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postheadericon Your cat are already spent so much time for their grooming, but it will be more rewarding if you will help them do the grooming to make them look even better

Your cat are already spent so much time for their grooming, but it will be more rewarding if you will help them do the grooming to make them look even better. Through good grooming you are giving your cat the chance to reduce shedding, increased opportunity for bonding, and as the owner, you can easily detect any physical problems like fleas, ticks, or tumors. However, what are needed for your cat’s grooming?

Moistened wipes are an important thing that your cat grooming kit must have. This will not only keep your cat clean between baths, but also, it is perfect for cleaning and wiping off mud on your cat paws on a rainy day.

A perfect brush is also another important thing you must have for your cat’s grooming. A good brush will keep your cat’s fur from matting and it will reduce excess shedding as well. Just like the human hair, your cat’s coat will be shinier with frequent brushing.

Using a glooming glove is also recommended when you give your cat a good and relaxing massage or when you are in the mood of removing your cat’s loose hair. Using a glove will protect you and your cat from possible harm.

An eye and ear wash is also another important thing your cat grooming kit must contain. For your cat’s eye and ear care, you can consult your vet for the best eye and ear wash for your pet cat.

A nail cutter or nail trimmer is great to your cat’s claws even and healthy at all times. Nail trimming is a very important part of your cat’s grooming.

If the nail cutter or trimmer is important, then you must also keep a styptic powder on hand at all time. This powder will serve as a first-aid product that will immediately stops bleeding when trimming your cat’s nail.

A shampoo and conditioner is important to keep your cat’s fur shiny. Choose the right shampoo that suits best for your pet’s coat. Choosing a shampoo and conditioner in one is a great choice. Also, keep in mind to choose a shampoo that does not sting to your cat’s sensitive eyes.

Make sure that you also have an odor remover for your litter box.

Having a cat treat in your grooming kit is a great idea to keep your cat’s teeth healthy, as it removes plaque and prevents odor.

Keep your cat free from intestinal tract by preventing them from digesting their hair by having a hairball remedy in your kit.

Owners must also consider buying a cat shampoo that are in powder or foam form. These type of shampoos does not need water to apply, which is best if your cat hates to be bathe.

A skunk odor remover is also great to be handy, for this will works best if your cat will be sprayed, because it removes the smell in an instant.

Mentioned above are a few of the important things a cat owner must have in their grooming kit to keep their cat good looking at all times.

postheadericon My cat panting issues really worried me to an extreme level

My cat panting issues really worried me to an extreme level. Some say I worry too much about my cats, but I am always looking into their safety and health. I could not live with myself if one of my cats got sick and passed away under my watch. I believe we all have a certain level of demands put on us as pet owners.

It all started the day I just got back from my four day vacation. I was away and out of the house for four days straight, so my cat was left alone. I hate leaving my cat alone, but I understand cats are descent with being left alone. I got home and started to relax and start to watch the television.

I looked down at my cat and noticed that she was sniffing the floor in sort of a funny matter. She would smell the carpet and when she looked back up, her mouth was hanging open. When her mouth was hanging open it seemed as if the cat was unable to close the mouth on her own. This was not only happening once, but around every ten minutes. She would hold her mouth open and pant in such a weird manner.

I wondered to myself what the heck to do. I searched online and of course there was no information. I kept searching for information and was unable to find anything. My husband talked me into just forgetting about it because she was eating and drinking just fine. To this exact day, she still does this and we still wonder what the answer is for this situation she enacts.

postheadericon You have company over for dinner

You have company over for dinner. The table is beautiful and the food smells and looks delicious. Unfortunately, your dog thinks so too and is sitting up and begging for morsels off everyone’s plate and, if not rewarded, attempting to take the food on his own or pawing at your guests. This can ruin the dinner party and is not particularly good for your dog either. How could this have been avoided?

Know that his is not the dogs fault and it started a very long time ago. Some horribly misguided individual who was trying to be a good pet owner did this while the pup was still very young and trained the dog for this very behavior. Want to know who taught your dog this trick? It was YOU.

