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postheadericon There are quite a few things that can create anxiety in you animals at home but there are some things that you can do to minimize your dog’s anxiety tendencies

There are quite a few things that can create anxiety in you animals at home but there are some things that you can do to minimize your dog’s anxiety tendencies.
Here are a few do things.


Exercise the heck out of her. Really wear her out: the longer you expect to be away, the more exercise she should get before you leave.

For example, if you are leaving for work in the morning, she will probably be by herself for at least four hours; and, if you have got a dog-walker to take her out mid-day instead of coming back yourself, she will not see you as the person she really cares about – for at least nine hours.

So she needs a good, vigorous walk (fifteen to twenty minutes is the absolute minimum here!) before you walk out that door. More is even better.

Distract her from her boredom, loneliness, and anxiety by giving her an attractive alternative to pining, pacing, and whining. All dogs love to chew and why not play on this predisposition?

Get a couple of marrowbones from the butcher, bake them in the oven for 20 minutes (so they go nice and hard and crunchy and so she can not smear marrow all over your furniture), slice them up into chunks of a few inches long, and give her one about 15 minutes before you leave.

It will keep her happy and occupied, and will act as a smokescreen for your departure.

When you leave, put the radio on to a soothing station: classical music is ideal, but any station featuring lots of talk shows is also ideal. Keep the volume quite low, and it will calm her down a bit and give her the feeling that she has got company.

If at all possible, supply her with a view: if she can see the world going by, that’s the next best thing to being out and about in it.

Acclimatize her to your leaving. Taking things nice and slowly, practice getting ready to go jingle your keys about, put on your coat, and open the door. Then without leaving sit back down and do not go anywhere.

Do this until she is not reacting any more. When there is no reaction, give her a treat and lavish praise for being so brave. Next, practice actually walking out the door (and returning immediately), again doing this until there is no reaction.

Gradually work up and gradually being the operative word here until you are able to leave the house with no signs of stress from her.

Do not:

Act overtly sympathetic when she is crying. Although it sounds very cold-hearted, trying to soothe and comfort your dog by patting her and cooing over her is actually one of the worst things you can do: that is essentially validating her concern.

Make sure she can not tell that you feel sorry for her: do not ever say, it is OK, good girl when she is upset!

If you are interested in getting a more detailed look at how to deal with your dogs separation anxiety, you might like to check out a recommended book which might help you with your dog’s problems.

This book is a great learning tool for anyone who wants to learn how to deal constructively with their dogs problem behaviors.

As a mater of fact, all of the common behavioral problems are dealt with in detail in this book, and there is a great section on obedience commands and tricks too.

postheadericon Small in stature, chihuahuas are relatively fragile dogs

Small in stature, Chihuahuas are relatively fragile dogs. It is thus, important for owners of Chihuahuas to be equipped with proper knowledge and tips for caring for their Chihuahua pups. Care for Chihuahua pups covers many aspects and includes socialization, safety, nutrition and health. Responsible Chihuahua owners make a checklist on these aspects in order to ensure the overall well being of their Chihuahua pups.

As lively animals, Chihuahuas tend to come into constant contact with their owners, family members as well as other pets that its owner might have. It is necessary for Chihuahua owners to start socialization with their Chihuahua pups before they turn full grown. This is to ensure less aggressive behavior in the future when the Chihuahua pup turns into a full grown Chihuahua. Chihuahua owners should spend time familiarizing their Chihuahua pups to the surroundings and their living environments by letting the pup roam freely around the house and facilitating interaction with the family as well as other pets in the house. This would allow the Chihuahua puppy to adapt easily into its new living environment, preventing aggressive behavior in future.

