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postheadericon More horses q&a please visit : petsask

More Horses Q&A Please visit :

Betadine and precipitation rot?
so my horse doesn’t have rain rot but i was newly wondering…wat if my horses did have rain rot i know ur supposed to verbs it with betadine…well first off HOW and moment how often…thanks :]

BHS Exam syllabus…?
Can anyone do me a huge favour? The computer I’m on (communal networked PC in my work’s accomodation) have a ban on all downloads, and I need to download the syllabus for BHS Stages 1, 2 and 3 so I can print them stale for a girl…

Bit and tooth problems?
My new 11 year old gelding accepts the bit fine, but once you seize it on him he immediately throws his head down as if he be choking on it. I know for a fact that it fits him because I’ve measured his mouth… The weird thing…

Bit comfort ?
My trakehner warmblood gelding is 9 years old. He hadn’t been ridden for about a year previously I bought him so he’s pretty green. I’ve had him a couple months and I still can’t even canter him without him throwing his head around and getting faster and…

Bit for a strong OTTB?
My uncle has a 7 year old Thoroughbred mare off the track for two years very soon. She’s very calm and you can do anything with her apart from for when you get her into a canter. She’s very strong and everyone has trouble pulling her up,…

Bit interview..?
I have a TB, he is currently ina loose ring snaffle, but he seems to run right through the bit, Can you give me suggestions on other bits to try?? Please don’t update me that I need to retrain him, because i’ve already tried, its definitely the…

Bit lend a hand ?
My trakehner warmblood gelding is 9 years old. He hadn’t been ridden for about a year back I bought him so he’s pretty green. I’ve had him a couple months and I still can’t even canter him without him throwing his head around and getting faster and…

Bit self pulled through a horses mouth?
I know this is really only an issue when starting a horse/pony but I was wanting to know could the bit be pulled through the horses mouth if you(obviously own a loose ring/eggbutt)but if you have a figure 8 or flash bridle?

Bit Shy 5 year feeble gelding ?
my 5 year old gelding sam has become very bit shyi tight REALY BIT SHY he will let u get up to him but when u try to get the bit surrounded by his mouth he throes his head as high in the upper air as he…

Biting horse? any suggestion?
today i got a 14.2 connemara, i had him within the stable and was petting himand just getting to know himwhen he tried to bite my armim worried roughly speaking this as iv never had a horse who bites before…what should i do?can i stop it

Bits sound out..?
why are there so many kinds of bits?

Blanket Measurements?
Ok , I’ve been reading and looking at all the blanket measuring systems,but cant amount our what it means! what do the mean when the say,”where on earth the neck meets the center of the chest”?i really don’t get it!my horse is a 14.2 Morgan mare,and she…

Blanketing question- temp or twist chill?
When deciding to blanket a horse for the night, should you go by the actual warmth or by the ‘feels like’ temperature? My horse is out to pasture and has be growing a winter coat, it just isn’t very thick. I am blanketing him single…

Blue chip dynamic opinion?
I have a 6 year old Oldenburg Warmblood. 17.2 hands, I compete elementry dressage, train at domestic with Damien Hallam medium level. I enjoy trained him and brought him on since he came over from Germany when he was 3.At the moment, he is doing very all…

Boarding a horse…What I involve for a year?
I’m doing this kind of board Boarders who request partial board have their horse housed in one of our two barns. Grain and Hay is supplied by the boarder.Stalls are maintain by the boarder. Paddock turn out, return and worming is provided…

Bog Spavin’s – Hints & Tips?
My horse has bog spavin’s and swollen hocks after work.Any body got any good tips on how to maintain/control them?MagnertherapySupplementsBootsetc etcWhat experience own you had with bog spavins? What did you find worked and did not work for you?

