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postheadericon Are you fed up with the aggressive ways of your four legged companion

Are you fed up with the aggressive ways of your four legged companion? With the right aggressive behavior dog training program this problem could be dramatically reduced. Although aggression is a difficult issue to deal with, there are different ways in which the issue can be resolved.

1 – Consult a Veterinarian – If your dog hasn’t had a history of being aggressive and begins growling, biting or snapping at people, talk about it to your vet. This sudden change in his behavior can be a sign of a medical problem which needs immediate medical attention.

2 – Determine the situations – Determine the situations in which your dog displays aggressive behavior and avoid them. An important part of aggressive behavior dog training is discovering the reason behind the aggression.

3- Make a behavior modification program – This can be achieved with the help of a professional behaviorist. For example, if your dog growls when you or someone else from your family approaches his food bowl then you might be asked to approach an empty food bowl and drop some food in it. This way your dog will understand when someone approaches his food bowl he will get a treat and there is no need for him to be aggressive.

4- Never punish your dog for behaving aggressively– You should never punish your dog for acting aggressively. As they say, aggression breeds aggression. If a dog is punished for being aggressive, it may cause him to show more aggression.

5- Be consistent and patient – If you want to provide proper aggressive behavior dog training than you need to be consistent in your efforts in training him and stay patient, as dog aggression is a problem that cannot be curbed overnight.

6 – Socialize Your Dog – The most common reason for dogs to show aggressive behavior is due to the lack of their socialization when they were young. A dog will find it hard to trust people and other dogs that he doesn’t know, if he did not have lot of chances to interact with them while he was young. So, if you have a puppy socialize him during his early stages of his life and you should never deal with dog aggression problems in future.

As you can see here aggressive behavior dog training can be a difficult and tedious process.  When working with an aggressive dog, a good dog training course can be very useful. You will want to look for the one that includes a free consultation with an experienced dog trainer.

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