Safety issues are a necessary area for Chihuahua owners to look into. Appliances around the home such as electrical outlets, cables and vases can present potential dangers to Chihuahua pups. Electrical outlets should be switched off and covered with plastic guards when not in use to prevent Chihuahua puppies from licking these dangerous areas. Cables should be shortened if possible, and kept when not in use to prevent the Chihuahua puppy from tripping over them. This is to prevent objects such as radios from crashing onto the puppy should it trip over such wires. In general, unstable objects should not be placed around the house to prevent death and injuries.

Chihuahua puppies should be given adequate nutrition with two meals a day. Dried dog food is preferable as it prefers tartar and plaque from accumulating in the young puppy’s teeth. Plenty of water should be given to ensure sufficient hydration and unfinished food should be disposed off after each meal to prefer the growth of bacteria and germs which might potentially cause illness to the Chihuahua pup. Sufficient nutrition is necessary in order to prevent illnesses and ensure healthy gum, skin and coat. Never ever feed your Chihuahua puppy with chocolate. Chocolates are harmful to Chihuahuas in any amount and may prove fatal if given in large amounts. Symptoms of chocolate poisoning include diarrhea, vomiting and excessive thirst. Do not hesitate to bring your Chihuahua puppy to the vet if such symptoms are observed.

Chihuahua owners who have a personal preference to feed their Chihuahua puppies with home cooked food should keep in mind that all food has to be cooked and should consist of a meat protein, carbohydrates and a vegetable. All food should be fully cooked and cooled before feeding. Popular meat choices include beef, lamb, chicken and pork while vegetables include carrot and peas. Grain choices vary according to culture. Popular choices include potatoes or rice.

Chihuahua puppies should be taken to regular visits to the vet. This is to ensure that the puppies are in good health, receiving adequate nutrition as well as for vaccination against illnesses such as Parvo. Relatively inexperienced Chihuahua owners should also get advice from the vet with regards to their Chihuahua pups well being. Regular walks are also necessary to ensure healthy development of the puppy’s limbs as well as to prevent obesity.

Raising a Chihuahua requires effort and commitment. While not an easy task, the process of doing so would definitely result in wonderful memories in time to come.

postheadericon Your dog is really lovable, right

Your dog is really lovable, right? But even the most lovable dogs can sometimes have bad behaviors. If that’s true of yours, let’s find out what’s causing it. Then, you can do something about it.

Your dog digs

Some breeds of dogs love to dig holes, and if that’s true of yours, you may be lamenting the loss of your pristinely kept lawn. Why your dog digs holes, though, is going to depend on his breed and other factors. For example, if he’s bored, spend more time with him and give him some exercise. If your dog is a male and is trying to get under the fence to the female next door, have your dog neutered. If your dog just likes to dig and/or bury things, you may not be able to entirely nip this behavior altogether, but dogs are pretty trainable. Give your dog one “special place” all his own that he can dig in, and make it clear that the rest of the area is off limits. If you have to, spray dog repellent around areas you don’t want him to dig.

Your dog barks

Sometimes, dogs bark for a reason, such as when owners come home, when strange noises are heard, when loud voices are heard, and so on. Sometimes, though, your dog may bark for no apparent reason, and this can be an absolute nuisance to both you and your neighbors. Most often, dogs bark in these instances because they’re lonely. If your dog barks all day at night when you’re at work, give him some company. So-called “doggie day care” has sprung up to take care of this need so that your dog doesn’t have to be lonely during the day even if you have to be gone. Or, swap favors with a neighbor who has an alternate schedule to yours and “watch” each other’s dogs when each of you is gone. If you absolutely must keep your dog at home by himself, give him a lot to play with (leave lots of toys about) and leave on the radio or television so that your dog will feel less lonely.

Your dog chews on “everything”

Sometimes, chewing is self-explanatory. If your puppy is teething, for example, getting him some good sturdy chew bones and then training him to use them should take care of the problem. However, if your dog isn’t teething, he may be chewing simply to get your attention. In that case, the answer is pretty simple. Spend more time with him when he is NOT chewing. In other words, don’t make him think, “If I chew on mom’s favorite shoes, she’ll spend more time with me.” If he gets attention from you that’s positive and has nothing to do with negative behavior, he’ll probably stop chewing. In addition, make sure you always leave favorite chew toys around so that he does have something to chew on if he gets the urge.