Bog Spavins???! Conffused???
Hi there,My pony was diagnosed with a bog Spavin June 1st 2008 and it is immediately November 5th… and he still isnt better… we are hesitating getting the vet out. We are also worried.ARe there any lasting affects on the horse due to bog spavins? Because ive…

Bored horse surrounded by stall?
I was just wondering if at hand is anything that might entertain my horse more in her stall. She goes within every night. She seems fine and not really bored, pretty much just other eating and resting but I’m not there all darkness so I’m just wondering…

Bored- let see how long we can hold on to this going?
Add a breed to the list. Here are the rules:As a group we have to name ALL of the ‘A’ breeds past we can move on. When you’re certain we’re done with one dispatch, we can move on. Go back and edit your answer to incorporate more…

Bouncing boobs contained by shows? Sorry for this?
Ok I know this might seeem little odd but do judges care whether girls boobs bonce? I mena do they take points off? Is it condisdered rude? I own only shown a little bit on my little horse and I di very economically but I am worried…

Bowel cancer surrounded by horses?
we have a 12 yr old gelding. when we rescued him he was exceptionally skinny,had diarrhea for months(about 5 months)severe watery diarrhea. the owner claimed it was due to bowel cancer and our unreadable nearly insensible gelding had his days numbered. we brought him home to spend…

Break myself or Professional?
gypsy vanner again lol.should i send him away 2 be professionaly done where he wont know anyone ect or…do it myself beside lotsa help frm my trainer where he knows and trusts me?opinion people!=)

Breast implant and riding?
I know this might be a strange question here, but I want to get a boob job. I be just thinking though… is it a risky thing to get whether you ride? My aunt had them and they burst out of no where. She didn’t fall or…

Breastplate or collar?
Which would be better for eventing? Why?

Breastplate versus Breast collar?
I’m getting into jumping my horse. What is the difference between a breastplate and a breast collar since both prevent the saddle from slipping?

Breeding a massive horse to a small pony?
I’m looking for the research that was conducted about breeding a Clyde to a miniature horse. I have tried for pretty awhile tonight and nothing comes up. It talked about the foal self equal to the mares size at birth not the Clyde. I’d like to…

Bridles and Fixing tack. . . ?
Okay, don’t mind me, I’m now in a doleful mood. . . I had an accident while cleaning my old bridle, for anyone who have been around horses and has their own stuff knows what it’s resembling to get slightly attached to things. . .well my bridle’s…

Bringing your horse on time off?
So I’m looking for a place where I can bring my two horses (maybe 3 if a friend comes) for a week or so in the spring/summer where on earth we can go for rides and get away for a while. I live contained by Maryland,…

postheadericon Calling all dog-lovers

Calling all dog-lovers! Dogs have made some of the most unforgettable characters in literature. It’s not uncommon for children to become as attached to a dog in print as the real thing. Puppy love comes in all forms. In fact, I believe I can trace my canine-cravings to my earliest days of reading, when I fell in love with Old Dan and Little Ann (from Where the Red Fern Grows). Below, I’ve compiled a list of five famous dogs you must bring home for your littlest children! (Good news…you won’t have to clean up after these champions!)

Carl is the star of seven picture books by Alexandra Day. The gist of these stories is that Carl, a responsible and caring rottweiler, is given the responsibility of caring for baby Madeleine while her parents are out. Once the adults are out of the way the fun begins! Carl includes Madeleine on some wild adventures. Sometimes they just trail the parents (keeping out of sight, of course), and sometimes they get into trouble—but Carl always manages to cover his tracks! With realistic watercolor illustrations and few words (only those necessary to suggest the storyline), Day’s books are designed for very young readers, 2-5 year olds, and will make rottweiler fans out of readers everywhere.

In 1976 Eric Hill’s son Christopher was born. Eric created a story about a small puppy to read to his son at bed-time. In 1980 Where’s Spot? was published. Now over forty Spot titles fill the library bookshelves, and the list is still growing. Cuddly and creamy-colored, with big brown spots on his back and the tip of his tail, this dog is destined to be your child’s best friend. With simple storylines and sturdy flaps, Spot books appeal to 2-5 year olds.

This is the Fiftieth Anniversary for our next dog protagonist. (Now how old would that be in dog years?) Harry, a small white dog with black spots, was created in 1956 by Gene Zion. Five installments complete the Harry collection. He is a wholesome, amusing addition to any children’s library. Whether he’s trying to quiet down his neighbor, hiding a hideous sweater, or visiting the seaside, Harry’s always into mischief! Even reluctant readers, ages 2-8 years old, can’t resist Harry!

