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postheadericon Bringing your pet in to thailand the following requirements apply if you plan to bring your cat or dog into thailand for 6 months or more by air as part of your accompanied baggage

Bringing your pet in to Thailand

The following requirements apply if you plan to bring your cat or dog into Thailand for 6 months or more by air as part of your accompanied baggage.

1)      Obtain an authorization to import your pet by air. This can be done at Don Muang International Airport in Bangkok.

2)      At the airport you would need to :

–         Obtain an authorization form allowing to transit animals via Thailand.

–         Fill out an application form for special importation.

Please be advised that you may be required to pay fees for the above applications as well as import duties on your pet. Import duties are waived if your pet will be in Thailand for less than 6 months, but you will need to fill out a guarantee form and pay a deposit at the airport.

Other requirements

1)      Entry certificate signed in the country of origin by registered veterinarian , describing the age, breed, sex, color etc… of your pet.

2)      Rabies vaccination certificate – your pet must be vaccinated at least 15 days prior to arrival.

3)      Leptospirosis vaccination certificate – your pet must be vaccinated at least 21 days prior to arrival

4)      The animal must be healthy and free from any sign of infectious or contagious disease.

Keeping pets in Phuket

There are several pet shops in Phuket which supply pet food, kennels and accessories. A few also provide baths, grooming, spa and salon services for your pets. There are few dog kennels breeding quality dogs and puppies for sale and also an International dog school with multilingual training.

Dog & Cat care

If you have long – haired dogs and cats you need to keep them in air-conditioning a lot of time. They can become unhealthy and lethargic if kept in the heat. Tyhey will also most likely develop heat rashes. Ticks and fleas can also be a bit of a problem in Thailand, so you should visit a vet to get your pet treated.

Maids can be a great help in taking care of your pets. However, when hiring you should make sure that the maid likes animals and is comfortable taking care of them.

For further information contact: Pet Control office, Bangkok International Airport , Arrival Lounge (counter 7 and 8).

Please cheque aboven before bringing your best friend to Thailand ,

Sponsord by : www.allphuketrealestate.com

postheadericon Pets are many things in many ways but they are not responsible

Pets are many things in many ways but they are not responsible. Not outside of very limited doggy parameters. This means that you are 100% responsible for your pet’s health. In this day of seemingly limitless online medication options, the only way to face this challenge is through education. Freedom of choice is only a benefit when you are familiar with the choices.

The easy availability of medications online has placed extra pressure on society to moderate its own behavior responsibly. It has placed even more pressure on human beings using the Internet to shop for pets that are entirely reliant on them for their wellbeing.

Buying pet medicine online offers a level of consumer freedom that is enough to make one dizzy. In the old days we would take our pet to our local veterinarian who would counsel us on the right way to deal with our pet’s health issues. This was a relief in two obvious ways: we could be guided by an expert and we could shift a little of the weight of responsibility. Today it is possible to go online, diagnose and medicate our own pet.

This is a boon on the one hand, and a very serious danger on the other. With the aid of the Internet we are empowered to act somewhat independently of traditional channels. This is a qualified bonus only if we are almost uncomfortably aware of the fact that we do not have years of veterinary experience behind us. This awareness should hopefully make us doubly cautious as we navigate these unfamiliar waters with our newfound freedom.

The bonus is a qualified one because it should not take the place of veterinary expertise when that is appropriate. The question of how to discern when that is appropriate is the million-dollar question. Websites play experts and they do so with expertise but it is not necessarily the expertise we need.

A favorite tactic is to dot the website with white clad ‘experts’ who profess to a proficiency they don’t have. It is important to note that the figures are often just models paid to pose with an air of authority. We need something more than a show of proficiency when it comes to the lives of our precious pets.

The bottom line is this; nothing can take the place of a visit to the veterinarian when your pet is sick. Attempting to diagnose your pet’s ailment yourself can have devastating consequences. When time is of the essence, wasting it waiting for cost effective, online drugs to be shipped to your door is not only unwise but inhumane.

Buying pet medicine online has a limited application. Within these boundaries it can be both benign and cost effective. This avenue works best with repeat medications like flea, tick, worming and heart medications. If you are considering taking advantage of the online option let your vet know. He or she will have to write out a prescription for you to use when purchasing online. Many services also offer to call the vet directly. Your delivery date will be reliant on prompt communication between the online company and the veterinarian’s office working together to share information.

