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postheadericon Lasik is the abbreviation for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis

LASIK is the abbreviation for Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis. It is a surgical procedure, which intends to lessen an individual’s dependency on contact lenses or glasses. It changes the appearance of the cornea through excimer laser.

Microkeratome, a knife, is used for cutting a corneal flap followed by leaving a hinge at the end of the flap. Next, surgeons fold back the flap to reveal the stroma, which is the cornea’s middle section. A portion of stroma undergoes vaporization through pulses coming from a computerized laser. Finally, surgeons replace the flap.

LASIK eye surgery, which is used for correcting refractive errors, reshapes the eye’s cornea for producing clear vision. The surgery may treat myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. Since refractive errors obstruct the eye’s focusing ability, a patient who suffers from this condition experiences blurred vision. This surgery is indeed a best treatment option. Through this surgery, the cornea undergoes reshaping, which in turn enhances the focusing power of eyes and visual acuity.

The expense concerning LASIK eye surgery is often nerve-racking to those patients, who look forward to vision correction. Cost of the treatment varies depending upon the extent of refractive error along with the part of country, where patients undergo this surgery. There are a number of LASIK financing alternatives available.

Who is eligible for LASIK eye surgery?

A person looking forward to undergoing this type of surgery ought to fulfill certain requisites. The patient has to be of minimum 18 years, demonstrating no transformation in the refraction at least for one year and having realistic expectations about the outcome arising from this surgery. A patient who has experienced injury or infection in the eye needs to avoid this treatment. An ophthalmologist or eye surgeon determines whether or not the patient is eligible for the surgery. The surgeon examines the medical history and eyes of the patient carefully before landing on a decision.

Patients, who achieve a successful outcome from lasik eye surgery may get rid of contact lenses for good and enjoy clear vision. They may then play sports and engage in a variety of activities without the need for glasses and contacts.

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