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postheadericon Conures originate from central america, south america, mexico and the caribbean

Conures originate from Central America, South America, Mexico and the Caribbean. They vary in size depending on type and can be anywhere in the range of a small to a medium sized parrot. They are very playful and intelligent and can be very affectionate if handled and trained properly in their formative age.

Jenday conures are parrots that grow to approximately 12 inches at maturity. They have dark green wings with blue on the tips of the wing and tail feathers. Their heads are orange and fronts are yellow. This makes them easy to mix up with the sun conure, but this bird do not have the dark green wings and back feathers. Jenday conures are typically found in forest clearings in northeastern Brazil in the wild but they can also be found near coconut palms and the edge of the rain forest.

This pet tend to be very sociable and playful, making them ideal pets for families with children. They are intelligent, meaning that they pick up new tricks and words fairly quickly. However, their pronunciation is not always spot on, so they are not usually very popular talking birds. Also, their vocabulary seems to be fairly limited, knowing only about six unique words at a time – teach them a new word and they will forget one of the words that they already know.

Jenday conures, like any other pet, will remain healthy and develop well only if you pay proper attention to its care and feeding. In general, conures should be fed with proper bird pellet mix perhaps with the sporadic addition of different fruits and vegetables. Seeds and nuts should not feature in their diet at all because they have a high fat content and can cause health problems for your conure. The fruits and vegetables that you add to the pellet mix should be varied to ensure that your pet gets all its proper nutrition and remains healthy.

postheadericon The mastiff dog has because of links to history a very long and storied tradition

The Mastiff Dog has because of links to history a very long and storied tradition. Right around the sixth century or so Phoenician merchants introduced the mastiff dog into the Britain colonies. The mastiff dog was also utilized by the ancient Celts in battle. They found a major asset of the mastiff dog to be it’s loyalty.

Lived In Ancient Rome

This dog was used to fight in the ancient Roman arenas being captured during the Roman occupation. Then they were transported back to Italy to serve as guard dogs. It has even been stated that the great infamous Hannibal used them extensively. History also notes that Julius Caesar counted the mastiff as one of his favorite pets.

Part Of Ancient Britain

This mastiffs dog hunting prowess was so respected that there was a time in ancient Britain where the middle toes of all mastiffs dogs were removed. This was done so that the mastiffs would not be able to move fast enough to hunt deer who were protected by royal law. When this wasn’t done the dog owner’s were held responsible for their owners. Many British royals utilized the mastiffs dog to protect there vast estates. They did this by releasing the bullmastiff at night to deter trespassers and would be robbers. They also served as pets to the owners.

New World History

The mastiff was present right at the beginning of the Unites States. From the shores of Britain the first mastiff puppies were carried on the Mayflower to America. Seldom used as pets the Mastiff breeds popularity didn’t start to flourish until the late 1800’s. It was in the southern part of America where they started to make there name. This is when they were used on plantations in the South as guard dogs.

War Time Service

Being utilized to pull ammunition carts was the mastiff breed service during both World Wars. For some reason right around the same time period in Britain the mastiff breed was becoming very close to extinction. To help with the efforts to make sure the mastiff dog didn’t go extinct Canada and America both sent to Britain a large number of Mastiffs. Today with an increasing number of bullmastiff puppies and mastiff dogs being picked for pets on both continents we can say the operation obviously worked. This article should have exposed you to more information on the popular mastiff dog and why it’s storied history would make it even more interesting.

postheadericon The sport of fly fishing has been around for years and years

The sport of fly fishing has been around for years and years. In medieval times, anglers fished for food, but the sport has evolved over the years to become a real test of skills. Anyone who has become involved in the sport of fly fishing knows how addictive in can be – but in a very good way!

Fly fishing is markedly different from regular fishing. With plain fishing, you use lures and often live bait to bring fish to your line and hook them. When you are fly fishing, you use a fly that resembles a real insect that the fish feed on naturally. The line is longer and you mimic the movement of the fly or insect on top of the water so that the fish thinks they are biting at a real insect.

Casting is constant in fly fishing. You put the fly out in the water and then draw it back several times so that the fish thinks the fly is landing on the water and then taking off again. With regular fishing, you cast your line and let it rest until the fish bites making the bobber sink into the water.

You can catch some pretty hefty fish using either method, but when you are fly fishing, you have the opportunity to “battle” the fish for survival. This can be extremely satisfying as man battles nature for the top position.

Flies are made out of natural materials in fly fishing while regular fishing utilizes latex and plastic lures made out of man-made materials. Many avid fly fishermen say that the fish are much more attracted to the natural lure rather than the man-made ones. This, they say, makes fly fishing an amazingly satisfying sport.

