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postheadericon Many people are concerned about commercial dog foods that are readily available in stores

Many people are concerned about commercial dog foods that are readily available in stores. With the many recalls lately, people are justified to worry whether there is any healthy dog food available any more. The truth is that just as people are concerned when purchasing processed foods for their own consumption, dog owners are also justified to be concerned when purchasing food for their canines.

There are several ways people can check to find out whether the food they are buying for their canines is healthy for them or not. It is very good practice for people go through the ingredients used by canine food manufactures to try and ascertain whether they are buying healthy dog products or not. People will be surprised to find out how much a quick scan at the ingredients list can tell them about the particular product they want to purchase.

Undoubtedly your canine is omnivorous by nature and so the food you purchase for it should reflect this fact, if it is indeed healthy. This means that at least the first three ingredients of the healthy food you want to buy should contain some kind of animal protein. The first three ingredients should therefore include proteins such as beef, fish, chicken or turkey. Experts suggest that a healthy dog meals should at least bear a 50% meat, 40% vegetable and 10% carbohydrates ratio for it to be considered healthy dog food.

People should also be aware that some low quality canine food manufactures have found a way to go around the ingredients expectations on the label. While indeed they include animal proteins as the first ingredients on the label, this is often followed by other by products which disrupt the meat to vegetable to carbohydrates ratio mentioned above. The inclusion of such unnecessary fillers in the ingredients of some commercial dog foods can be a good indicator of low quality food.

Moreover, scanning the label on a commercial dog meal products can expose the commercial dog dishes that do not carry a company name, a web address and a telephone number of the manufacturing company on the pack label. In such a case the odds are that dog food is not healthy dog food for your dog. You should therefore not purchase it.

Ultimately, a sure way people can be certain that the food they feed their dogs is healthy dog food is by preparing the food themselves. People who follow this option are, however, advisable to always ensure that they are feeding their dogs’ organic food that is free from chemical preservatives and such artificial ingredients. Canines have a different digestive system to human beings and so it is good not to constantly feed dogs’ human food. These can ensure that your dog will thrive on healthy dog meals.

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