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postheadericon Have you moved into a new house and felt a bit lost

Have you moved into a new house and felt a bit lost? You’re glad to be there, but it’s all new and different and a little stressful. Bringing a new cat home for the first time can be stressful for your cat as well as for your family. The cat is surrounded by all new things, all new people. There are strange smells and sounds and maybe strange new animals. You and your family don’t know how the cat will take to your home and aren’t sure if they should try to pick it up, try to play with it, or let it wander for a while. You want to do what’s best for your cat from the start so that you don’t have problems in behavior later on. There are some tips to making sure that the process is less frightening for everyone.

Think about that first day in your new home and empathize with your cat. Take things slow. Your children will be all excited about this new pet and will want to play, but remind them that the cat is nervous as they sometimes are in a new situation. If they scare him, it might take longer for the cat to trust them. It helps if you have prepared your house before bringing your pet home. Have a room set aside where you can put his litter box. A bed, food and water should be in another part of the room and he should feel free to roam without being disturbed by children or other pets. Give him at least a half hour alone before checking to see that he’s OK. Go in and check again from time to time so that he gets used to you, but don’t force him to get too close just yet. Spend a few days increasing the time you spend in the room and gradually start to approach him or sit on the floor and let him come to you. You will gain his confidence by getting down to his level, making yourself smaller, and not looking him in the eye. Gradually add a toy or some string and let him decide when it’s time to play.

After your cat is comfortable around you, you can add other family members. Other pets should only be brought in after Kitty has bonded with you and should always include your supervision. After three or four days, once you’re sure the cat is secure and happy to be touched and stroked by you and your family, you can you begin to give your cat freedom to enter the rest of the house. Let your cat take it at his own pace and be sure he has access to “his” room if he needs to have some time away from everyone. Cats will usually adapt quickly to their new home but some will take a little longer. A lot will depend on their last experience. It’s important to let your cat take his time and gain confidence at first even though it may seem slow. You need to let your cat trust you and feel safe in his new environment so that he can be secure and happy. Once that bond is established you will have a lifetime of companionship for you, your cat, and your family.

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