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postheadericon When you first bought a puppy, you may think that you are going to be able to enjoy your puppy for a very long time

When you first bought a puppy, you may think that you are going to be able to enjoy your puppy for a very long time. Dog behavior problems are probably the last thing in your mind. You don’t even want to think about it.

But when your puppy first begins to urinate on your expensive carpet, you will start to realize that keeping a dog is definitely not as simple as just feeding and playing with it. The fact is, being a dog owner means a whole lot of responsibilities. Almost like when you are having kids.

As a dog owner, there are a number of dog behavior problems that you are going to come across. Some of them are barking, aggression, biting, chasing, jumping, digging, chewing, whining and more.

Depending on the dog breeds that you have, some problems will definitely be more urgent than others. For example, it is definitely a bigger problem to have a big aggressive dog than a small aggressive dog.

Not that you should allow your small dog to be aggressive but I believe you already know what I mean. Similarly, if you have a big dog that likes to jump on people, you are going to have a lot of headaches, whereas a smaller jumping dog is probably much easier to handle.

At the very basic level, you will want to make sure that your new puppy goes through house training. Your dog needs to conduct its business every day and you certainly don’t want a mess to be created in your house every single day.

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