Your dog jumps on you

Sometimes this is cute, but it can be bad behavior, such as if your dog is muddy or has been out in the wet. The best option for this behavior is not to invite jumping in the first place so that your dog doesn’t get confused, or only to have him jump on your signal. The only answer to keeping your dog from jumping at will is to train him not to. Start discouraging him from jumping (except upon your signal, as appropriate) when he is still a puppy. If you can’t seem to get him to stop jumping, consider putting him in obedience school to get the job done.

Your dog doesn’t obey you

Dogs are really subservient to humans for the most part, so if your dog isn’t obeying you, it may be because you’ve “trained” him not to. In other words, you haven’t been consistent with what you expect from him. So start obedience training early when he’s still a puppy, and be consistent. Reinforce continually and make sure he never “gets away” with any behavior you don’t want him to do without correction. If you can’t seem to get this under control yourself, putting your dog in obedience school (and enrolling yourself along with him so that you learn the proper training techniques) is a great way to take care of this problem.

postheadericon Strained canis familiaris wall :

Strained Canis familiaris Wall :

If you are dealing corrupting an infrared exciting Canis familiaris Fence to keep your Canis familiaris from straying, then you won’t be undone. This is because there are now a numeral of Alternatives Forthcoming when it comes to these obscure fences. Finding one that sees your preferences will just be a gentle wind.

While there are expensive inconspicuous galvanizing fences, there are others that can be bought at lower prices. No matter what the cost is, they can still set up an infrared boundary line around your yard or garden, so that your dog won’t be effective to go far beyond your prefaces. They would also be quite good to keep your treasured garden or landscape unhurt from any domestic dog diggings.

The “Ping-String” strained domestic dog Debate

There are a number of hidden itchy domestic dog Palisade types Available now in the market and one of these is the “ping-string” dog Argue. This aroused domestic dog Surround does not only keep your domestic dog from going across the boundary line, it should also be efficient to keep other animals from coming in. This means that you can keep your garden or landscaped lawn intact from the possible shenanigans of other animate beings from the neighbourhood.

The “ping-string” elating domestic dog Fence comes in a kit that is Disposable at limited prices. They are also easy to install, thus giving you no hassle at all when you want to set up an invisible barrier for your home. Most “ping-string” itchy Canis familiaris fences can cover an area from 10 to 25 acres.

The Radio aroused Canis familiaris Argue

The radio exciting domestic dog Fence In is known to be the one of the most standard types of hidden electrical fences Usable. This is the kind of exciting domestic dog Contend that you need if your main purpose for having an concealed Fence In is only keeping your domestic dog inside your assumptions. As such, this Contend works alongside with the radio collar or what is also known as the receiver, which your domestic dog should wear. If your Canis familiaris will try to go beyond the borders that have been set up to make up your concealed Fencing, a warning tone will be heard and a remedial static will be felt by your dog from his collar. This will prompt your Canis familiaris to stay within your yard.

Now, it is really up to you do decide on which type strained dog Fence In you wish to put up in your yard. You just have to know though that both of them are quite effective when it comes to achieving your aim in getting an concealed Argue in the first place. If all you want to do is to keep your Canis familiaris from straying, then you should get the radio strained dog Fencing. However, if you also want to keep other creatures from getting into your own yard or garden, then you should go for the “ping-string” exciting domestic dog Fence. Either way, you will surely get a great value for your money when it comes to getting the inconspicuous Contend that provides the results that you want.

