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How to stop dogs from barking?

Dog barking is quite normal behaviour, because it’s the only way that a dog can communicate. But sometimes that barking can become quite annoying and can cause some trouble between your neighbours, or anyone in your neighbourhood, and even your local authorities.

And this can become quite a problem. Sometimes your neighbours just won’t understand, especially when the barking is happening in the middle of the night when everyone is trying to sleep. Or maybe your dog is barking when you’re away.

It’s normal to dogs to bark from time to time. It’s exactly the same as when children laugh, and make noise when they play. But your dog has a barking problem if it’s happening for long periods of time. It’s a sign that you should do something right now to solve your dogs barking problem.

First thing you need to do is determined what’s actually making the dog bark? And how long is the dog barking for? Before you do anything, you may have to turn yourself into a detective. Gather as much information as you can, especially if the barking is happening mostly when you’re not at home.

Ask some friends to walk past your house and listen for a while to see if your dog barks. Maybe you can set up a video camera out your window into the backyard, or wherever your dog is, to see if you can catch the dog in the act. You might be surprised what you find.

The dog may be barking because it’s lonely or bored, the dog may be barking because of isolation. Maybe it’s barking for attention. Or maybe it’s barking out of sheer frustration.

So, That brings up the question… how to stop dogs from barking?

Well, If you have a dog is full of energy, particularly a breed that was bred for sports or for herding is properly barking because it’s bored. These types of dogs need a fair bit of attention and room to move. Try some toys in the backyard for the dog to play with maybe that will entertain the dog so that it doesn’t get bored.

Make sure you walk you dog every day. It’s excellent for its physical and mental well-being, a healthy dog is a happy dog.

Keep your dog inside when you are unable to supervise. Maybe something is catching his eye.

Make sure you play with your dog lots, make sure that there’s time with you on a daily basis, playing, exercise, throwing the ball and generally having fun. This way, the dog won’t act up trying to get your attention.

Summary on how to stop dogs from barking – Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise and attention when your there, and when you not there make sure that there is plenty of toys, or you can keep your dog inside when you’re away.

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