Purchasing non-prescription drugs for your pet online is also a matter for caution and consideration. Because certain drugs do not require a prescription does not mean that they are not potentially dangerous if administered unwisely. Read instructions carefully. Good websites take their role as educator seriously. Most have extensive information online regarding dosages and side effects.

Avoid or be cautious regarding prices that are way below market on pet medications. Most legitimate companies hover in the same discount region. Outrageous savings are normally only offered by fly by night companies offering questionable product.

postheadericon Declawing is a major surgery known as onychectomy, performed under anesthesia, that removes the tip of each digit (from the first knuckle out) of the cat’s forepaws

Declawing is a major surgery known as onychectomy, performed under anesthesia, that removes the tip of each digit (from the first knuckle out) of the cat’s forepaws. There is a slight chance of death in the surgery, and a declawed cat may have an increased risk of infection and life-long discomfort in its paws. This surgery is not recommended for an adult animal and is considered an act of animal cruelty in some countries (see below).

People generally have cats declawed to prevent them from hunting and from damaging furniture. Rarely, vicious cats are declawed. In the United States, some landlords require that tenants’ cats be declawed.

Veterinarians are generally critical of the procedure and some refuse to perform it because the absence of claws in a cat:

  1. Deprives it of its main defense abilities, including escaping from predators by climbing trees;
  2. Impairs its stretching and exercise habits, leading to muscle atrophy;
  3. Compromises its ability to balance on thin surfaces such as railings and fence tops, leading to injury from falls;
  4. Can cause insecurity and a subsequent tendency to bite.

This operation is rare outside of North America. In Finland, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland, declawing is forbidden by the laws against cruelty to animals.[17] In many other European countries, it is forbidden under the terms of the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals, unless “a veterinarian considers [such] non-curative procedures necessary either for veterinary medical reasons or for the benefit of (the) animal”. [18] In Britain, animal shelters find it difficult to place imported cats that have been declawed and subsequently most are euthanized.

An alternative to declawing is the application of blunt, vinyl nail caps that are affixed to the claws with nontoxic glue, requiring periodic replacement when the cat sheds its claw sheaths (about every four to six weeks). However, the cat will still experience difficulties because the capped nails are not as effective as claws.

postheadericon Although golden retrievers are very sociable, lovable dogs many of them end up in rescue centers each year for a variety of reasons

Although Golden Retrievers are very sociable, lovable dogs many of them end up in rescue centers each year for a variety of reasons. These centers are typically run by volunteers who care for the dogs until a new owner is found. You may have wondered if golden retriever adoption is a good option for you. We will look at the advantages and disadvantages of adoption and where you can find your dog if you do choose to adopt.

Should I Adopt a Golden Retriever?
The first question to ask yourself is whether adoption is a good path for you. If you have no dog ownership experience then you should not adopt a dog. Many of these Goldens have been mistreated and require good dog handling and training skills to make them well balanced retrievers again. Also you need to be certain that you are committed to long term ownership otherwise the dog will not be much better off in the long run. If you have owned dogs successfully in the past – ideally Golden Retrievers then you should definitely consider adoption. You will be putting your skills and experience towards improving one more dog’s life.

Why Do Goldens End Up in Rescue Centers?
Many abandoned dogs come from less responsible breeders who breed more puppies than they can sell. Some come from owners who neglect or mistreat their dogs. Sometimes it isn’t the owners fault for the dog’s position – the owner may be forced to move house or change locations where keeping a dog isn’t feasible.

Places Where You Can Adopt a Golden Retriever
There are two main places where abandoned Goldens end up: animal shelters and breed rescue centers. Animal shelters cater to a wider variety of pets (mostly cats and dogs) whereas breed rescue centers are places for just one particular breed of dog. If you don’t have one particular breed in mind animal rescue centers would be a good place to look. You would be able to select from a range of dogs and find the best one regardless of breed. If you are set on adopting a Golden Retriever then you should definitely contact breed rescue centers in your area and view some of the dogs. In most rescue centers the dogs still receive plenty of care from volunteer owners who often run foster homes for the dogs. If you do decide to adopt a dog, you will have to submit an application and you will receive a house visit to make sure you can provide a good home for your new dog.

For more information on golden retriever adoption check out my site at www.goldenretrieverinstruction.com where you can learn more about golden retriever adoption and how to be successful in your adoption application.