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postheadericon Automatic litter boxes are a wonderful convenience for cat owners with busy schedules

Automatic litter boxes are a wonderful convenience for cat owners with busy schedules. They don’t require daily scooping or a lot of general maintenance which allows us to enjoy more free time with our pets. Many brands, like Littermaid only require that you empty the bottom receptacle a couple times a week, while others like the Cat Genie only need you to keep an eye out for clogs and replace the sani-solution every once in awhile. Of course you would need to do both more frequently in multiple cat households.

My favorite thing about robotic litter boxes is that they allow you to mark cleaning the litter box off of your daily chore list. You also don’t have to worry about buying special cat box liners. And best of all there is no more need to scoop the poop because automatic litter boxes mechanically clean up the waste each time your cat uses the bathroom.

This type of litter box has been around for awhile so you have many models to choose from. Some even come with a cover which provides a more pleasing appearance while allowing your cat to have maximum privacy. But most important, a cover will keep litter particles from being scattered about when your pet jumps in and out of the litter box. Its also important to note that most brands require the use of a premium scoop-able cat litter. Premium litters often have better absorbency for trapping urine which will keep the automatic litter box from jamming. Generally a better quality litter will control odor more effectively than any of the cheaper brands you might find.

Prices for these type of litter boxes can range anywhere from one hundred to three hundred dollars. But if you are tired of raking, scooping and bagging cat litter, investing in an automatic litter box can be worth every penny. They are convenient, clean and most of the popular brands on the market today will adequately sense movement to rake away your cat’s waste in a matter of minutes.

Overall, an automatic litter box is a great investment for the dedicated cat owner. They reduce the amount of litter used on a day to day basis and at most you will only need to keep an eye on when its time to empty the receptacle bin. They keep the house consistently odor free and allow us to enjoy our cats without the constant stress litter box cleaning. Chances are you will feel that it was worth the investment and your cat will thank you.

Want to learn more about automatic litter boxes? Visit http://www.healthycatcare.com/index.php/automatic-litter-boxes for more tips and info!

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