No doubt you weren’t consciously training your pet for this unwanted behavior and you did it with the best of intentions but the behavior is here now and must be dealt with. Your dog learned this trick from all those times when little scraps of food were tossed down to a cute little puppy who staring up at you with those sad brown eyes. All of this could have been prevented by a simple act of will power then but now you have a problem to deal with.

So how can you stop your dog from begging?

Stop rewarding the behavior. This means not giving in and not paying attention to your dog when he begs. Make sure everyone in the household knows not to share their meals with the dog and follows this rule no matter what the circumstance. You may even have to confine your dog to its kennel or a separate room during meal or snack times if this is difficult. This is especially useful if you have people in the household who tend to feed the dog from the table despite the rules.

Don’t fool yourselves – you have created a monster and it will take several weeks of consistent work on your part to break your dog of this habit. Once you start, he will most likely begin to whine and howl loudly in complaint of the treatment. DO NOT GIVE IN. If you do, the battle is lost and will be that much harder next time. One weak moment of slipping the dog a treat just to be nice (and you are not really being nice at all) can ruin all the prior training so standing your ground and enforcing the rule of not giving meal time treats to the dog is a must.

One way to implement this change is to feed the dog at the same time the rest of the family, preferably in a separate room. This way the dog has its own meal and will not feel the need to beg food from others in the household. If this is not an option, give your pet something to distract it, perhaps a toy to play with to keep them occupied throughout mealtime.

Consistent and rigid training is the only effective way to correct it. Every member and guest of your household must enforce the rules or all your work will be of no avail. Guests can pose a problem, especially if they slip their dogs treats when they eat. Just explain the rules before you sit down to eat and, I hate to say it but… watch them. It is a habit for them and they may not even know they are doing it. In this circumstance, I like to keep my dogs away from the table just in case.

Once you stop your dog from begging, you will be blessed with a healthier pet, a happier household and pride in your well-mannered canine friend.

postheadericon A appropriate place to go and get pet rats

A appropriate place to go and get pet rats?
Does anyone know of a good place to get pet rats in Genesee county,MI

Am I right to be furious next to the vet?
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Am I scare my hamster?
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Am i the solitary one who hate crittertrail cage?
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Am i treating my hamster right?
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Animal suffering/cruelty on youtube?
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Another guinea pig ask.?
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Another guinea pig cross-question?
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Another Hamster Treat Question?
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Anti-social and workshy hamster oblige?
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Any belief what’s wrong next to my guinea pig?
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Any cage that are apt and cheap online?
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Any Good Tips roughly speaking Rats?
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Any hamster information?
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Any homemade bedding suggestions?for hamster?
Are there any home made one that won’t harm the hammy resembling newpaper would as ink is poisionous thanks..Also have any of you had any hamsters from pets at domestic any succesful and unsuccesful stories?Thanks

Any honest name for guinea pig babies?
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Any honourable Male Gerbil name?
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Any suggestions for rat round up platforms?
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Any tips for a trial babe guinea pig? ?
I’m buying a new guinea pig and i need some tips!

Anyone have any flawless succesful hamsters from Pets at Home? Or Bad?
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Anyone own any warning on raise teen mannish rats?
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Anyone who have a hamster..?
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Anything I should verbs roughly my rat?
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App. how much longer will my hamster live for?
Snickers(My hamster of course:) ) is turning 3 in February. It kinda looks like she is losing fuzz around her eyes and other parts of her face. :[ Will she be… leaving us soon?(Don’t worry I don’t want her to depart:P I…

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Are adjectives the Yesterday’s News litters and bedding’s matching product?
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Are ball upright or doomed to failure?
i have two rats and i was wondering if i could put they within separate balls so they could get extra exercise. what are your opinion on them?

Are cereal boxes ok for gerbils to chew on?
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Are Cheez-its impossible for chinchillas?
I let my chinchilla out to run in the living room, and we can’t help giving him little hand-outs immediately and then (whatever snack we’re eating.) He likes Cheez-its. I want to know whether they are really bad for his digestive system.

