t clean his own up, that’s down to you my friend. But there are ways to make this easier.  First of all buy a cage with plenty of space for a litter box or tray and train your ferret to use it.  This is actually easier than it sounds.  This way everything is in one place and cleaning is a simple process.

You have to keep that cage clean and change the bedding regularly.  If you don’t you are storing up problems which could come out in diseases and illness for your little prince.

Make sure you have other litter boxes and trays outside the cage as well which you can train your ferret to use.

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