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postheadericon One of the newest cat breeds around, ukranian levkoy is seen predominantly in the east european country of ukraine

One of the newest cat breeds around, Ukranian Levkoy is seen predominantly in the east European country of Ukraine. Very few of these cats exist in other countries. Work on the Ukrainian Levkoy began at the beginning of twenty first century when it was felt there was a need for a cat of Ukrainian origin with a distinct appearance, particularly desirable for some breeders. After continuous efforts, finally in early 2004, first Ukrainian Levkoy kittens were born through crossing of a lop-eared male with a female Sphynx cat. Several dozen cats have been born since then and are currently registered mainly in Ukraine and Russia.

Ukrainian Levkoys have a very unique appearance. They resemble Sphynx cats but have ears somewhat like those of Scottish Folds. They are medium sized felines with a long and sleek body. Head is long and flat on top with an angular and stepped face that is almost dog-like. Eyes are big, almond shaped and occur in a variety of bright colors. Distinguishing feature of these elegant cats is their ears that are folded frontally downward. In fact Ukrainian Levkoys derive their name from the Levkoy plant, that has bent leaves, owing to their ears. Tail and legs are long and paws are oval in shape.

The other striking feature of these stylish cats is their coat. They have a thick and elastic skin and is often wrinkled if the cat is not in a fully stretched position. It is even said to be excessive over certain body parts. Hair are either very short and coarse, with uniform or patchy distribution, or entirely absent.

Not much is understood about Ukrainian Levkoys at present to indicate the presence of any hereditary medical condition in their lines. They are healthy and active cats and are said to be leading a normal life with the handful of breeders and families they are with at this point in time.

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