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postheadericon I have read in forums and books that hamsters are very fragile and sensitive animals and here are 3 things to consider before buying a hamster

I have read in forums and books that hamsters are very fragile and sensitive animals and here are 3 things to consider before buying a hamster.

  1. Are you committed to take care of it?
  2. Will you love it?
  3. Do you have the ability to take care of it?

1. Commitment: Having a hamster requires you to be committed in taking care of it. It needs fresh water and food every day. Besides that, depending on the hygiene of your hamster, you have to wash its cage regularly (about once every 1 or 2 weeks). It is a long term commitment of about 2 to 3 years and you have to ask yourself if you really want to do this. Thus you must be prepared and excited to take care of this little ‘baby’, that you are about to buy, for 2 to 3 years.

2. Love: Other than needing a lot of attention from you to take care of its basic needs, a hamster also requires love. Showing it love means doing things like talking to it, taking it out to play and feeling happy when you see it.

At the beginning of my article, I mentioned that hamsters are very sensitive animals. I read from a book that hamsters are able to sense the feelings of others when they are nearby. For example, if you do not love to play with your hamsters and feel that it is a burden, your hamsters will be able to sense it.

On the other hand, if you are happy to see your hamsters everyday and look forward to interact with it more, your hamsters are also able to sense it and it will help their growth and mood too.

3. Ability to take care of it: Having the ability to take care of your hamsters is a very important factor you have to consider. You know, although these rodents are known to be relatively robust and healthy, they may fall ill at times. You will have to bring it to the vet and the charges may amount to quite a bit. Other than that, you have to provide it with a good home and nutritious food which requires constant replenishing.

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