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postheadericon The normal gestation period of a siamese cat is about sixty-five days, although this may vary a day or two either side

The normal gestation period of a Siamese Cat is about sixty-five days, although this may vary a day or two either side. I like to use day two of the honeymoon as my conception date though with experience of my own girls I may modify this to suit the girl or line in question. I have a useful tool on my website which I call my Feline Gestation Calculator, this may be of use when calculating when your girl is due to have her kittens.

It can be a very exciting and very worrying time when awaiting newborn kittens and I hope some of the worry is taken out of the experience with the aid of this free online tool for working out when the kittens are due to be born. Unfortunately I find that my cats tend not to use a computer when deciding when their kittens are due but prefer to suit themselves. Hopefully though my article and online gestation calculator should help narrow the time to within a couple of days when working out time off from work.

It is not unusual for a maiden queen to go as much as 67 days. If your cat has not given birth by day 72 I would recommend veterinary advice.

Once your Siamese Queen has given birth to her Kittens it may be useful to compare their development with some of the kittens at Burnthwaites Siamese by looking at the online kitten diaries that are constantly updated on the website. I find this a useful point of reference when watching a kittens development.

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