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postheadericon When you have a pet spider, you have to give it a name, unless you just want to call it spider or spidy all the time

When you have a pet spider, you have to give it a name, unless you just want to call it Spider or Spidy all the time.  You may be a fan of Spiderman and name your pet after a character in the movie or the comic book series. Parker, for example, sounds like a nice strong name for a spider. If you wish, you can use the name of one of the villains, but then people may think you have a bad spider. You can also choose a name based on the spider appearance or its scientific classification. How about Rachy, based on the word Arachnid for the class of spiders? There are many choices in spider names you just have to use your imagination.

There are male and female spiders, as you know, so when you do bring home your pet you can choose a name appropriate to the gender. Charlotte is a very popular name for a girl spider based on the spider in the story Web? Spin could be a name for any gender because that is what spiders do spin webs. Webmaker, Webspinner, or even Web are suitable names, but they are not very imaginative and when someone hears the name it won’t raise any eyebrows or invoke any questions about your choice of name.

By looking at the meaning of the name, you can find many different and unusual names that will suit this type of pet. How about one of these names for a male spider?

– Malcolm – Servant of St. Columba

– Seanloach – Old hero

– Tag – Handsome

– Kaelen – Mighty Warrior

– Victor – Winner

– Rodd – from the name Roderick

-Hania – Spirit Warrior

Female names for spiders can include

– Shiny

– Erna

– Nicole

– Chloe

– Grace

– Molly

In fact any male or female name would be suitable for a spider.

Find the common name for the spider and let that be your guide in choosing a name. If you have a female Black Widow spider, you could name it killer because of the belief that the females eat the males after mating. Blacky is also a popular name, but there are also Brown Widow Spiders, so if this is the pet spider you have you can name it Brownie.  You might also want to choose a color completely different from the color of your pet.

You may be one of the spider owners who has a Carolina Wolf Spider. This opens the doors to many names because you can even use names of dogs for your pet. These spiders have a dark stripe on the abdomen, so this may give you ideas for names according to the color of the stripe. This is also one of the largest wolf spider in North America so any names that denote a large size would be very apt choices.  Since the fangs of this spider are quite large, you could even call it Fang. Then when someone asks you about your choice of name, you can tell them all about this species of spiders.

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