Are dwarf hamsters cool pets?
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postheadericon What you do not know about dog cooling products puts your pet at risk for heat difficulties and discomfort

What you do not know about dog cooling products puts your pet at risk for heat difficulties and discomfort. Pet products manufacturing and modern thermoregulating technology have joined to make available dog cooling jackets and cooling pet beds to aid in your dog’s safety and comfort. Dog cooling beds, jackets and other products represent technological advances in protection against heat exhaustion and heat stroke in dogs.

Your dog has a fur coat. Summer days can be annoyingly uncomfortable for your canine, but thermoregulating technology in a cooling pet bed surface can have far reaching benefits to the health and well being of your canine.

When dogs look for a cool surface area to lie on to cool their bodies they will usually find a spot on the tile, stone, or wood floor, surfaces that are hard on the canine’s bones and joints. However, those surfaces quickly trap heat and warm up, the refreshment is short-lived and the pressure on the bones and joints has a cumulative damaging effect.

A cooling pet bed is a solution. Canines only perspire around their paws, not enough to cool the body down. They rid themselves of excess heat by panting. Air moves through the nasal passages, which picks up excess heat from the body; as it is expelled through the mouth, the extra heat leaves along with it. This is an efficient way to control body heat, but severely limited in areas of high humidity or in close quarters.

Cooling pet bed technology is perfect for regulating dog discomfort from heat.

Brachiocephalic (pug-nosed) dogs are more prone to heat discomfort and heat stroke because their nasal passages are smaller, making it more difficult to circulate sufficient air for cooling. Overweight dogs are also more prone to heat stroke because extra layers of fat act as insulation, trapping heat in their bodies, restricting breathing.

Age is a factor in a dog’s tendency to overheat and suffer heat stroke. Puppies may not have fully developed temperature regulating systems, and older dogs’ organ systems may not function at peak levels. All reasons to take advantage of the wonderful cooling pet bed technology.

Some dogs thrive around water and often make good companions on boats. However, a boat for a dog can become sweltering. To a dog or pet, boat surfaces, such as fiberglass, can get extremely hot in the sun. Dogs absorb heat through the pads on their feet so be sure to protect them. Heat stroke, heat cramps, and heat exhaustion are real dangers for dogs on boats, especially for overweight animals.

Providing a shaded area on the boat for the dog is a safe and responsible thing to do, and if you provide your boating pal with a cooling pet bed it can make a world of difference to its comfort and safety.

The advanced cooling pet bed does not work on electricity or batteries. The thermoregulating cooling pet bed creates a dry, room temperature cooling effect by passively removing heat from the dog’s body, which escapes into the surrounding air without electrical or mechanical devices.

The cooling pet bed utilizes a combination of specialized foam, fluid and a shapeable outer membrane to create a unique and superior molding effect that conforms to pressure points. The Canine Cooler® pet bed contains a unique filling that becomes gel-like when activated with water. It is paw-puncture proof, easy to clean. Fleas hate the cool surface but dogs love it!

Place the cooling pet bed on a solid cool surface out of direct sunlight, preferably in one of your dog’s favorite spots. Your pal will probably discover the cool dog bed on its own when it feels hot, and will keep coming back to experience the same refreshment.

The canine cooling pet bed offers unparalleled body support because of the advanced fluid-based design, providing comfort for dogs with hip and joint ailments as well as skin problems from allergies to hot spots. The cooling pet bed is desirable for treatment and comfort of Cushing’s disease — symptoms of panting and restlessness are alleviated by the cooling effects. Similarly, it helps reduce the panting, pacing and restlessness typical of canine autoimmune hemolytic anemia. The cooling capability of the pet bed is therapeutic for post-surgery recovery, dysplasia, post-chemotherapy and other health conditions in which a soft, cooling effect is needed.

For the senior dog, this bed is very low profile, but incredibly supportive; easy for the animal to get on and off. The Canine Cooler® pet cooling bed is ongoing health therapy for the animal and is the most comfortable and innovative bed that you can give your dog especially during the summer season. This cooling pet bed is a powerful tool against the dangers of heat stroke. It carries the best warranty and it’s made in America!