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postheadericon Conures originate from central america, south america, mexico and the caribbean

Conures originate from Central America, South America, Mexico and the Caribbean. They vary in size depending on type and can be anywhere in the range of a small to a medium sized parrot. They are very playful and intelligent and can be very affectionate if handled and trained properly in their formative age.

Jenday conures are parrots that grow to approximately 12 inches at maturity. They have dark green wings with blue on the tips of the wing and tail feathers. Their heads are orange and fronts are yellow. This makes them easy to mix up with the sun conure, but this bird do not have the dark green wings and back feathers. Jenday conures are typically found in forest clearings in northeastern Brazil in the wild but they can also be found near coconut palms and the edge of the rain forest.

This pet tend to be very sociable and playful, making them ideal pets for families with children. They are intelligent, meaning that they pick up new tricks and words fairly quickly. However, their pronunciation is not always spot on, so they are not usually very popular talking birds. Also, their vocabulary seems to be fairly limited, knowing only about six unique words at a time – teach them a new word and they will forget one of the words that they already know.

Jenday conures, like any other pet, will remain healthy and develop well only if you pay proper attention to its care and feeding. In general, conures should be fed with proper bird pellet mix perhaps with the sporadic addition of different fruits and vegetables. Seeds and nuts should not feature in their diet at all because they have a high fat content and can cause health problems for your conure. The fruits and vegetables that you add to the pellet mix should be varied to ensure that your pet gets all its proper nutrition and remains healthy.

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