Norman Bridwell gave birth to the next character, basing him on the kind of dog he dreamed of having as a little boy. But there’s nothing little about Clifford! Even though he’s fire-engine red and as big as a house, Clifford doesn’t do anything a real dog couldn’t do (with a little imagination.) The Clifford stories are based on ordinary events that turn extraordinary when Clifford makes innocent mistakes. His side-kick is his sweet little blonde owner, Emily Elizabeth. Designed for readers aged 6-10 years old, Clifford has been a children’s favorite since 1963. Now a PBS cartoon, Clifford continues to delight dog-lovers the world over.

The Original Adventures of Hank the Cowdog introduces us to Hank, and it isn’t long before you get the impression that author John R. Erickson is a keen observer of dogs. Indeed, as a former cowboy and ranch manager, Erickson started spinning yarns about Hank and Drover, two dogs he worked with on the range. These “true” stories became the Hank series, which now numbers at 48 installments. Designed for middle readers, ages 6-12, these make perfect read-aloud books that will even entertain adults. There are even recordings of the author reading the books available now!

Without a dog-gone doubt, dogs in print can substitute as man’s best friend. It’s a fine reward to see your little one light up at the sight of a book. A good dog and a good book, a match made in heaven!

postheadericon Pet urine odor in your home can be so offensive to family and friends that they may not want to visit

Pet urine odor in your home can be so offensive to family and friends that they may not want to visit. But with the right air purifier you can have your cat and entertain your family and friends too.

Pet odor can be one of the most difficult smells to eliminate particularly urine smell. Use these guidelines to help you bring home the air purifier that will be most effective for your pet and your family.

Continuous Filtration–Any air purifier that is to be effective against urine odor needs to be able to run efficiently and economically all the time. This will prevent odor from building up and greeting you or your guests at the door.

A unit with a split capacitor motor listed in the technical specification means that it will safely operate 24 hours a day. And continuous filtration is crucial.

It will keep your home smelling fresh while giving you time to find and neutralize offending puddles that your pets may have made while you were away. Check the technical specifications for a high capacitor motor that will allow the purifier to run safely 24 hours.

Variable Speed Control–Make sure the cleaner you choose gives you the option of varying the rate at which it will filter the air. Having variable speed control is important. This makes it easy to increase the filtration speed if you come home to a mistake on the floor or carpet.

For normal conditions you can choose a low or medium fan speed to keep. This makes the purifier more economical to run, and gives you more control over its effectiveness.

Steel Housing–Pets are often curious when a new object is introduced into their space (your home) and may chew or lick it as a way of deciding whether it’s okay. Choosing a purifier made of steel means that it is all but impossible for you pet to break off pieces, and choke or worse.

Make sure the paint is a powder coat finish free of lead and other additives that are harmful to your pet and small children.

Filter Make-up Designed for Pet Odor–Read the fine print to make that the filter will remove pet urine odor for the pet that you have whether it’s a cat, dog, bunny, ferret, guinea pig.

A bonus feature would be one that filters urine odor from a variety of pets so that if you decide to add to the family, you’ve already have a purifier that will do the job.

postheadericon Imbued in english culture is a love animals of all kinds

Imbued in English culture is a love animals of all kinds. I have a website of fine art prints of various Dog Breeds bred over the centuries and shown at various British dog shows and culminating in Crufts”. At my website I have various Dog Breeds on fine art prints by various artists from the 1700’s.   Please Click here to visit my website.

