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postheadericon There is nothing that will bring you more joy then a well trained dog

There is nothing that will bring you more joy then a well trained dog… it is certainly a lot more fun for you to have an obedient and trained dog. Not only that, but trained dogs, are happier dogs.

Happier, more secure dogs are less likely to get into fights with other dogs and will tend to socialize better with dogs that they meet in public. A happy dog will bring joy to your entire family for years to come.

If you have young children then it is very important to have a well trained dog. When your children are well behaved it makes the entire household run smoother and everyone is happier… especially Mom! The same holds true with your dog. A misbehaving dog can bring down the entire family. It is important to spend the time early on with your puppy when he is little to train him correctly. This will bring you many years of pleasure later.

Taking the time to train your dog will strengthen the bond you have together and this will ensure a long and happy friendship where both you and your dog benefit. Considering the amount of time that you will be with your dog the time involved in training is minimal and well worthwhile.

There are a few basic commands that need to be mastered and they are all relatively simple.

These commands are…

Down: this is where you teach your dog to lay down on command, and is one of the main aspects of any successful training program.

Heel: this is where you teach your dog walk beside you at the same pace without pulling on the lead.

Learning the ‘No’ word: this is a particularly important word for your dog to know and can save you a lot of trouble. In fact it is probably one of the most important aspects of training, if you can get your dog to understand and respond to the word no. It can certainly save you a lot of trouble in the future.

Sit: sit is one of the most basic of all dog training commands and is one that you’ll want to teach from the outset to maintain control of your dog’s behavior.

Stay: and finally ‘stay’ – this is important to ensure that no matter where you are, you’ll know that your dog will stay precisely where you want it.

If there is nothing else that you train your dog to do beyond these basic commands, then just these basics will certainly improve the relationship you have with your dog and the enjoyment and happiness that you and your dog will have together.

It is well worth the time while still a puppy, as it will improve the quality of life for many years to come.

Training will also let your dog know that you’re the boss and in doing so eliminate many behavior problems. Dogs that are untrained can often get depressed, despondent, and unhappy and display symptoms of anxiety and confusion.

You are actually giving your dog a purpose in life, where they will get pleasure out of the fact that they are pleasing you… which is their main objective in life!

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