So if you want to buy an strained Canis familiaris Fencing now, visit Pet Depot Online. You be effective to find the hidden Debate that you are searching for here, at a price that you can yield.

postheadericon As thousands of families struggled with the aftermath of hurricane katrina, many of them were also missing pets

As thousands of families struggled with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, many of them were also missing pets. Many people have plans to deal with emergencies for themselves, but fail to make arrangements for the animal members of their family. Whether it’s a small emergency such as a house fire, or a large emergency like a tornado, hurricane, flood or manmade disaster, advanced planning always gives the best chance of keeping all of your family members safe.


Start by talking with your family about what you will do in various situations. Responses to localized emergencies like fires, small storms and power outages will likely differ from emergency plans for large scale emergencies such as hurricanes, tornadoes and manmade attacks. Plan evacuation routes to designated meeting points.

These will vary based on the situation. If dealing with flooding, you’ll want to take refuge in the highest room location in your home. For a tornado, you’ll want to take family and pets to the lowest level of your home. If dealing with a chemical or airborne emergency, the Red Cross advises families to go to an interior room without windows that is above ground level (in the case of a chemical threat, an above-ground location is preferable because some chemicals are heavier than air, and may seep into basements even if the windows are closed).

All pets should have collars and tags with easily visible identification. ID tags should have your pet’s name, your phone number and important medical information. If possible, list a mobile phone number. If you’re not at home when danger strikes, calls may not reach you at a home phone.

For local emergencies, it is important to display an animal rescue sign or sticker so that responders know that there are pets in your home. Your rescue sign should contain the types and names of pets in your house, as well as veterinarian name and contact information. Use your best judgment about placing additional contact information on the sign. While you want to give emergency officials enough information to safely rescue you pets, you must be cautious not to expose information which might be abused by solicitors or passers by.

Finally, make copies of contact, evacuation route and emergency plan information for all members of your family. Store them in Ziploc style waterproof bags so that they will stay dry in case of flooding or water damage.

Where to Go

After you take care of basic preparation, you should agree on two meeting places: one near your home for emergencies such as fires, and another outside of your immediate neighborhood if you must evacuate your home. Similarly, it’s wise to designate two emergency contacts. The first should be in your neighborhood, the second should be out of town. During large scale disasters it can often be easier to reach people who are not in your immediate area. Make sure all of your family members memorize both phone numbers.

If it is necessary to leave your home, you may not be able to bring your pet to rescue facilities with your family. To prevent permanent separation, identify a boarding kennel or shelter in your immediate area that provides emergency care or foster care for pets. Outside of your area, have the name and number of hotels, friends or relatives that will accept your pets. By having these numbers and arrangements in place, you will be able to reunite with your pets even if you are not able to return to your home.

Making an Emergency Pack

It’s easy to prepare an emergency pack for you and your pet. Each pack should contain 3 days worth of supplies. Supplies should be stored in a backpack as close to an exit as possible.

For each member of your family, your pack should include:


*Battery powered flashlight

*Battery powered radio


*3-5 days worth of water

*Energy bars, canned nutrition shakes or other food which does not require cooking or refrigeration

*Baby wipes

*Breathing mask

*Plastic sheeting

*Duct tape

*First Aid Kit and guide book

*Light stick

*Spray paint

*Whistle or air horn

*3-5 day supply of Tylenol or Aspirin, as well as any prescription medication

*Recent photos if family members become separated

Your pet’s supply kit should include:

*Easy open canned or dry food. If packing dry food, you may wish to store it in large Ziploc style plastic bags. For birds, a small, tupperware container is recommended

*Bottled water supply for your pet

*Disposable litter trays

*Pet feeding dishes *Extra leash

*Photocopies of medical records

*3-5 day supply of any medicine your pet requires

*Litter or paper toweling

*A traveling bag or sturdy carrier, ideally one for each pet *Recent photos of your pets if you become separated

Remember to change food, water and medicine every three to six months to maintain freshness and effectiveness.

Disasters, whether small, large, natural or manmade can be terrifying. By having a solid plan in place, emergency contacts and disaster packs ready to go, you can give your entire family the best chance of surviving together.