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postheadericon The top dog training research indicates that when beginning the training process, it is best to use methods based on positive reinforcement

The top dog training research indicates that when beginning the training process, it is best to use methods based on positive reinforcement.  This will motivate your dog to decide whether to follow your instructions rather than doing them out of fright or evasion.  Educating your dog with the lasting power of love, compassion and respect will produce a deeper bond with your dog and family.  Positive training techniques are the most effective way to teach your dog to obey your commands and signals.  Rewarding your dog for doing something good and teaching them right from wrong while not punishing them is a prime example of this.  Owners must realize that the dog is doing what comes naturally and the one training the dog at fault for perhaps using an incorrect method, or not making sure the dog is comprehending every piece of information they are trying to get through to them.

Since your dog will be encountering a vast amount of people, places, and things, positive reinforcement will ensure that your dog is a great role model for all other dogs.  This will make socializing with other people and dogs a great experience for both dog and owner.

Consistency and repetition is the main means in which dogs learn new things so all family members should consistently greet the fore mentioned dog the same way to ensure proper behavior.  This same approach should be taken when using verbal commands and while using hand signals to ensure that the behavior is being reinforced.

Another great way for your dog to learn is to train them during play time.  This positive and fun atmosphere is great for teaching commands and basic training techniques, especially when you can involve your children.

The final thing that is a necessity when training your pup is having an adequate chew toy.  Every dog needs to chew so make sure they have a toy, or else they will find a nice newspaper or pair of slippers.  Dogs love toys that have the ability for food or treats placed inside them, these type of toys are the optimal type for every young or adolescent dog.  These simple steps can turn your dog from nightmare to dream dog!  Good luck and happy training!

Train Your Dog Right

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