Afghan hound, long haired dachshund, minature long haired dachshund, smooth haired dachshund, minature smooth haired dachshund, wire haired dachshund, minature wirehaired dachshund, azawakh, basenji, akbash dog, caucasian ovcharka, central asia shepherd dog, estrela mountain dog, greek sheepdog, kangal dog , pyrenean mastiff, rafeiro do alentejo, sarplaninac, slovak cuvac, south russian ovcharka, spanish mastiff, tibetan mastiff, tornjak, australian stumpy tail cattle dog, basque shepherd dog, beauceron, berger picard, berger blanc suisse, blue lacy, bouvier des flandres, catahoula leopard dog, dutch shepherd, english shepherd, german coolies, giant schnauzer, huntaway, icelandic sheepdog, koolie, lapponian herder, mcnab, mudi, portuguese sheepdog, pumi, schapendoes, australian kelpie, anatolian shepherd dog, australian cattle dog, australian shepherd, bearded collie, belgian shepherd dog groenendael, belgian shepherd dog laekenois, belgian shepherd dog malinois, belgian shepherd dog tervueren, bergamesco, border collie, briard, cardigan welsh corgi,catalan sheepdog, estrela mountain dog, finnish lapphund, german shepherd dog, hungarian kuvasz, hungarian puli, komondor, lancashire heeler, maremma sheepdog, norwegian buhund, old english sheepdog, polish lowland sheepdog, pyrenean mountain dog, pyrenean sheepdog, rough collie, samoyed, shetland sheepdog, smooth collie, swedish lapphund, swedish vallhund, pembroke welsh corgi, brazilian terrier , indian bull terrier, jagdterrier, kromfohrlander, lucas terrier, plummer terrier, porcham terrier, rat terrier, tenterfield terrier, airedale terrier, australian terrier, bedlington terrier, border victorian dogs, victorian bulldogge, victorian breeds, victorian pets, victorian bulldogs, pets, art, prints, artprints, pictures, posters, paintings, portraits, images, terrier, bull terrier, cairn terrier, cesky terrier, dandie dinmont terrier, glen of imaal terrier, jack russell terrier, kerry blue terrier, lakeland terrier, manchester terrier, miniature bull terrier, norfolk terrier, norwich terrier, parson russell terrier, scottish terrier, sealyham terrier, skye terrier, smooth fox terrier, soft coated wheaten terrier, staffordshire terrier, welsh terrier, west highland white terrier, wire fox terrier, american pit bullterrier, black russian terrier, russian toy terrier, toy fox terrier, toy manchester terrier, affenpinscher, australian silky terrier, bichon frise, cavalier king charles spaniel, long coat chihuahua, smooth coat chihuahua, chinese crested dog, coton de tulear, english toy black terrier, english toy tan terrier, griffon bruxellois, havanese, italian greyhound, japanese chin, king charles spaniel, lowchen, maltese, miniature pinscher, papillon, pekinese, pomeranian, pug, yorkshire terrier, akita, boston terrier, bulldog, canaan chow, dalmatian, eurasier, french bulldog, german spitz klein, german spitz mittel, japanese shiba inu, japanese spitz, keeshound, korean jindo, lhasa apso, mexican intermediate hairless, mexican minature hairless, mexican standard hairless, miniature poodle, miniature schnauzer, standard poodle, schipperke, schnauzer, shar pei, shih tzu, shih tsu, tibetan spaniel, tibetan terrier, toy poodle, akita inu, american bulldog, anatolian shepherd dog, argentine dogo, boerboel, dutch shepherd dog, greater swiss mountain dog, icelandic sheepdog, pyrenean mountain dog, standard schnauzer, valley bulldog, alaskan malamute, beauceron, bernese mountain dog, bouvier des flandres, boxer, bullmastiff, canadian eskimo dog, doberman, dobermann, dogue de bordeaux, victorian dogs, victorian bulldogge, victorian breeds, victorian pets, victorian bulldogs, pets, art, prints, artprints, pictures, posters, paintings, portraits, images, boykin spaniel, braque du bourbonnais, cesky fousek, corded poodle, portuguese pointer, pudelpointer , wirehaired pointing griffon, american cocker spaniel, american water spaniel, bracco italiano, brittany, chesapeake bay retriever, clumber spaniel, english cocker spaniel, curley coated retriever, english setter, english springer spaniel, field spaniel, flat coated retriever, german long haired pointer, german short haired pointer, german wirehaired pointer, golden retriever, gordon setter, hungarian vizsla, irish red and white setter, irish setter, irish water spaniel, italian spinone, kooikerhondje, korthals griffon, labrador retriever, lagotto romagnolo, large munsterlander, nova scotia duck tolling retriever, pointer, slovakian rough haired pointer, small munsterlander, spanish water dog, sussex spaniel, weimaraner, welsh springer spaniel, artois hound, combai, coonhound, estonian hound, harrier, kanni, plott hound, polish hound, rajapalayam (dog), ridgeback, saluki, segugio italiano, sloughi, whippet,schweizer laufhund, basset fauv de breagne, basset griffon veneen grand, basset griffon vendeen petit, basset hound, bassett, bavarian mountain hound, beagle, bloodhound, borzoi, cirneco dell’etna, deerhound, finnish spitz, foxhound, grand bleu de gascogne, hamiltonstovare, irish wolfhound, norwegian elkhound, otterhound, pahraoh hound, portugese podengo, rhodesi, entlebucher mountain dog, german pinscher, great dane, greenland dog, hovawart, leonberger, mastiff, neapolitan mastiff, newfoundland, portugese water dog, pyrenean mastiff, rottweiler, russian black terrier, st. bernard, siberian husky, tibetan mastiff.

