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postheadericon Grizzly bear description the grizzly bear seems to be among the most common that people recognize by its appearance

Grizzly Bear Description

The Grizzly Bear seems to be among the most common that people recognize by its appearance. They are very large bears and they often have a coat that is chocolate brown in color. Some of them have a white tip to them though as they get older. They range in size from 5 to 8 feet tall with the males being larger than the females. They can weigh up to 800 pounds.

Grizzly Bear Distribution

Grizzly Bears are found in North America and they are often confused with Brown Bears that are also around that same area. They will be found around the rivers of Alaska when it is time for the salmon to run upstream for spawning during the summer months. They have a grand area that they move around in looking for food, with the radius of the male being much lager than for the females. You will also find them in areas of Canada.

These bears can cover many miles every single day. They can also run about 30 miles per hour should they need to. With that type of speed and power is it is very rare that their prey is able to get away from them.

Grizzly Bear Behavior

With the exception of caring for their young, Grizzly Bears are very solitary animals. They are excellent caregivers and they can become very aggressive when humans are around at the same time they have cubs. Females will also battle with male Grizzly Bears in order to protect their young.

Grizzly Bear Diet and Feeding

They are the top of the food chain when it comes to this area. They don’t have to worry very much about becoming food for anything else. They also can take their pick when it comes to foods available. Some of their favorites include nuts, berries, leaves, and roots. They will also feed on a variety of different types of animals. Some of them are very small such a rodents. However, other times they will feed on a moose.

Grizzly Bears consume a high number of fish including salmon. They are very skilled hunters and it is exciting to watch them. They will observe the waters and quickly swipe with their claws when fish come by. Most of the time they will capture their prey, consume it, and continue hunting for more following this same method.

Grizzly Bear Reproduction Grizzly Bears will mate from May until mid July. During this period of time the males will be calling out to the females. The females will leave a stronger scent for them to follow. Courting involves eating together and rubbing up on the sides of each other.

They will part soon after mating and the female will give birth to one or two cubs at a time. The gestation period ranges from 180 days to 265 days. The cubs are about one pound at birth and very vulnerable. The mothers are excellent at caring for them though. When they are two or three years of age they will venture out on their own.

Grizzly Bear Conservation

There are less than 1,000 Grizzly Bears remaining in the wild today. The illegal hunting of them and the destruction of their habitat continues to be a threat. Even with strong conservation efforts in place it is very hard to get their numbers to increase. The fact that so few remain has encouraged zoos to take them in and to help them reproduce in a safe setting. Plans for some of those young to be returned to the wild are in place.

Grizzly Bear Human interaction

Even though the Grizzly Bear is protected in the continental USA, many people still can kill them in Canada and Alaska. They are considered to be huge trophy hunts and with a limited number of them remaining, many want to get one before it is too late. The fact that Grizzly Bears unduly have a reputation of being man eaters means many people don’t care of they are hunted or not.

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