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postheadericon Most dogs live indoors now and a dogs potty training is necessary

Most dogs live indoors now and a dogs potty training is necessary.  This training can occur at any age, but the amount of time that it might take varies with the age of the puppy or dog.  For example, a puppy that you acquire at six weeks old could take a number of weeks to housebreak, one that is three months old should take less time and one that is six months old might learn in just a few days.  Whatever age your puppy/dog is, don’t forget that it is the owner’s duty to teach not to condemn.  A failure in a dogs potty training is most likely the owner’s fault.

It is best for one person in the household to be responsible for the dogs potty training because people could get confused as to whose job it is at what time.  This is not a spare time job, you must monitor the puppy/dog continually.  Prevention is the best cure when tackling your dogs potty training.  Observe effectively and note an anticipative look or running to the door and scratching at it.  This might be the time to take the dog/puppy outside.

To assist with the process of your dogs potty training, feed him/her on a fixed timetable and note what his or her habits are.  They most likely have a bowel movement soon after eating.  A significant fact to recall is that a puppy’s memory is about 30 seconds long, conseqently, if you are going to discipline him you must be fast.  Once again, prevention is a significant tool.  When you have to leave the dog alone or when you go to bed at night, the dog should be constrained to a small area that is covered in newspaper.  You can also “paper train”  by utilizing newspapers indoors.

When your dog/puppy urinates or messes on the floor or carpeting, wipe it up quickly and remove the cloth with the odor on it (take it out side).  When on a carpeting, clean the area with soap and water and then club soda (or with one of the specialty products formulated for this job).  There are some dogs who never seem to be potty trained, however, some of these may be because of training issues. It is possible, however, that there might be medical issues, conseqently, it might be beneficial to have your vet examine the dog.

Essentially you should feed your dog/puppy on a regular timetable, walk him/her consistently, observe effectively for indications that he/she has to go, wipe up messes and urine efficiently and correct the dog promptly.

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