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postheadericon There are quite a few things that can create anxiety in you animals at home but there are some things that you can do to minimize your dog’s anxiety tendencies

There are quite a few things that can create anxiety in you animals at home but there are some things that you can do to minimize your dog’s anxiety tendencies.
Here are a few do things.


Exercise the heck out of her. Really wear her out: the longer you expect to be away, the more exercise she should get before you leave.

For example, if you are leaving for work in the morning, she will probably be by herself for at least four hours; and, if you have got a dog-walker to take her out mid-day instead of coming back yourself, she will not see you as the person she really cares about – for at least nine hours.

So she needs a good, vigorous walk (fifteen to twenty minutes is the absolute minimum here!) before you walk out that door. More is even better.

Distract her from her boredom, loneliness, and anxiety by giving her an attractive alternative to pining, pacing, and whining. All dogs love to chew and why not play on this predisposition?

Get a couple of marrowbones from the butcher, bake them in the oven for 20 minutes (so they go nice and hard and crunchy and so she can not smear marrow all over your furniture), slice them up into chunks of a few inches long, and give her one about 15 minutes before you leave.

It will keep her happy and occupied, and will act as a smokescreen for your departure.

When you leave, put the radio on to a soothing station: classical music is ideal, but any station featuring lots of talk shows is also ideal. Keep the volume quite low, and it will calm her down a bit and give her the feeling that she has got company.

If at all possible, supply her with a view: if she can see the world going by, that’s the next best thing to being out and about in it.

Acclimatize her to your leaving. Taking things nice and slowly, practice getting ready to go jingle your keys about, put on your coat, and open the door. Then without leaving sit back down and do not go anywhere.

Do this until she is not reacting any more. When there is no reaction, give her a treat and lavish praise for being so brave. Next, practice actually walking out the door (and returning immediately), again doing this until there is no reaction.

Gradually work up and gradually being the operative word here until you are able to leave the house with no signs of stress from her.

Do not:

Act overtly sympathetic when she is crying. Although it sounds very cold-hearted, trying to soothe and comfort your dog by patting her and cooing over her is actually one of the worst things you can do: that is essentially validating her concern.

Make sure she can not tell that you feel sorry for her: do not ever say, it is OK, good girl when she is upset!

If you are interested in getting a more detailed look at how to deal with your dogs separation anxiety, you might like to check out a recommended book which might help you with your dog’s problems.

This book is a great learning tool for anyone who wants to learn how to deal constructively with their dogs problem behaviors.

As a mater of fact, all of the common behavioral problems are dealt with in detail in this book, and there is a great section on obedience commands and tricks too.

postheadericon More horses q&a please visit : petsask

More Horses Q&A Please visit : PetsAsk.com

Betadine and precipitation rot?
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Bit Shy 5 year feeble gelding ?
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postheadericon The normal gestation period of a siamese cat is about sixty-five days, although this may vary a day or two either side

The normal gestation period of a Siamese Cat is about sixty-five days, although this may vary a day or two either side. I like to use day two of the honeymoon as my conception date though with experience of my own girls I may modify this to suit the girl or line in question. I have a useful tool on my website which I call my Feline Gestation Calculator, this may be of use when calculating when your girl is due to have her kittens.

It can be a very exciting and very worrying time when awaiting newborn kittens and I hope some of the worry is taken out of the experience with the aid of this free online tool for working out when the kittens are due to be born. Unfortunately I find that my cats tend not to use a computer when deciding when their kittens are due but prefer to suit themselves. Hopefully though my article and online gestation calculator should help narrow the time to within a couple of days when working out time off from work.

It is not unusual for a maiden queen to go as much as 67 days. If your cat has not given birth by day 72 I would recommend veterinary advice.

Once your Siamese Queen has given birth to her Kittens it may be useful to compare their development with some of the kittens at Burnthwaites Siamese by looking at the online kitten diaries that are constantly updated on the website. I find this a useful point of reference when watching a kittens development.

postheadericon When you have a pet spider, you have to give it a name, unless you just want to call it spider or spidy all the time

When you have a pet spider, you have to give it a name, unless you just want to call it Spider or Spidy all the time.  You may be a fan of Spiderman and name your pet after a character in the movie or the comic book series. Parker, for example, sounds like a nice strong name for a spider. If you wish, you can use the name of one of the villains, but then people may think you have a bad spider. You can also choose a name based on the spider appearance or its scientific classification. How about Rachy, based on the word Arachnid for the class of spiders? There are many choices in spider names you just have to use your imagination.