You can fish just about anywhere – a local pond, a lake, or even a reservoir. When you are fly fishing, you will want to go where the fish are most plentiful. That means traveling (perhaps) to rivers and streams where fish like trout and walleye are known to live. The challenge in fly fishing lies in making the fly look real to the fish below water.

Fly fishing in remote places like Alaska and Canada are great vacation getaways. You can plan a fly fishing trip to many different spots including Mexico, South America, and even Russia. That can be a great adventure – much more so than just fishing your local lake or pond.

Chess has been called “the sport of kings”, but many avid fly fishermen consider fly fishing to be the real sport of kings. It takes skill, finesse, and a lot of patience to get good at fly fishing. Thousands of anglers couldn’t agree more. When you’ve been fly fishing once, you’ll want to go back over and over and over again. May the fish bite well for you!

postheadericon Lyme disease in dogs is a condition that can cause a wide range of problems with your dog

Lyme disease in dogs is a condition that can cause a wide range of problems with your dog.  It can damage the heart, kidneys, or joints if left unchecked.  This disease usually occurs in southern states, northeastern states, California, and Mississippi.  However, it can occur in virtually any part of the United States.


You may be wondering what causes this disease.  Dog Lyme disease is transmitted via tick bite.  The tick that carries this illness is infected with a bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi.  The bacterium can’t be transferred immediately though, as the tick has to stay attached to your dog for one or two days.


If your dog is affected by this illness, he will show a range of symptoms.  Most dogs developing limping, especially in one of the forelegs.  Although this limping will be hard to detect at first, it will become much more noticeable as the disease progresses.  Other symptoms include swollen lymph nodes, loss of appetite, and fever.


The veterinarian’s first step in diagnosing Lyme disease in dogs is to take a medical history and discuss your dog’s symptoms.  These symptoms will appear suddenly, which points to Lyme disease.  The condition can be definitely diagnosed through a blood test to detect the presence of the aforementioned bacterium.  


Dog Lyme disease should be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.  If not, permanent damage can be done to your dog’s joints and nerves.  The preferred method of treatment is through the use of antibiotics.  These drugs must be taken for at least three weeks.  If your dog is experiencing a lot of pain, your veterinarian may also prescribe aspirin.


Although treatment lasts for about three weeks, most dogs will start feeling better within a couple of days.  However, the disease may recur in months or even weeks.  This will require another round of antibiotics.

postheadericon Like all the other pet owners you also love your pet, and it is your priority to make sure that their living conditions are clean and hygienic

Like all the other pet owners you also love your pet, and it is your priority to make sure that their living conditions are clean and hygienic.

As dogs come in many different shapes and sizes, there are several small and large size accessories that are essential for dog and should be changed from time to time according to their breed, age and size.

One such object is your dogs’ dog cage. Obviously you love your pet and want it to be able to have the run of the house but for its’ own safety while you cannot always be there, it is a good idea that it has a place of its own, and a doggiesolutions dog cage is perfect for this.

You can easily fulfill one such requirement for your dog by going for the best quality dog cage from a recognized company.

It is a fact that in the market you can find numerous stores offering dog cages and claiming that the quality and price offered by them is unmatched in the market. But most of these stores generally go for fake claims.

It doesn’t matter whether you are searching for a store online or in the high street, it is better that you do your research in advance, feedback reports from other customers are always very helpful, and your best efforts will lead to an optimum quality and reliable dog cage.

One of the best places to purchase high quality dog cages from is doggiesolutions.co.uk  you can have a look at the optimum range of dog cages available with Doggiesolutions. It is one of the most popular pet solution providing stores and it is located in South Heighton, Newhaven. 

Here are some of the reasons that this store stands out from the crowd.

?      Consistent: Doggiesolutions.co.uk is presently a leading online store which is consistent in its service proving right from the beginning. This is mainly because it operates in the market with a clear-cut objective of offering complete service and satisfaction to its customers.

?      Wide range of products: the products offered for dogs are not confined to dog cages only. There are numerous other products as well including toys, bark control collars, dog beds, toilet system, dog coats ad many more. You can look and select best of the products in the market with Doggie solutions

?      Special offers: after becoming the customer of Doggiesolutions.co.uk you can enjoy various offers genuinely or during festive seasons. For various dog and cat products including toys and you can enjoy specific discounts. So what are you waiting for? Go and shop now! 

?      Support: with Doggiesolutions you can enjoy exclusive customer care and support. For all the queries related to dog cages and all the other products you can contact them via the telephone and email them directly.