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postheadericon Most cockatiel health problems are the result of malnutrition or improper care

Most cockatiel health problems are the result of malnutrition or improper care.  Many of these conditions are life-threatening and can easily kill your bird before you can tell anything is wrong.  Some of these conditions include Polyoma, Psittacosis, Pacheco’s disease, and Candidiasis.  This article will discuss some of these common cockatiel health problems.


Polyoma is a condition caused by a viral infection that usually targets younger birds.  The virus can be transmitted via feather dust, droppings, and respiratory secretions.  It can also be transmitted via eggs.  It’s best to have your bird vaccinated against this disease when they reach 40 days old.


Another common disease of cockatiels is Psittacosis.  It’s also known by various other names such as parrot fever and chlamydiosis.  This condition is caused by bacteria that can be transmitted via droppings, nasal secretions, and feather dust.  Infected birds show symptoms such as shortness of breath, runny nose, lethargy, eye discharge, dehydration, and loss of appetite.  Treatment involves administering antibiotics for 45 days and removing calcium from the diet.


One of the next common cockatiel health problems is Candidiasis, a condition caused by yeast.  Like Polyoma, it usually affects younger birds because of their immature immune system.  However, older birds with a weak immune system can also develop the condition.  The most common reason for birds to develop it is because of long-term antibiotic use.  However, hand-fed chicks are also susceptible especially when the equipment isn’t properly sterilized.

Symptoms of Candidiasis include depression, vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss.  If the yeast infect the mouth and beak, then your bird will likely have bad breath and white material in the mouth.  This disease has to be treated with antifungal medications.  Your bird will also need to avoid eating fruit and sugar while he still has the disease.

Pacheco’s Disease

Pacheco’s disease is caused by a very deadly virus.  Birds often die suddenly.  Signs of this condition include intermittent diarrhea, ruffled feathers, anorexia, and lethargy.  This disease can be prevented thanks to vaccination.  However, some birds have been known to have a reaction to the vaccine.

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