There are male and female spiders, as you know, so when you do bring home your pet you can choose a name appropriate to the gender. Charlotte is a very popular name for a girl spider based on the spider in the story Web? Spin could be a name for any gender because that is what spiders do spin webs. Webmaker, Webspinner, or even Web are suitable names, but they are not very imaginative and when someone hears the name it won’t raise any eyebrows or invoke any questions about your choice of name.

By looking at the meaning of the name, you can find many different and unusual names that will suit this type of pet. How about one of these names for a male spider?

– Malcolm – Servant of St. Columba

– Seanloach – Old hero

– Tag – Handsome

– Kaelen – Mighty Warrior

– Victor – Winner

– Rodd – from the name Roderick

-Hania – Spirit Warrior

Female names for spiders can include

– Shiny

– Erna

– Nicole

– Chloe

– Grace

– Molly

In fact any male or female name would be suitable for a spider.

Find the common name for the spider and let that be your guide in choosing a name. If you have a female Black Widow spider, you could name it killer because of the belief that the females eat the males after mating. Blacky is also a popular name, but there are also Brown Widow Spiders, so if this is the pet spider you have you can name it Brownie.  You might also want to choose a color completely different from the color of your pet.

You may be one of the spider owners who has a Carolina Wolf Spider. This opens the doors to many names because you can even use names of dogs for your pet. These spiders have a dark stripe on the abdomen, so this may give you ideas for names according to the color of the stripe. This is also one of the largest wolf spider in North America so any names that denote a large size would be very apt choices.  Since the fangs of this spider are quite large, you could even call it Fang. Then when someone asks you about your choice of name, you can tell them all about this species of spiders.

postheadericon A appropriate place to go and get pet rats

A appropriate place to go and get pet rats?
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Am I right to be furious next to the vet?
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Another guinea pig ask.?
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Another guinea pig cross-question?
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Another Hamster Treat Question?
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Anti-social and workshy hamster oblige?
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Any belief what’s wrong next to my guinea pig?
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Any cage that are apt and cheap online?
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Any Good Tips roughly speaking Rats?
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Any hamster information?
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Any homemade bedding suggestions?for hamster?
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Any honest name for guinea pig babies?
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Any honourable Male Gerbil name?
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Any suggestions for rat round up platforms?
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Any tips for a trial babe guinea pig? ?
I’m buying a new guinea pig and i need some tips!

Anyone have any flawless succesful hamsters from Pets at Home? Or Bad?
All my pets from there die anyone had any good pets that lived for some time?

Anyone own any warning on raise teen mannish rats?
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Anyone who have a hamster..?
What kind is it and what is his/her name?

Anything I should verbs roughly my rat?
One of my female rats is about 1.5 years now. I own noticed that she has gained a bit of weight(she have always been on the slim side) and has decrease in activity. She is a siamese and I also noticed that around her anal nouns, she…

App. how much longer will my hamster live for?
Snickers(My hamster of course:) ) is turning 3 in February. It kinda looks like she is losing fuzz around her eyes and other parts of her face. :[ Will she be… leaving us soon?(Don’t worry I don’t want her to depart:P I…

Are 2 guinea pigs harder to steal watchfulness of than 1?
I would like to get 2 guinea pigs but my mom asked me how harder it would be to take comfort of them. What should I say back to her and let her know that 2 isn’t much harder to bear care of than 1?

Are adjectives the Yesterday’s News litters and bedding’s matching product?
I have guinea pigs. I want to know if the Yesterday’s News cat litter, rabbit litter, ferret litter, and small animal bedding are the same product?whether they are the same product, which is cheapest?

Are ball upright or doomed to failure?
i have two rats and i was wondering if i could put they within separate balls so they could get extra exercise. what are your opinion on them?

Are cereal boxes ok for gerbils to chew on?
Like will the ink make them sick?

Are Cheez-its impossible for chinchillas?
I let my chinchilla out to run in the living room, and we can’t help giving him little hand-outs immediately and then (whatever snack we’re eating.) He likes Cheez-its. I want to know whether they are really bad for his digestive system.

Are dwarf hamsters cool pets?
Just wondering. My girlfriend is getting me one and I wanna know if they are cool.I know the bedding is a huge part of it, and a huge pain. but are they cuddely, approaching can i take it out and hold it while i watch tv and…

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