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postheadericon When can you start dog potty training

When can you start dog potty training?  Your dog starts learning at the very moment you first meet him as your puppy.  It is easiest for you to do the training while he is still a young puppy.  As he becomes older, he will least likely to mess in the home by undergoing puppy potty training.

It is best to remember staying totally consistent and calm at all times with your techniques.  Timing is your key to success.  After taking in food or water, puppies pee or poop out within 15 or 20 minutes.  For that moment, take him where you want him to be.

Feed him or give him water only when you can take him outside immediately.  Feeding at regular times should be established.  It does not work if other than his regular meal times, he is allowed to feed.  This feeding pattern helps to start his natural toilet pattern also.   Your puppy drinks more than usual in warm, hot or dry weather or climate.  Provide him access to fresh water and to his toilet area more frequently.

As soon as possible, establish good habits without expecting immediate results.  A toilet area must be decided for him.  You have to stay with him outside until he’s done, at least once every hour at the start of training.   Never leave him alone outside.  Your puppy must be able to distinguish an acceptable are especially if it is a home toilet area.  It should not resemble the flooring.

Never yell or punish him physically if he does pee or poop where you don’t want him to.  You must realize that it is not time to talk to him about it.  Just quietly clean it up and ignore him.

It is not always fun to do potty training, particularly the waiting for him to go.  As you are building a relationship while teaching him his first lessons, keep him with you as much as possible when you are both at home. Whether it means being at your side, in a confined area, in a crate or just nearby, be sure that you are not distracted from watching him every moment.  Be patient as you take time to consider how the world must be for him.

The fun of being outside ends abruptly if you take him back inside the house right away when he is done.  When he succeeds in your dog potty training, give him lots of praise.

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