As so many Famous events happened in England and the rest of the British Isles over the centuries, I thought it would be a good idea to tell the various stories in my various articles of the many English and British Icons from the Anglo Saxon times to the present day’s current history.

My other website is called Directory of British Icons:

To visit the list and links to my other Blogg articles:

The Chinese call Britain The Island of Hero’s which I think sums up what we British are all about.

Copyright © 2010 Paul Hussey. All Rights Reserved.

postheadericon It was just in the newspaper – how the mailman delivered the post while the owners held back the big snarling dog; meanwhile the little dog dived between them, jumped up and drew blood from the postie’s leg

It was just in the newspaper – how the mailman delivered the post while the owners held back the big snarling dog; meanwhile the little dog dived between them, jumped up and drew blood from the postie’s leg!

Just one of the many reasons why realtors and prospective house buyers alike do not like to view an empty home with a dog in it! Of course he is friendly – and yet …..why take the chance?

Pointing out the problems of showing a home that also houses a pet can often make pet-owners defensive; it is often inconceivable to them that their little “Tootsie” would offend! Even the most friendly of pets can become troubled about strange people coming into their home.

One of the solutions often used is to shut them in the laundry room, which will then make most prospective buyers want to give your laundry room a miss. If they do brave it and open the door, the dog rushes out, maybe too over- friendly at the chance to finally interact with ‘friends’ and plants its paws prints all over their new cream pants.

What’s worse, the dog will not go back in the laundry room and the realtor can’t seem to leave the house without the dog coming too! This type of scenario is not in your favor, as it does rather distract the prospective buyer from remembering the unique points about your home – although they will remember the color of your dog!

It would help if the dog was in the garage or some place where a) there is alot of fresh air and b) where it is not necessary for the buyers to enter. The laundry room will certainly have a ‘doggie’ smell after your pet has roared around it all day, whereas the garage has fresh air coming in from all sides.

This brings us to the smell of the home, another touchy subject. Often non-pet owners will notice a smell in a house that seems associated with a pet. When the dog bounds up to confirm this suspicion, many possible buyers will start to wonder if they will be able to get rid of the smell once the dog has moved out.

Rather than putting your friends on the spot by asking them if your home has its own smell, play it safe and assume that it does. If you have a pet, wash all its blankets and keep them clean. Encourage your pet to sleep outside more often if possible. This clean routine will apply to other pets in the house: guinea pigs and hamsters can also leave an odor in the home, but this does usually go when the cage is removed.

The new type of air fresheners that plug in and keep the air sweet for 24/7 are very effective. However, if they do manage to disguise the smell of a dog, they will not be able to fool anyone who has a real allergy to your pet.

Some buyers have allergies and they do not care if they see an animal or not – they simply do not want to go into a house if an animal even lives there. This is especially true for people with a severe allergy to cats.

In these cases, you have to come clean and be up front with the realtor; even if you have removed all traces of cat. The troublesome allergens just float in the air and are completely undetected by most of the human race.

The prospective buyers will have to trust that if the listing realtor says no animals, he is speaking the truth – so ‘fess up and don’t put your realtor in the dog house.